Q: Will the 401(k) plans be enhanced for LUS Flight Attendants? – LUS
A: Yes. LUS Flight Attendants will gain a Company contribution of up to a 2.5% match in addition to the maintained 3% Company contribution. Section 26.G.4.
Read MoreQ: When will rotating Reserve begin? How will it affect Reserves currently on the property? – LAA / LUS
A: The new rotating Reserve provisions will not apply for two years from now until PBS implementation for LAA Flight Attendants and until FOI (Flight Attendant Operational Integration) for LUS…
Read MoreQ: When can I transfer between bases? – LAA/LUS
A: LAA and LUS Flight Attendants will be able to transfer between bases when all Flight Attendants are under one common crew management system (Flight Attendant Operational Integration). That is…
Read MoreQ: Will LAA Flight Attendants be able to use vacation for an FML illnesses? – LAA
A: Prior to PBS implementation, LAA Flight Attendants will be able to use the current year’s scheduled vacation at trips-missed just as they currently do. Flight Attendants will also be…
Read MoreQ: How will LAA Flight Attendants be paid for vacation prior to PBS implementation? – LAA
A: LAA Flight Attendants will be paid trips missed for their vacation until PBS implementation. LAA Flight Attendants will also be able to use PVDs (limit of six per year)…
Read MoreQ: What does “as soon as practicable” mean? – LAA / LUS
A: As “soon as practicable’ means the Company has taken the necessary steps to implement the provision but requires time to resolve identified issues such as programming changes or change…
Read MoreQ: Are penalties included in the implementation timeline? – LAA / LUS
A: The implementation letter contains timelines and a set of commitments to implement various provisions of the JCBA. The implementation timeline has a built-in penalty because the JCBA includes the…
Read MoreQ: Why is there a difference in sick accrual time between LAA and LUS? -LAA
A: A critical objective in negotiations was to make sure that the value of our JCBA was allocated fairly among the LUS and the LAA Flight Attendants. In this instance,…
Read MoreQ: Will I be required to use my uniform “dollars” to buy the new uniform? -LAA / LUS
A: No. The new uniforms will be distributed to everyone outside of the uniform allowance. There is a uniform dollars chart in JCBA Section 7.D.
Read MoreQ: The JCBA states in SECTION 7 that luggage will be replaced every three years. What if my luggage breaks before three years are up? -LAA / LUS
A: If your luggage is damaged and you need a replacement, notify your FSM to have it replaced.
Read MoreQ: If I take a voluntary bid leave, will I have to pay for my health insurance? – LAA / LUS
A: No. You will continue to accrue full vacation, sick and company-subsidized health benefits while on voluntary bid leave. This was a provision AA flight attendants lost in 2003, and…
Read MoreQ: How many hours do I have to fly a month to maintain company-subsidized health benefits? Is there a threshold? -LAA / LUS
A: There is no monthly/annual threshold to maintain company-subsidized health benefits.
Read MoreQ: Do I have to fly a certain amount of hours a month/year to maintain employment in this contract? -LAA / LUS
A: No, we do not have a threshold for employment with this JCBA.
Read MoreQ: Now that we have a JCBA will we be able to transfer between LUS and LAA bases? -LAA / LUS
A: No. Prior to Full Operation Integration (FOI) there are 3 parameters that need to be met: ⁃ JCBA ⁃ Single Operating Certificate ⁃ Single Crew Management…
Read MoreQ: Will we be receiving a copy of the JCBA and if so when can we expect that to be done? -LAA / LUS
A: The Company will provide each active Flight Attendant with a copy of the JCBA including any existing Letters of Agreement within 90 days of the signing of the agreement,…
Read MoreQ: Will jumpseats be issued by FCFS, seniority or a hybrid? -LAA / LUS
A: The jumpseat is a “cultural” issue and will be decided by a vote of the combined membership by July 2015.
Read MoreQ: When will purser/lead pay increase for LAA and LUS? -LAA / LUS
A: May 2, 2015 for LAA and LUS.
Read MoreQ: When will non-pursers be able to bid for position 1 on Caribbean sequences at LAA? -LAA
A: As soon as the company is able to program the changes necessary for bid awards.
Read MoreQ: I have jury duty next month. Will I be paid 4:15 per day? -LAA
A: Until PBS is implemented at LAA, which is currently scheduled for 2017 at the earliest, jury duty will be at full-trip removal pay provided it falls on a day…
Read MoreQ: When will Mexico flights receive the International Override at LAA? -LAA
A: Beginning May 2, 2015
Read MoreQ: When will LAA be able to pick up trips for extra hours during vacation? -LAA
A: When PBS is implemented, currently scheduled for 2017 at the earliest.
Read MoreQ: When will the new Reserve rotation begin at LUS? -LUS
A: Not until Full Operation Integration (FOI)
Read MoreQ: When will the first year of straight Reserve for new hires begin at LAA? -LAA
A: When PBS is implemented, currently scheduled for 2017 at the earliest.
Read MoreQ: When does the 35 hours in 7 days replace the current 30-in-7 for LAA reserves? -LAA
A: All LAA Flight Attendants will maintain the 30-in-7 limitation until the International and Domestic operations are merged. Once the divisions are merged, which is scheduled to begin on May…
Read MoreQ: When will the actual “out” time (code 59) apply to LUS and what is covered under the provision? -LUS
A: Implementation will be January 31, 2015, which is the first day of the February contractual month. In the following situations FAs will receive flight time pay and flight time…
Read MoreQ: Can you explain how the voluntary duty day waiver works? -LAA / LUS
A: At the Flight Attendant’s option and when offered by crew tracking/crew scheduling, the Duty-Day Operational max can be extended. Once the duty day maximum is waived it cannot be…
Read MoreQ: On an International Premium Destination (IPD) sequence how many hours will be paid for a 24-hour delay? -LAA / LUS
A: Flights delayed in Asia, Europe, and Deep South America for more than 10 hours will be paid an additional 5 hours of pay and credit including all premiums over…
Read MoreQ: When is the 40-hour Monthly Minimum Obligation being implemented for LAA? -LAA
A: LAA Flight Attendants will continue to have the ability to drop trips consistent with the CLA until the implementation of PBS. While the LAA 420-hour benefit (health insurance) threshold…
Read MoreQ: When will LAA be changing to a mid-month check being the larger of the two paychecks? -LAA
A: The company must notify Flight Attendants 90 days in advance before moving the previous month’s pay over guarantee, including per diem, purser, language, galley pay, etc. to the mid-month…
Read MoreQ: When will we receive a printed copy of the JCBA? -LAA / LUS
A: All Flight Attendants will receive a printed copy within 90 days of ratification.
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