Negotiations Details
Negotiations Status
Below, we have preserved the detailed back and forth involved in each pass betwen APFA and Management during contract negotations.
Detailed Exchanges
(Best viewed horizontally on mobile devices to compare APFA vs Management proposals, or scroll)
View the Current JCBA Language
TA date: 8.17.23
Agreed Language | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(6.A.2.b - Amend) Company will provide APFA with a minimum of fifteen days’ notice of any city/cities to be reviewed. | Agreed. |
(6.A.4 - Amend) APFA proposed: If no flight operated by AA for Hotel inspection company will pay for committee members flight. | (6.A.4) Company countered: if no direct online flight for hotel inspection will offer online flights with connection. If no connection, then travel arranged according to company policy. APFA Agreed. |
In selecting hotels, the Company and APFA Hotel Committee shall consider hotels with:
Agreed. |
(6.B.5 - New) In the event of a reschedule, cancellation, or schedule change that requires a hotel, the Company will provide hotel information at time of notification.
(6.B.5 - New) If the Company fails to provide a confirmed hotel within 30 minutes after landing or cancellation the FA will receive penalty pay for each occurrence. (6.B.5 - New) If APFA identifies situations where hotels are not being provided in a timely fashion, the Company will take immediate steps to resolve. |
AA Counter:
Discuss at a later time. AA Counter:
Hotel delays:
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Agreed on wording. Apart on times.
AA Counter:
Agreed on wording. Agreed on times above in APFA last pass.
(6.B.5 - Amend) The Company will notify the APFA Union Hotel Committee when they become aware of a hotel planning or undergoing renovation. | Agreed. |
(6.B - New) Add: Hotel gainshare program - flight attendant would receive set reimbursement if they cancelled the hotel room within a specific amount of time prior to arrival. |
Open to discussion.
AA Counter:
Still open to discuss at a later time. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter:
The Company agrees to meet with APFA within 90 days of ratification to develop a hotel gainshare program. AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter:
The Company agrees to meet with APFA within 90 days of ratification to the possible development of a hotel gainshare program. AA Counter:
The Company agrees to meet with APFA within 90 days of ratification to discuss the possible development of a hotel gainshare program. APFA Agreed. |
(6.C.3 - Amend) When a FA is called to duty with less than three hours notice for a co-terminal and authorized by Crew Schedule, actual expenses for round-trip cab transportation within a 90-minute radius of the airport when substantiated by receipts. | Agreed. |
(6.D.6 - Amend) Flight Attendants to electronically notify company when choosing not to stay at assigned hotel and Flight Attendant will receive confirmation of notification. | Agrees to electronic notification and confirmation. Removed language for toll-free number.
APFA Agreed. |
(6.E.2 - New) Crew lounges will have wi-fi.
(6.E.2 - New) The Company will make all efforts to correct issues of crew lounge wi-fi reliability. |
AA Counter:
Wi-Fi in crew lounges but only what is supported by the airport infrastructure. Removed: company to make all efforts to correct issues of crew lounge Wi-Fi reliability. Removed telephones from list of what is to be provided in crew lounges. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Add Wi-Fi for all crew rooms and remove telephones. If there are reported issues with the Wi-Fi reliability, the Company and APFA will meet and discuss. APFA Counter:
Add WiFi for all crew rooms and keep telephones. AA Agreed. |
(6.E.3 - Amend) Consult APFA Base President for new crew lounge or changes to existing lounge. | Agreed. |
View the Current JCBA Language
Updated: February 7, 2024
Apart | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
Maintain JCBA language.
AA Counter:
Add sequences greater than four days/duty periods can include only Domestic deadheading segments. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Sequences greater than four days/duty periods may contain deadheading segment(s). |
(10.B.3.b) Discussion at a later date. Contingent on maintaining current duty RIGs. |
(10.D.18.b - Amend) Reserves will have 18 days on in reserve months (12/13 off depending on 30/31 day month) | Not interested. |
(10.D.18.b - New) Limit the number of times per month a reserve can be assigned into a Flex Day (FD). Reserve may only be assigned one time per month into Flex Day(s). After such assignment, all remaining FD will become Golden Days (GD). | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Reserve may only be assigned into 2 Flex Days per month. After such assignment(s) all remaining FDs will become GDs. AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
A Reserve may not be involuntarily assigned into a Flex Day more than two (2) times in a month unless all legal and available Reserves within the RAP have been assigned two (2) times. APFA Counter:
A Reserve may not be involuntarily assigned into a Flex Day more than two (2) days in a month unless all legal and available Reserves within the RAP have been assigned two (2) days. Delete and move to Section 12.K.2. Not in agreement with contingency. AA Counter:
Company agrees contingent on APFA agreeing to all of E.5 and G.4 (Companies proposal on buffers for Reserves picking up on days off). Add to Section 12.K.2 and keep here as well. APFA Counter:
Not in agreement to contingency. |
(10.D.18.c - New) Incorporate LOA-22 from 2016 that lineholders with less than 7 days vacation will not have days off prorated. Lineholder with 7 days or more vacation will have days off prorated consistent with chart in 10.D.18.d | |
(10.D.18.d - Amend) Adjust vacation proration chart based on 13 days off in 31-day month. | Not interested. |
Not Interested.
APFA Counter:
For month-to-month integration, the Company will offer Red Flag on all pairings originating on the last two (2) days of the bid period. Reserve sequences originating on last two (2) days of the bid period will be paid at 150% and credited at 100%. AA Counter:
Discuss at a later date. APFA Counter:
All TTS/UBL awarded sequences which originate in one bid period and have at least one duty period reporting in the following bid period will be designated as Red Flag. Reserves awarded or assigned a sequence that originates in one bid period and carries over into the following bid period into days off will be paid 150% and credited 100%. |
(10.D.18 - New) Discuss transitional reserve days which overlap 2 contractual months.
Transition Days: Carry-in days from a Reserve month into next month.
Reserve to Reserve:
Reserve to Lineholder:
APFA agreed to Remove JSIC from language. Company to make all reasonable efforts to include the following features in TTS. Provided constraints of the system allow.
AA Counter:
The Company will make all reasonable efforts to include the following features in TTS while considering the constraints of the system to determine the viability of each feature.
Develop and test each feature one at a time to determine if viable with timelines and crew schedule procedures. After testing all features, parties to determine what features can be implemented with or without modifications to existing process or timelines. APFA Counter:
The Company will make all reasonable efforts to include the following feature(s) in TTS given while considering the constraints of the system to determine the viability of this feature. Provided constraints of the system allow the following feature(s) will be added into a subsequent version(s) of TTS when practicable.
AA Counter:
Withdrew develop and test each feature one at a time. Added: the parties agree to required modifications to timelines for additional processing time. Maintained same list of features as previous proposal. APFA Counter:
The Company will make all reasonable efforts to include the following feature in TTS while considering the constraints of the system to determine the viability of this feature. Provided constraints of the system allow the following feature will be added into a subsequent version(s) of TTS when practicable.
Separated and moved up to what is current process - drop multiple sequences in a transaction conditional on picking up another sequence. AA Counter:
The Company will make all reasonable efforts to include the following feature(s) in TTS/UBL while considering the constraints of the system to determine the viability of feature(s). Provided constraints of the system allow and the parties agree to any required modifications to timelines to account for additional processing time. The following feature(s) will be added into a subsequent version(s) of TTS when practicable.
Agrees to Separated and moved up to what is current process - drop (2) multiple sequences in a transaction conditional on picking up another sequence. APFA Counter:
Agrees to separate and language of- Drop (2) multiple sequences in a transaction conditional on picking up another sequence. Maintain previous proposal- The only item remaining to be added in subsequent versions of TTS is:
AA Counter:
Maintain previous proposal. APFA Counter:
The following will be added to TTS/UBL. If by adding the following the contractual timelines are exceeded for TTS/UBL, the parties will mutually agree on a solution.
AA Counter:
The Company will make all reasonable efforts to include the following feature(s) in TTS/UBL while considering the constraints of the system to determine the viability of feature(s). Provided constraints of the system allow and the parties agree to any required modifications to timelines to account for additional processing time. the following feature(s) will be added into a subsequent version(s) of TTS when practicable.
APFA Counter:
Agree to AA wording of “Add multiple sequences (2) in a transaction conditional on dropping another sequence” and moved out of section. Withdrew remaining issues to address in implementation letter instead. AA Counter:
Agreed to move “Add multiple sequences (2) in a transaction conditional on dropping another sequence” to stand alone feature to be added to TTS. Remainder of features to be added to TTS per the company’s last proposal. Review added features in the implementation letter. |
(10.E.1.d - Amend) Remove JSIC from language. Company to make all reasonable efforts to include the following features in TTS. Provided constraints of the system allow.
(10.E-G - Amend) Transactions outside PBS may be conducted down to a minimum line credit of thirty (30) hours. | Not Interested. |
Agree to Reserve use of TTS copies current Reserve use of ETB language.
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal for Reserve use of TTS parameters. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. (Proposing pay protection for all sequences picked up on Reserve Flex Days that are subsequently dropped by Crew Scheduling in Section 12) AA Counter:
Trips must originate no earlier than 1200 HBT (Home Base Time) on Reserve’s first day off and release no later than 1400 HBT on Reserve’s last day off and required HBR (Home Base Rest) must be completed by 0000 HBT on Reserve’s first day of duty. No pay protection for Reserve TTS Sequence dropped by Crew Scheduling on Flex Day and no obligation to split Reserve back on unless provided last sequence pay protection. APFA Counter:
Maintain APFA previous proposal for Reserves use of TTS parameters. No pay protection for Reserve TTS Sequence dropped by Crew Scheduling on Flex Day and no obligation to split Reserve back on unless provided pay protection for last sequence or illegal through no fault. AA Counter:
Reserve use of TTS parameters: (Trips must originate no earlier than 1200 HBT (Home Base Time) on Reserve’s first day off and release no later than 1600 HBT on Reserve’s last day off. Reserve on Extended Long-Range sequence must complete HBR (Home Base Rest) by 0200 HBT on Reserve’s first day of Reserve duty.) Agrees to - No pay protection for Reserve TTS Sequence dropped by Crew Scheduling on Flex Day and no obligation to split Reserve back on unless provided pay protection for last sequence or illegal through no fault. |
(10.E.5 - New) Reserve Use of TTS copies current Reserve Use of ETB language with two changes:
(10.F.1.f - New) Pickup/Drop (Originating same day)-Discuss process and rules. Allow trip improvement. | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Request to drop a trip originating on the first day of the TTS bid processing date range and pick up a trip originating the same day that is equal to or greater than the calendar days of the trip being dropped. Requests processed in UBL until 1500 the day prior. AA Counter:
Request to drop a trip originating on the first day of the UBL bid processing date range and pick up a trip originating the same day that is equal to or greater than the calendar days of the trip being dropped. Requests processed in UBL until 1000 HBT the day prior. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Withdrew proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain Proposal, but requests will be processed in UBL until 1400 HBT the day prior. AA Counter:
Not interested. |
Maintain JCBA language.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Flight Attendants awarded a sequence through UBL will be electronically notified of award prior to 1500 HBT. Flight Attendant will be responsible for the sequence and no confirmation will be needed. |
(10.F.4.b - Amend) Flight Attendants awarded sequences through UBL will receive an electronic notification for any award the next day. The Flight Attendant will be responsible for the sequence and no confirmation will be needed. |
Not Interested.
AA Counter:
AA Counter: Flight Attendants awarded sequence through UBL for the same day will receive an electronic notification. If Flight Attendant does not electronically acknowledge the award, Crew Scheduling will call to confirm award. If Flight Attendant does not answer, Crew Scheduling will remove name from UBL list. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Maintain previous proposal. APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant awarded a sequence after 1500 HBT will receive an electronic notification. If the FA does not electronically acknowledge the award, Crew Scheduling will call to confirm. If FA does not confirm by answering the phone, Crew Scheduling will move on to the next most senior FA on UBL requesting sequence. |
(10.F.4.c - Amend) Flight Attendants awarded sequences through UBL will receive an electronic notification. Once awarded, Flight Attendant is responsible for sequence. (No phone calls will be made by Crew Scheduling to Flight Attendant.) |
Trips originate no earlier than 1000 HBT on Reserve’s first day off release no later than 1600 HBT on Reserve’s last day off.
Not agreed to requirement of completion of HBR by 0200 HBT on Reserve’s first day of duty. AA Counter:
Trip may originate no earlier than 1200 home base time (HBT) and release on last day off no later than 1400 HBT and complete required home base rest (HBR) by 0000 HBT on the first day of Reserve duty. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Trip may originate no earlier than 1200 home base time (HBT) and release on last day off no later than 1600 HBT. Reserve on Extended Long-Range sequence must complete HBR (Home Base Rest) by 0200 HBT on Reserve’s first day of Reserve duty. |
(10.G.4.d - Amend) Trip may originate no earlier than 1200 home base time (HBT) and release on last day off no later than 1600 HBT and complete required home base rest (HBR) by 0200 HBT on the first day of reserve duty. |
Not interested. | (10.J.1.c - Amend) As an exception, crews may be swapped on mid-sequence turnarounds to avoid using Reserves or Standby. |
Not Interested. | (10.J.1 - New) As an exception to 10.J.1.2.3 and 4, Director of Crew Scheduling ,ay declare an irregular staffing operation by crew base to prevent exhausting all Reserves. |
Not Interested. | (10.J.1.e - New) Flight Attendant scheduled to Deadhead and required to work same flight(s) (not considered a reschedule) |
Not Interested. | (10.J.1.e.iv - Amend) Flights delayed to the next duty period is not considered a reschedule |
Maintain JCBA language. | (10.J.3.a - Amend) A Flight Attendant rescheduled will receive an electronic notification. If the Flight Attendant does not electronically acknowledge the reschedule, Crew Scheduling will call to advise of the reschedule. |
Maintain JCBA language of three (3) hours after the disruption is known. If not rescheduled within the window above, the Flight Attendant shall be released from her/his sequence.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
If not assigned replacement flying on one or more of the remaining duty day(s) within the window above, the Flight Attendant will be released from her/his sequence. AA Counter:
Increase from three (3) hours to four (4) hours after the disruption is known. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. |
(10.J.3.d - Amend) Increase from three (3) hours to four (4) hours after the disruption is known. If Flight Attendant is not assigned replacement flying within the four (4) hours will only be released for that duty day. If not assigned flying on one or more remaining duty days prior to the four (4) hours or by the end of the current duty day whichever is later, will be released from sequence. |
Maintain JCBA language. Advised of reschedule within three (3) hours after the disruption is known. | (10.J.4.a - Amend) A Flight Attendant rescheduled will receive an electronic notification. If the Flight Attendant does not electronically acknowledge the reschedule, Crew Scheduling will call to advise of the reschedule. Such rescheduled crew will be advised of their reschedule within four (4) hours after the disruption is known. |
(10.J.7 - New) Reschedules beyond original footprint shall receive 150% pay and credit for entire sequence. (Requirement to make every effort to return Flight Attendant back to base as originally scheduled remains) |
APFA Counter:
Not Interested. | (10.J.8) Exclude standbys as Flight Attendants that would be available to replace a Flight Attendant if requesting replacement when there is more than a 3 hour delay at departure. |
Not interested. | (10.J.9.c - Delete) Eliminate ability of Flight Attendant(s) to be removed from remainder of sequence when no longer needed due to downgrade in aircraft for remainder of sequence and sequence transits through crew base. |
Not interested. | (10.J.10 - Amend) Pay protection will apply to Flight Attendant scheduled to deadhead but is required to work same flight. (Contingent on APFA accepting 10.J.1.f.iii and 16.L Option to make a Deadheading Flight Attendants work the flight instead of deadhead before using Reserves and such deadhead would not be considered a reschedule.) |
Maintain JCBA language.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
If a Flight Attendant is notified less than three (3) hours prior to report that her/his trip has been cancelled in its entirety, call out pay would automatically apply. AA Proposal:
If a Flight Attendant is electronically notified less than three (3) hours prior to report that her/his trip has been cancelled in its entirety, call out pay would apply. APFA Proposal:
If a Flight Attendant is notified less than three (3) hours prior to report that her/his trip has been cancelled in its entirety, call out pay would apply. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
If a Flight Attendant is electronically notified less than three (3) hours prior to report that her/his trip has been cancelled in its entirety, 3 hours call out pay would apply. |
(10.J.11.b - Amend) Electronic notification instead of call for delays |
Maintain JCBA language. | (10.K.1 - Amend) Expand the Company's opportunity to split a Flight Attendant back onto their sequence when they are illegal through no fault of their own by removing language that references the sequence passing through crew base. |
Maintain JCBA language. | (10.P.2 - Amend) Both Flight Attendants must make the request electronically and the Company will confirm receipt. The Company will check legalities and notify the Flight Attendants with accept or reject. |
(10.Q - Amend) Add staffing chart with return to pre-Covid staffing levels. | Not interested. |
Agreed Changes | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(10.A.1.b.xi - New) Add Policies, procedures, and practices of the Satellite Base(s). | Satellite Base related issues mutually agreed upon.
APFA Agreed. |
(10.B.1 - Amend) No mixing widebody and narrowbody except for deadheading. | Mix widebody and narrowbody aircraft and Flight Attendants may be required to work different positions based on aircraft.
APFA Counter:
No mixing widebody and narrowbody except for deadheading. AA Counter:
Allow mixing of aircraft but Flight Attendant not required to work different position within a sequence. APFA Agreed. |
(10.B.3 - New) Speaker sequences that are multi-day limited to only one duty period not requiring speaker qualification. | Not Interested.
APFA Agreed: |
(10.B.4 - Amend) Adjust sequence review timeline to earlier. | Open to discussion on timelines.
AA Counter:
Not interested in moving timeline earlier. APFA Agreed. |
APFA Agreed. | (10.C.1 - Amend) Electronic bid packages available no later than the 8th day of month prior to the PBS bid period opening at 1200 DFW. |
(10.C.1 - Amend) Modify how trips are sorted on the bid package. Length of sequence, report time (earliest first), within aircraft, by domestic or international. | Not Interested.
APFA Counter:
Move to 10.C.3 - Electronic sequence packages provided by the company to be in a sortable format. AA Counter:
Agreed in concept. Apart on language. APFA Counter:
Company shall provide to Flight Attendants electronic sequences packages, concurrent with the electronic bid packages, in printable, downloadable, and sortable format. AA Agreed. |
(10.C.2.j - New) Add projected Standby shifts start time, length and location in the monthly bid package. | AA Agreed. |
(10.C - New) Any changes to current month’s sequences that have adjustments that will affect bidding will be changed prior to PBS bidding. | Not Interested.
APFA Counter:
Moved to 10.D.17.a AA Counter:
Agreed to move. APFA Counter:
Move back from 10.D.17.a. AA Agreed. |
AA Counter:
Agrees to chart adds with following change: APFA Agreed. |
(10.C.6 - Amend)
(10.D.2 - Amend) Review language of Joint Scheduling Implementation Committee. | Open to review.
APFA Proposal:
Remove language of Joint Scheduling Implementation Committee. (10.D.2.a and c) AA Agreed. |
(10.D.2.b - Amend) Change from JSIC to APFA for data access to all systems and runs, as well as any data or reports requested. | Limit access to Joint Scheduling Committee (JSC) for PBS only for systems settings, data, and reports.
APFA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to verify systems settings, data and reports for PBS, ETB, TTS, ROTA/D etc. AA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to PBS systems settings, data, and reports. APFA will continue to have access to ETB, TTS/UBL and ROTA/D and any data or reports that are readily available. May meet to discuss any additional data or access as needed. APFA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to PBS systems settings, data, and reports. Provided data and reports readily available for systems in this paragraph. APFA and Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided view only access for ETB, TTS/UBL, and ROTA/D systems. AA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to PBS systems settings, data, and reports. APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided view only access to ETB, TTS/UBL, and ROTA/D systems. APFA may request reports and Company shall provide reports that are routinely produced for ETB, TTS/UBL and ROTA/D. APFA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to PBS systems settings, data, and reports. APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided view only access to ETB, TTS/UBL, and ROTA/D systems. APFA may request reports and Company shall provide reports for ETB, TTS/UBL and ROTA/D. AA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to PBS systems settings, data, and reports. APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided view only access to ETB, TTS/UBL, and ROTA/D systems. APFA may request reports and the company shall provide reports that are readily available for ETB, TTS/UBL and ROTA/D. APFA Counter:
APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided equal access to PBS systems settings, data, and reports. APFA Scheduling and Contract Chairs provided view only access to ETB, TTS/UBL, and ROTA/D systems. APFA may request reports and the company shall provide any data or reports readily available for ETB, TTS/UBL and ROTA/D. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.2.d - Amend) APFA and Company jointly develop manuals for PBS and TTS. Company shall consult with APFA as it relates to any concerns regarding PBS. (moved from 10.D.7) | Company to develop manuals for PBS and TTS allowing review and feedback by APFA. Delete language of consulting with APFA as it relates to concerns regarding PBS.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Jointly update PBS and TTS manuals as needed. Company shall consult with APFA as it relates to any concerns regarding PBS. (moved from 10.D.7) APFA Counter:
Jointly update PBS, TTS/UBL, ROTA/D, and ETB manuals as needed. Company shall consult with APFA as it relates to any concerns regarding PBS. (moved from 10.D.7) AA Agreed. |
Okay with removing 10.D.5-6. Moved 10.D.7 to above in 10.D.2.d
AA Agreed. |
(10.D.5-7 - Delete) Remove language. |
(10.D.8-9 - Amend) Adjust timeline to 1st of the month prior. | Maintain date in JCBA of the 9th.
APFA Counter:
Adjust timeline to 3rd of month prior. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.5 - New) Added language that company shall continue to provide PBS training to new hires. | AA Agreed. |
Not Interested.
No Change from JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.12 - Delete) Remove errors made by bid services or Flight Attendant designee who are allowed access to bids shall not be the responsibility of the Company. |
(10.D.13.d - New) Prior to flexing the monthly maximum, monthly vacation buyback must be offered. | add: the company may flex the minimum and the maximum line value.
APFA Counter:
The company may flex the minimum and maximum line value upward. Prior to flexing the monthly maximum, monthly vacation buyback must be offered. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.15.d - Amend) Improvements to PBS system and process for obtaining enhancements.
Open to discussions.
Not interested in adding additional layers in PBS. Still reviewing other enhancements. APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Withdrawal of 8th layer proposal contingent on accepting APFA PBS properties proposal including an implementation schedule. Agrees to: Allow double-up (Prefer)- Flight Attendants may elect to allow legal double-ups to be included in their award. AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
*If the above provisions cause PBS to exceed contractual PBS timeline, the parties will mutually agree on a solution. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.17.a - Amend) Misaward process expanded to include trips that were available to bid but cancelled during bidding. | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language for 10.D.17.a and move proposal to 10.C-New. AA Agreed. |
APFA Agreed. | (10.D.17 - New) Reserve may keep all of mis-awarded days off or at Flight Attendant's option be awarded corrected days off. |
(10.D.18.c - Amend) Reserve days off prorated when Flight Attendant has eight (8) or more days of vacation (currently seven (7) days of vacation) | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
APFA withdrawal if Company agrees to standard daily rate for all vacation days (no difference if over/under 7 days). APFA withdraws and agrees to maintain JCBA. |
Discuss return to work.
AA Counter:
Return to work date or doctor’s note to Company by 1200 DFW business day prior to the close of PBS bidding. APFA Counter:
Discuss return to work. AA Counter:
Return to work date or doctor’s note to Company by 1200 DFW business day prior to the close of PBS bidding. Must have release submitted by 1200 DFW last business day of the month prior to participate in LRD APFA Counter:
Return to work date or doctor’s note supplied by 1200 DFW day prior to close of PBS. AA Counter:
Maintained proposal. APFA Counter:
Return to work date or doctor’s note to Company by 1200 DFW on the 10th of the month prior and will be processed by the close of the next business day. Must have release submitted by 1200 DFW last business day of the month prior to participate in LRD. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.19.a - Amend) to be eligible to bid in PBS Flight Attendant must supply a return-to-work date (or if returning from medical leave, a doctor’s note) to Company by the business day prior to the close of PBS bidding |
Streamline language on how a Flight Attendant returning from leave will bid based on return date and if currently qualified.
AA Counter:
Agreeable to streamlining language.
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
Flight Attendant returning mid-month from a leave:
APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant returning mid-month from a leave:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant who is current, returning mid-month, and available for 14 days or less would not be subject to Reserve unless on straight reserve. Flight Attendant who preferences Reserve in LRD will receive Reserve credit based on 12.A.4.b. AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter
Return to JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(10.D.19.c) Discuss with APFA. |
(10.D.19.d - Amend) A Flight Attendant available for less than a full bid period would not be subject to Reserve unless they are on straight Reserve. If not subject to straight Reserve, this Flight Attendant would hold an open line if she/he were unable to bid in PBS before returning to work and would bid in TTS/ETB to reach a PBS prorated minimum | Agrees that Flight Attendant not able to bid in PBS, available for less than full bid month, and not subject to straight reserve would hold open line. Made minor language change.
APFA Agreed. AA Counter:
Return to JCBA language. |
(10.E - New) Add reserve use of TTS/UBL consistent with ETB. | Agreeable to Reserve use of TTS/UBL as stated below in (10.E.5)
AA Agreed. |
(10.E.1.a - Amend) Flight Attendant may not drop a sequence obtained from ETB into open time using TTS. This would not restrict the ability to trade ETB sequences in TTS. | Flight Attendant may not drop any sequence obtained from ETB into open time using TTS.
APFA Agreed. AA Reopened:
Flight Attendant may not drop any sequence obtained from ETB using TTS. APFA Counter:
Withdrew proposal due to programming limitations. |
(10.E.3.l.i - Amend) TTS – Increase open time parameters (current 3%) Discuss current process. | Maintain JCBA language.
APFA Agreed. |
(10.E.3.l.iii - New) Exception to daily limits when trading negative or more negative day(s). Subject to restrictions (e.g. holidays, number of days dropped equal to or less than days picked up). With no overlap. | Not interested.
AA Counter:
Moved to (10.E.1.d.ii) Incorporate provided system constraints allow, when practicable. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Exception to daily limit when trading negative or more negative day(s) based on projected reserve coverage. Subject to restrictions (e.g. holidays, number of days dropped equal to or less than days picked up). Adding Halloween to list of restricted holidays. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal and not add Halloween as restricted holiday. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Agreeable to an exception to the daily limit based on coverage. Coverage will be determined by an objective formula that remains consistent throughout the month and considers Reserve requirements and historical or projected staffing needs. APFA Scheduling Chair shall have access to review the formula and results. Subject to restrictions (e.g. holidays, number of days dropped equal to or less than days picked up). Not add Halloween to list of restricted holidays. AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Coverage will be defined as the sum of projected reserves available minus projected calendar days for each day of the trip; Negative and positive day values will be determined by an objective formula and will consider Reserve requirements and both historical or projected staffing needs and the expected amount of open time. APFA Scheduling Chair shall have access to review the objectively applied formula and the positive or negative values associated with specific trip trade awards.
AA Counter:
Coverage will be defined as the sum of projected reserves available minus projected calendar days for each day of the trip; Negative and positive day values will be determined by an objective formula and will consider Reserve requirements and both historical or projected staffing needs and the expected amount of open time. APFA Scheduling Chair shall have access to review the positive or negative values associated with specific trip trade awards. APFA Counter:
Maintain last proposal. AA Counter:
As an exception to daily open time limits exceeded: If a TTS transaction is denied due to monthly open time exceeded, but the transaction will improve coverage* it will be approved.
* Coverage will be defined as the sum of projected reserves available, by each calendar day of the trip, minus projected open time by calendar day for each day of the trip; Negative and positive day values will be determined by an objective formula and will consider Reserve requirements and both historical or projected staffing needs and the expected amount of open time. APFA Scheduling Chair shall have access to review the positive or negative values associated with specific trip trade awards. The exception to daily open time limit will process after TTS run and be posted as specified in 10.E.2.c (by 0400 HBT) APFA Agreed. |
(10.E.3.i - New) Holiday Restrictions: Flight Attendants using TTS transactions in accordance with this paragraph to drop a sequence touching a restricted holiday may only do so subject to the daily and monthly Open Sequence Day Limitations. The Open Sequence Day limitation shall only apply on the restricted holiday and not on any day(s) surrounding the restricted holiday. For the purposes of this Paragraph, restricted days will include New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year’s Eve. | Add Halloween
APFA Counter:
No to adding Halloween. AA Agreed. |
(10.E.3.i - New) Note: For purposes of TTS transactions a flight which releases on or after 0000 will be considered to operate on the calendar day. Thus, a sequence that releases at 0015 shall be considered to operate on both calendar days of the duty period for purposes of Open Sequence Day calculations. | Note: For purposes of TTS transactions a duty period which releases on or after 0000 will be considered to operate on the calendar day. Thus, a sequence that releases on or after 0000 shall be considered to operate on both calendar days of the duty period for purposes of Open Sequence Day calculations.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
For purposes of TTS transactions a duty period which originates before 0000 and releases on or after 0000 will be considered to operate on both calendar days. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(10.E.3.l.iv - New) Exception to daily and monthly limits with overlap. Subject to holiday restrictions only. | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Exception to daily open time limits for trips departing within the first three days of the TTS processing range: drop/pickup transaction that includes pickup that departs on the first three days of the TTS bid processing date range will be approved if drop sequence does not cause open time limits to exceed 5% on any day of dropped sequence. Subject to holiday restrictions. AA Counter:
Not Interested. APFA Withdrew |
(10.F.1.c - Amend) Drop/Pick Up Transactions (with overlap) will have exceptions to daily and monthly limits when trading negative or more negative day(s). Subject to restrictions (e.g. holidays, number of days dropped equal to or less than days picked up). | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(10.F.1.g - New) Allow out of base UBL pick up after Aggressive Reserves as specified in 12.K.2 or before a standby as specified in 12.K.3. Once the out of base sequence is awarded, it cannot be traded or dropped. | Moved to (10.E.1.d.ii) incorporate provided system constraints allow, when practicable.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
A Flight Attendant may pick up on UBL from another crew base only after in-base Lineholders and prior to using standbys and ROTA/D. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal and added use of out of base UBL for sequences departing less than two hours after LMCO and before standbys. AA Counter:
Change “Flight Attendant” to “Lineholder or Reserve on days off” and maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal but agreed to add that out of base awards cannot be traded or dropped. APFA Counter:
Out-of-base UBL pickup: Lineholder or Reserve on days off may pickup on UBL from another crew base only after in base Lineholders and Reserves on days off have been processed and before processing ROTA/D. AA Counter:
Agrees to language. Subject to 10.E.1.d-Programming capabilities and possible timeline adjustments. APFA Counter:
Not in agreement to - Subject to 10.E.1.d-Programming capabilities and possible timeline adjustments. AA Counter:
Wants to discuss buffers following out of base sequence. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
AA withdrew buffer discussion and agreed. |
(10.F.1.h - New) Short Call UBL List (similar parameters as LMCO). | Moved to (10.E.1.d.ii) Incorporate provided system constraints allow, when practicable.
APFA Counter::
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
A Lineholder or Reserve on days off may pick up on UBL with less than minimum callout and will be processed prior to using standbys. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
A Flight Attendant may pick up a sequence on UBL that opens or remains open within two (2) hours prior to scheduled departure (three (3) hours in coterminal bases) prior to standby processing. AA Counter:
A Lineholder or Reserve on days off may pick up a sequence on UBL that opens within two (2) hours prior to scheduled departure (three (3) hours in coterminal bases) prior to standby processing. APFA Counter:
A Lineholder or Reserve on days off may pick up a sequence on UBL within two (2) hours prior to scheduled departure (three (3) hours in coterminal bases) prior to standby processing. In base LMCO will be processed prior to out-of-base LMCO. AA Counter:
A Lineholder or Reserve on days off may pick up a sequence on UBL within two (2) hours prior to scheduled departure (three (3) hours in coterminal bases) In base Lineholders and Reserves on days off will be processed prior to out-of-base Lineholders or Reserves on days off prior to processing Standbys. (Subject to 10.E.1.d- Programming capabilities and possible timeline adjustments.) APFA Counter:
Agrees to language. Not in agreement to - Subject to 10.E.1.d-Programming capabilities and possible timeline adjustments. AA Counter:
Wants to discuss buffers following out of base sequence. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
AA withdrew buffer discussion and agreed. |
Agree to Reserve use of UBL in accordance with proposed Reserve use of TTS. (See above APFA Counter)
AA Agreed. |
(10.F.1.f - New) A Reserve may utilize UBL in accordance with proposed Reserve Use of TTS (10.E.5) above. |
(10.F.2.c - New) More transparency with UBL runs. Run summaries will include information on sequences awarded and not awarded. Sequences that are transferred out of base will list time of transfer and to which base. | AA Agreed |
(10.G - New) Discuss issues of abuse of seniority in dropping/trading trips in ETB/TTS/UBL.
Addressed in (10.V.8 - New) |
AA Agreed to move to 10.V.8 |
(10.G - New) ETB transactions will not negate pay protection | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
ETB transactions will not negate pay protection if ETB sequence is picked up outside of footprint of pay protected sequence. AA Counter:
A Lineholder or a Reserve on a day off that is pay protected may pick up ETB outside the footprint of the originally scheduled pay protected sequence. Any sequence picked up within the footprint will negate pay protection. APFA Counter:
A Lineholder or a Reserve on a day off that is pay protected may pick up ETB outside the footprint of the originally scheduled pay protected sequence. Any ETB sequence picked up within the footprint will negate pay protection. Lineholder receives pay and credit and Reserve receives pay no credit. AA Agreed. |
(10.G.4 - New) No pay protection for Reserve ETB Sequence dropped by Crew Scheduling on Flex Day and no obligation to split Reserve back on unless provided pay protection for last sequence pay protection or illegal through no fault. | AA Agreed. |
Agreeable to adding chart from LOA as is. Not agreed that when the Red Flag premium is removed, the sequence is no longer eligible for Red Flag.
AA Counter
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
when non-Red Flag sequence is traded for a Red Flag sequence (1 day for 1 day, same origination date or overlaps 2+ days), the trip will not pay Red Flag and the sequence will no longer receive Red Flag unless Crew Scheduling redesignates the sequence as Red Flag. AA Agreed. |
(10.H - New) Inserted chart from November 2020 LOA regarding how Red Flag premiums for TTS transactions are applied but amended that when non-Red Flag sequence is traded for a Red Flag sequence (1 day for 1 day, same origination date or overlaps 2+ days), the trip will not pay Red Flag and the sequence will no longer be eligible for the Red Flag premium |
A Flight Attendant may bid generic or specific “Red Flag Only” sequence(s) and position(s) in TTS.
AA Agreed. |
(10.H - New) A Flight Attendant may bid for a specific “Red Flag Only” sequence(s) and position(s) in TTS. |
APFA Counter:
A Flight Attendant shall be limited to dropping one Red Flag sequence per calendar day in ETB. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Withdrew their proposal and not interested in our proposal. APFA Counter:
Withdrew proposal. |
(10.H - New) Red Flag sequence traded in ETB will have the Red Flag removed. Flight Attendant picking up the Sequence will not be eligible for Red Flag. |
Flight Attendant may exceed the monthly maximum to pick up Red Flag sequences.
AA Counter:
Flight Attendant may exceed the monthly TTS maximum to pick up Red Flag sequences. APFA Agreed. |
(10.H.5 - Amend) Reserve may exceed TTS Max to pick up Red Flag sequences. |
(10.J.1.b - Amend) Modify to address when language applies and process. Incorporate “like trip” language. | No Proposal at this time for 10.J-L
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Reasonable effort:
AA Counter:
Reasonable effort:
APFA Counter:
Maintain previous counter proposal. AA Counter:
Hold on amending Flight Attendant to Lineholder. Agrees to APFA previous proposal. APFA Agreed. |
APFA Agreed. | (10.J.1.d - Amend) Reserve on TTS/UBL or ETB sequence will be considered a lineholder for purposes of Section 10. |
Not Interested. | (10.J.1 - New) All notifications of sequence modifications or reschedules done electronically. AA withdrew. |
(10.J.2.b - Amend) Remove 3-day requirement provision for changes to schedule. Flight Attendant shall not be required to accept sequence with a modification/reschedule prior to report. | Maintain JCBA language.
And add Flight Attendants must notify Company within 96 hours of notification of modification or up to three (3) days prior to sequence origination whichever is earlier. APFA Counter:
JCBA language. AA Counter:
JCBA language but added (e.g., Thursday for a trip on Sunday) and electronic notification of sequence adjustment. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Electronic notification of sequence adjustment when adjustment is more than 3 days prior to start of sequence. APFA Agreed. |
(10.J.2.c - Delete) Delete | Not Interested.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
JCBA language but added (e.g., Friday for a trip originating Sunday) and that Lineholder shall be notified electronically. If the Lineholder does not electronically acknowledge the notification, Crew Scheduling will call to notify. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Lineholder shall be notified electronically. If the Lineholder does not electronically acknowledge the notification, Crew Scheduling will call to notify. APFA Agreed. |
Not Interested.
AA Counter:
Crew Schedule shall attempt to notify (not call) Flight Attendant when sequence is rescheduled to depart more than one hour later than originally scheduled. Report time will be in accordance with 10.J.11.a APFA Counter:
Crew Schedule shall notify Flight Attendant when sequence is rescheduled to depart more than one hour later than originally scheduled. Report time will be in accordance with 10.J.11.a Contingent on AA agreement to APFA 10.J.11. AA Counter:
Crew Scheduling shall electronically notify Flight Attendant when sequence is rescheduled to depart more than one hour later than originally scheduled. Report time will be in accordance with 10.J.11.a. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Agreed. |
(10.J.2.e - Amend) Crew Schedule shall attempt to notify (not call) Flight Attendant when sequence is rescheduled to depart more than one hour later than originally scheduled. |
Maintain JCBA language and position in Section 10, but willing to add a reference to Section 12 as well.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
If Reserve sequence cancels in its entirety or Reserve is removed in accordance with Reserve duty, Section 12.M, the Reserve will be subject to the provisions therein. (Was new Section 12.E but moving to 12.M) AA Counter:
If Reserve sequence cancels in its entirety or Reserve is removed, the Reserve will be subject to provisions of Section 12.M APFA Counter:
If Reserve sequence cancels in its entirety or Reserve is removed from a sequence as specified in Section 12.M, the Reserve will be subject to the provisions of Section 12.M. AA Agreed. |
(10.J.6 - Amend & Move) Proposed to move to Section 12.E. If a Reserve’s sequence cancels in its entirety or is removed, the Reserve will be subject to the provisions of Section 12.E. as it pertains to her/his assignment for day of and day after cancellation or removal. (S12.M is new-Reserve sequence cancellation/removal) |
(10.J.9.b - Amend) Flight Attendant complement will depend on bid positions (not jumpseats available.) Remaining Flight Attendant shall deadhead if necessary. | Not Interested.
AA Counter:
Bid positions for the largest aircraft in sequence will remain on sequence. Flight Attendants will occupy the jumpseat up to the number of jumpseats available when operating smaller aircraft. Only deadhead if not enough jumpseats. Excess Flight Attendants above the bid positions for the largest aircraft remaining on the sequence will be released based on seniority when transiting his/her crew base. APFA Counter
Bid positions for the largest aircraft in sequence will remain on sequence. Flight Attendants will occupy the jumpseat up to the number of jumpseats available when operating smaller aircraft. Only deadhead if not enough jumpseats. If the downgrade is a turn, only number of bid positions on downgrade equipment required to operate the turn. Excess Flight Attendants above the bid positions for the largest aircraft remaining on the sequence will be released based on seniority when transiting his/her crew base. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA withdrew and agreed to AA proposal. |
Not Interested.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant’s originating trip is delayed, and she/he is notified and acknowledges notification, duty day will begin at rescheduled report time. If Flight Attendant does not acknowledge notification, and she/he reports as originally scheduled, duty day begins as originally scheduled. AA Counter:
Flight Attendant’s originating trip is delayed, and she/he is electronically notified and acknowledges notification, duty day will begin at rescheduled report time. If Flight Attendant does not acknowledge notification, and she/he reports as originally scheduled, duty day begins as originally scheduled. APFA Agreed. |
(10.J.11.a - Amend) Electronic notification instead of call for delays |
APFA Agreed. | (10.J.12 - New) Added changeover sequence settlement language to contract.
(10.K.1.b - Delete) Remove paragraph. | Not Interested in removing. Added TTS/UBL sequences.
APFA Agreed. |
Not interested.
AA Agreed. Maintain JCBA language. |
(10.L.5) Remove after origination. Making Flight Attendants open to rescheduling on last sequence of month prior to origination. |
(10.L - Clarify) Reserve who picks up a trip on days off and has no more days of reserve availability after the sequence shall receive last sequence(s) pay protection as described in paragraph L. (Open dispute) | A Reserve will be eligible for last sequence (partial or full cancellation) pay protection if she/he has no further Reserve Day obligation in the month or she/he has called out of time for the month. As an exception, a Reserve awarded a sequence via the ETB/TTS/UBL on Flex Days and subsequently awarded/assigned a sequence by Crew Scheduling prior to the ETB/TTS/UBL trip will not be afforded pay protection.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. Added that Reserve is not eligible for pay protection if a Reserve sequence originating on a Reserve Day conflicts or causes an illegality for a sequence originating on a Flex Day. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Reserve legal to originate* trip on days off will be eligible for last sequence(s) pay protections described in paragraph L for a sequence scheduled on days off provided:
APFA Counter:
Reserve legal to originate trip on days off will be eligible for last sequence(s) pay protections described in paragraph L for a sequence scheduled on days off provided: AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Reserve legal to originate a TTS/UBL/ETB trip on days off is eligible for last sequence(s) pay protections described in paragraph L for a sequence(s) scheduled on days off provided:
APFA Agreed. |
Not interested.
No Change from JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(10.R.7 - Delete) Remove: Recordings, transcripts, copies, or information obtained from a recorded conversation may not be used in any disciplinary proceeding or process. |
(10.T.4 - Amend) If at sign-in, a Reserve on a Reserve Day is taken off a sequence due to double coverage, Reserve will be placed on Standby for remainder of RAP, unless released by Crew Scheduling. If no RAP or remainder of RAP exceeds longest Standby, then Reserve will be placed on longest Standby shift at time of original report. The Reserve will be paid the greater of the double covered sequence or according to Standby pay in 12.F.9. | Reserve taken off a sequence due to double coverage will be considered “on duty” and placed on Standby duty (not to exceed six (6) hours) for remainder of RAP. A Reserve who is awarded or assigned a different sequence(s), including any applicable Standby pay, of a lesser value shall be pay protected to the value of the double covered sequence.
APFA Counter:
A Reserve assigned a different sequence(s), including any applicable Standby pay, of a lesser value shall be pay protected to the value of the double covered sequence. AA Agreed. |
(10.T./11.0.4- Amend) Expand language to cover misawards in TTS and other crew scheduling errors/contractual violations for Line holders and Reserves. | Incorporated mis-award process as a side letter for misawards in TTS/UBL, ETB, ROTA/D, including trips removed in error by Crew Scheduling or Flight Service Administration prior to origination.
APFA Counter:
Incorporate misaward language into contract, not as a side letter and amend:
AA Counter:
Agree to incorporate misaward language into contract. Apart on the following:
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. Added: Flight Attendant may opt for greater number of days when bidding for “like sequence” however, the comparison for pay protection is based on the original trip and actual trip flown. APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Agrees to: When Crew Scheduling or Flight Service Administration removes sequence(s) in error and upon notification of error by Company or Flight Attendant, sequence(s) and position(s) will be returned if available in open time on same dates. Remain apart:
APFA Counter:
Agrees to: If multiple sequences were removed in error and no longer available in open time, Flight Attendant must bid in three (3) TTS runs for all positions for each of the specific sequences lost on each of the origination dates lost. Remain apart: Reserves with misaward sequence and flies the sequence will not get 150% pay if misaward is confirmed. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA withdrew and agreed to APFA proposal. |
Flight Attendant who receives pay protection per the misaward process will be eligible to pick up additional time via TTS/UBL/ETB and be paid in addition to the protected sequence.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant who receives pay protection per the misaward process will be eligible to pick up additional time via TTS/UBL and be paid in addition to the protected sequence. Any sequence picked up via ETB that touches original footprint of misawarded sequence will negate pay protection. AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(10.T.6 - Amend) Flight attendant who receives pay protection per the misaward process will be eligible to pick up Company time. Lineholder via TTS/UBL, Reserve on days off via ROTA/D and be paid in addition to pay protection. Any sequence(s) picked up via ETB that touches original calendar days of misawarded sequence will negate pay protection. |
(10.T - Amend) Moved from 11.O Move 11.O.4. Crew Scheduling Error provision to this section. Apply error pay to any Crew Scheduling Error, not just after origination. |
Agrees to move Crew Scheduling Error provision to this section. Not agreed to apply error pay to any Crew Scheduling Error, not just after origination.
APFA Counter:
Crew Scheduling error pay will apply once a Flight Attendant has reported for a sequence. AA Agreed. |
(10.U.1.a - Amend) Mutual agreement required to open any new satellite bases. | Company to maintain sole discretion in opening any new satellite bases.
APFA Counter:
Mutual agreement required to open any new satellite bases. AA Agreed. |
(10.U.1.b - Amend) Mutual agreement required to increase block hours for individual satellite bases and satellite block hours systemwide. | Not interested.
APFA Agreed to maintain JCBA language. |
APFA Agreed. | (10.U.1.c - Amend) Company or APFA may unilaterally close a satellite base. If a satellite base is closed, Company will cease using the satellite no later than two (2) months following written notice. |
(10.U.1.e - Amend) ONE notification system to be used to notify satellite Flight Attendants when satellite trips become available. Satellite Base Coordinator will assist in facilitating coverage of satellite sequences originating from satellite base which remain open after UBL processing. | Electronic notification. Not ONE notification.
APFA Agreed. |
Reserves on days off can use TTS/UBL.
AA withdrew. |
(10.U.4 - New) Reserve on day off will be awarded a sequence in ROTA/D prior to a Reserve on a day on. |
(10.U.6.e - Amend) ETB will have a separate tab dedicated to only Satellite base sequences. | Not interested.
AA Agreed. |
(10.U.5 - Amend)Only Satellite sequences available to bid in PBS can be distributed as satellite sequences in open time. Satellite sequences constructed after PBS will be distributed through the crew bases. | Not interested.
APFA Agreed to maintain JCBA language. |
(10.U.8 - Amend) If Satellite base is within 250 miles of the crew base, the Flight Attendant shall be provided parking in both the Satellite and crew base/co-terminals. | Not interested.
Will be discussed with Section 4 and parking. APFA withdrew and agreed to maintain JCBA language. |
(10.U.8 - New) If the Company is unable to secure parking from the airport authorities at the satellite base, the Company will arrange equivalent parking at no cost to the Flight Attendant. | Not interested.
Will be discussed with Section 4 and parking. APFA withdrew and agreed to maintain JCBA language. |
(10.V - New) The Company and APFA may mutually agree to objective metrics to ensure Flight Attendants are using seniority to bid trips as intended. If after review, it is determined seniority is being used for other than intended purposes, the Flight Attendant may be restricted from high time bidding and/or TTS. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or otherwise limit legitimate uses of seniority. | The Company may use objective metrics to ensure Flight Attendants are using seniority for its intended purpose. If it is determined that seniority is being used for other than intended purposes, the Flight Attendant may be restricted from flying high time, or using TTS, ETB, etc. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or otherwise limit legitimate uses of seniority.
APFA Counter:
The Company and APFA may mutually agree upon objective metrics to ensure Flight Attendants are not utilizing the scheduling systems to circumvent seniority. If it is determined that seniority provisions are being used to circumvent seniority the Flight Attendant may be restricted utilizing TTS/UBL and ETB. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or otherwise limit legitimate uses of seniority. AA Counter:
The Company and APFA may mutually agree upon objective metrics to ensure Flight Attendants are not utilizing the scheduling systems to circumvent seniority. If upon applying these objective metrics the Company determines that seniority provisions are being used to circumvent seniority, the Flight Attendant may be restricted utilizing TTS/UBL and ETB. Nothing herein is intended to restrict or otherwise limit legitimate uses of seniority. APFA Agreed. |
APFA Agreed. | (10.V.2 - Amend) Remove temporary phone numbers. |
Not interested.
AA Counter:
Primary and then secondary phone numbers will be called when required to make positive contact. If required by electronic notification system, may limit Flight Attendant to one phone number that is able to send and receive electronic messages. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed to maintain JCBA language. |
(10.V.2 - Amend) Remove secondary phone number and Crew Schedules requirement to call more than a primary number. |
Maintain JCBA language.
AA Agreed. |
(10.V.3) Discuss with 10.J |
APFA Agreed. | (10.V.5) Discuss with 10.J Unless otherwise required in this agreement, the lead Flight Attendant will be responsible for communicating with Crew Scheduling. |
APFA Agreed.
AA Counter:
Flight Attendant considered illegal for sequence that reports before the release of the dropped trip. APFA Agreed. AA Reopened: (10.V.8 - Amend) Flight Attendants on a PPO line, sick leave, or union leave will be restricted from flying within the footprint of the sequence. Removed language addressing removals for training, jury duty, displacements, and personal emergency will not assume the legalities of the removed sequence(s). Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for a paid absence including but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, training, jury duty, union leave, displacement, bereavement, shall not assume the legality of the trip removed. APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for a paid absence including but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, training, jury duty, union leave, displacement, bereavement, shall not assume the legality of the trip removed. Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for pay purpose only (PPO) will be restricted from flying within the footprint of the sequence (report to release). Flight Attendant removed from sequence or reserve day will be restricted from flying within the footprint of sequence or reserve day (release to report) (Note: Add definition of “direct conflict” to Section 2) AA Counter:
Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for a paid absence including but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, training, jury duty, union leave, displacement, bereavement, shall not assume the legality of the trip removed. Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for pay purpose only (PPO) will be restricted from flying within the footprint of the sequence (report to release). APFA Counter:
Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for a paid absence including but not limited to, vacation, sick leave, training, jury duty, union leave, displacement, bereavement, shall not assume the legality of the trip removed. Flight Attendant who is relieved from flying for pay purpose only (PPO) will be restricted from flying within the footprint of the sequence (report to release). Flight Attendant removed from a Reserve Day will be restricted from flying on the Reserve Day. AA Agreed. |
(10.V.8 - Amend) Renamed as Trip Removed Assumed Legality (paper legal) and removed vacation from options of paid absences. |
Maintain language.
APFA Agreed to delete language. APFA reopened. Maintain proposal to delete language. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Delete language. APFA Counter:
Agreeable to delete language and add definition of Direct Conflict to Section 2, Definitions. AA Agreed. |
(10.V.8.a-b - Delete) Delete language. |
(10.V - New) Add language on requirement for equipment qualifications. | Flight Attendants to be trained on all aircraft included in Section 37.D
APFA Agreed. |
View the Current JCBA Language
Updated: 11.17.23
Apart | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(12.A.3 - Amend) All Flight Attendants hired prior to date of ratification will continue their current JCBA Reserve rotation. For Flight Attendants hired after the date of ratification, the following Reserve rotation provisions will apply:
Address reserve seniority levels of high seniority bases. |
(Agreed) All Flight Attendants hired prior to date of ratification will continue their current JCBA Reserve rotation.
(AA Proposal) For Flight Attendants hired on or after the date of ratification, the following Reserve rotation provisions will apply:
No discussion on addressing Reserve seniority of high seniority bases. |
Not interested.
APFA Counter
Reserves will not be required to be contactable outside RAP contactable window. Reserve required to accept assignment that reports during 12 hour report window. As an exception to G.2 a Reserve with a Flex Day following RAP may only be assigned a sign-in until 2359 HBT on the last day of Reserve. Sequence sign-in may be no later than two (2) hours after end of RAP. The Reserve’s sequence sign-in (11.N. or 14.E.) will not be shortened in order to make an assignment. Added examples. AA Counter:
Flight Attendant required to accept assignment if initial notification is made within the RAP. Reserves at co-terminal bases and on a RAP required to accept assignment during RAP that reports no later than three (3) hours after the end of the RAP. As an exception to G.2., a Reserve with a Flex Day following RAP may only be assigned a sequence with a report time on or before 2359 HBT on the last day of Reserve. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language and remove “sequence check-in times will not be shortened in order to make an assignment.” As an exception to G.2., a Reserve with a Flex Day following RAP may only be assigned a sign-in until 2359 HBT on the last day of Reserve. AA Counter:
Agrees to remove “sequence check-in times will not be shortened in order to make an assignment.” Still proposing that sequence report time for co-terminals may be 3 hours after end of RAP. As an exception to G.2., a Reserve with a Flex Day following RAP may only be assigned a sequence with a report time on or before 2359 HBT on the last day of Reserve. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. (No increase to sequence report after end of RAP for co-terminal bases) As an exception to G.2., a Reserve with a Flex Day following RAP may only be assigned a sign-in until 2359 HBT on the last day of Reserve. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal that sequence report times in co-terminals may be 3 hours after end of RAP. Agrees to: As an exception to G.2., a Reserve with a Flex Day following RAP may only be assigned a sign-in until 2359 HBT on the last day of Reserve. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language of sequence report no later than 2 hours after the end of the RAP. |
(12.G.2 - Amend) Reserves at co-terminal bases and on a RAP required to accept assignment during RAP that reports no later than three (3) hours after the end of the RAP. |
Not interested. | (12.G.4 - Amend) Reserves on RAP at co-terminal bases may be assigned standby shift that terminates no later than three (3) hours after the end of RAP. |
(12.Q) No proposal at this time.
(12.Q.1 - Amend) Open sequences should be assigned in the order established in J.6 and K.1.e regardless of whether the Flight Attendant has days off or a sequence in the new month. If assigning into Flex Days, sequences shall be split if possible. |
Discuss after transition days and Reserve rotation. |
Not Interested.
AA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. APFA Agreed AA REOPENED:
Reopened and wants original proposal of not allowing Reserves ability to drop reserve sequence through ETB. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Agrees to maintain JCBA language of Reserves ability to drop or trade Reserve sequences. However, Reserves may not drop below 40 hours pay and credit for the month. |
(12.R.2 - Delete) Remove language for Reserves ability to drop reserve sequence to other Flight Attendants with reduction in guarantee and all legalities assumed of dropped sequence. |
Agreed Changes | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
APFA Agreed. | (12.A.3.b-Amend) Change from Personal Leave (PLOA) to Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA). If bidding onto reserve and taking a VLOA, Flight Attendant will not receive reserve credit. |
Address in Section 10.D.19 with return to work. Flight Attendant returning mid-month will not be subject to Reserve unless on straight Reserve.
AA Counter
Flight Attendant on unpaid leave for all or part of scheduled reserve month will not have fulfilled reserve obligation. APFA Counter
Flight Attendant on an approved leave of absence for all or part of scheduled Reserve month will receive Reserve credit. (Flight Attendant returning mid-month will not be subject to Reserve unless on straight Reserve. Section 10.D.19) AA Counter
Flight Attendant on unpaid VLOA or approved paid leave for all or part of scheduled Reserve month will receive Reserve credit. Discuss impact on rotation if not available for entire Reserve month. APFA Counter
Flight Attendant on an approved paid leave of absence for all or part of scheduled Reserve month will receive Reserve credit. (Flight Attendant returning mid-month will not be subject to Reserve unless on straight Reserve. Section 10.D.19) AA Counter:
Agree in concept. Apart on language. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Flight Attendant on unpaid leave for all or part of Reserve month will not get Reserve credit for the month. APFA Counter:
AA Agreed. APFA reopened. Proposed to maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.A.4.a - New) Flight Attendant returning to partial Reserve month will not receive Reserve credit. |
(12.A.4.b - Amend) Reserve granted a VLOA will not receive Reserve credit for that bid period. | AA Agreed. |
(12.B.2.b - Amend) Remove language that Reserve can bid in ROTA/D for sequences that start and end on days off. Add Reserves use of TTS/UBL on days off. | AA Agreed to remove language and to add Reserve use of TTS/UBL on days off. To be included in implementation. |
(12.B.2.b.i&ii - Delete) Remove language. Not needed with Reserves able to use TTS/UBL. | Maintain current JCBA language.
APFA Counter
Remove language. AA Counter
Reserve on Reserve day may elect to work on a Golden Day(s) in ROTA/D. APFA Counter
Reserve may elect to work into a Golden Day(s) in ROTA/D. AA Counter
Add (ROTA) after Future and (ROTD) after Daily. Accepts Reserve may elect to work into a Golden Day(s) in ROTA/D. APFA Agreed. |
(12.B - New) Add Reserves use of TTS/UBL on days off. | AA Agreed to Reserve use of TTS/UBL on days off. Apart on implementation. |
(12.B.4.a&b - Delete) Remove Language. Not needed with Reserves able to use TTS/UBL. | Maintain current JCBA language.
APFA Counter
Remove language. AA Counter
Reserve on Reserve day may elect to work on a Golden Day(s) in ROTA/D. APFA Counter
Reserve may elect to work into a Golden Day(s) in ROTA/D. AA Counter
Add (ROTA) after Future and (ROTD) after Daily. Accepts Reserve may elect to work into a Golden Day(s) in ROTA/D. APFA Agreed. |
(12.B - New) Reserve may elect that time flown into FD or GD in actual operations be paid as pay and credit. | Not interested. APFA Agrees to maintain JCBA Language. |
Agree to add chart. Apart on contents of chart.
AA Counter:
Have picking up in ROTA/D on Flex Days/Golden Day and ending on FD/GD in chart. APFA Counter:
Remove from chart - Picking up in ROTA/D on Flex Days/Golden Day and ending on FD/GD. (FA will be able to use TTS/UBL/ETB on FD/GD). AA Agreed. |
(12.B - New) Add chart for Pay and Credit vs Pay no credit. |
(12.C) Discuss automating trading days off system.
(12.C.2.c - New) Reserve to submit ballot to Company to trade days off no later than two (2) days prior to the first day requested. Ballots must be submitted by 1000 HBT and will be awarded no later than 1200 HBT and in seniority order. Ballots remain active until ballot removed or denied. |
AA Counter:
Reserve to submit ballot to Company to trade days off beginning on 27th of month no later than 1200HBT at least three (3) days prior to the first day requested to be traded. Ballots must be processed (starting on 28th of month) in seniority order. And will be awarded by no later than 1200 HBT the day after submitted. Ballots remain active until ballot removed, processed, or denied. APFA Counter:
Reserve to submit ballot to Company to trade days off beginning on 24th of month prior no later than 1200HBT at least two (2) days prior to the first day requested to be traded. Ballots must be processed (starting on 25th of month) in seniority order. And will be awarded no later than 1200 HBT the day after submitted. Ballots remain active until the ballot is removed, processed, or approved. If the process becomes automated, timelines can be adjusted by mutual agreement of APFA and Company. AA Counter:
Agrees to above but changed that the process is automated. APFA Agreed. |
(12.C.2.d - New) Reserve Flight Attendant’s trading days off with the Company will be held to the same parameters of C.1.a-b and d. | AA Agreed. |
(12.D.1 - Amend) Day off to be of the Reserve’s choosing. Company may restrict specific holidays. | If Flight Attendant requests weekend day replacement for weekend day flown into, Crew Scheduling will honor if Reserve coverage is adequate. However, Company may restrict specific holidays.
APFA Counter
Maintain proposal. AA Counter
Crew Schedule determines Reserve coverage is adequate will replace specific day requested by Flight Attendant. Company may restrict specific holidays. APFA Counter
If no mutual agreement, the day(s) off shall be placed at the end of the Reserve’s current block of days off. AA Agreed. |
(12.D.3 - Amend) Remove- no agreement reached. Addressed in 12.D.1 | AA Agreed. |
(12.E.2 - Amend) If a Reserve checks in but is unable to originate, they will be placed on standby (SB) duty for the remainder of her/his RAP, unless released by CS. If the Reserve was not originally on a RAP or if the remainder of her/his RAP exceeds the longest SB shift at the time the sequence originally reported, then the Reserve will be placed on a SB shift of a length equal to the longest SB shift at the time the sequence originally reported. | If Reserve checks in but is unable to originate, Crew Scheduling may require reserve to do one of the following:
Report time for original sequence will be used to determine maximum duty day for any future assignment that day. APFA Counter:
If a Reserve reports to the airport but does not fly and is not otherwise covered under 10.J, Crew Schedule may require Reserve to do one of the following:
Report time for original sequence will be used to determine maximum duty day for any further assignment that day. Combined with 12.E - New below. |
Discuss situations this applies to.
AA Counter
Added language about the current process for Reserves on reserve days who have sequence cancellations/removals with no RAP previously assigned. APFA Counter
Agreeable to adding process but move to separate section. AA Counter:
Agrees to move to new section.
*Reserve with sequence assignment that day will use report time of original sequence for maximum duty day. Pay and credit in accordance with 12.F.9.
APFA Counter:
Moved and made a new 12.M - Reserve Cancellation/Removal
*Reserve with sequence assignment that day will use report time of original sequence for maximum duty day. Pay and credit in accordance with 12.F.9. (APFA Agreed)
(APFA Agrees to below)
AA Counter:
(AA agrees to below)
Not in agreement:
APFA Counter:
(APFA agrees to below)
Maintain previous proposal from above for #3 (after report) and #4 (after origination) Reserve assigned sequence from standby and then sequence cancels or removed prior to origination Reserve will return to standby shift. AA Counter:
Reopened 5.b: Removed the word modified. If Crew Scheduling grants request to start RAP after legal rest, RAP will start one (1) minute after required rest. RAP end time will remain the same. All notifications of this section will be electronic. Agrees to: APFA Counter:
Agrees to:
Maintain proposal and agreement to 5.b. No electronic notification for this section. AA Counter:
All notifications of this section will be electronic. APFA Counter:
Add After Report for Standby: If Standby is assigned sequence and flight is delayed or cancelled and crew is removed from sequence, the Reserve will follow 10.J.3.d and if not rescheduled within that time will return to Standby shift or released if no time remains on Standby shift. Reserve will continue with Reserve obligation for remaining Reserve Day(s). APFA Counter:
After Report for Standby: If Standby is assigned sequence and flight is delayed or cancelled and crew is removed from sequence, the Reserve will follow 10.J.3.d. Reserve will continue with Reserve obligation for remaining Reserve Day(s). AA Counter:
maintain proposal. Added if Reserve is assigned sequence from Standby and sequence is removed prior to origination, Reserve returns to Standby shift. APFA Counter:
If Standby assigned sequence that delays or cancels and crew is removed from sequence, Reserve will follow 10.J.3.d. If Standby assigned sequence and is removed from sequence prior to origination then returns to standby shift. AA Counter:
APFA Agreed. |
(12.E - New) Reserve not previously assigned a RAP to be placed on full RAP after rest has been completed unless requests RAP with modified start time. Crew Schedule may, but is not required to, award modified RAP. Unless waived, Reserve with a sequence origination on the calendar day will not be assigned a RAP. |
Reserves who have not completed rest before the start of scheduled RAP will begin assigned RAP one (1) minute after completion of required rest. End time of RAP will remain the same. Reserve may request to be placed on the next full RAP.
After Reserve has completed rest, will be placed on a full RAP shift. If Reserve has not completed rest prior to start of scheduled RAP, will begin RAP 1 minute after completion of rest and end time of RAP will remain the same, unless Reserve requests to be placed on the next full RAP. AA Agreed. |
(12.E.4 - Amend) Reserves who have not completed rest before the start of scheduled RAP will begin assigned RAP one (1) minute after completion of required rest. End time of RAP will remain the same. Reserve may request to be placed on a full RAP. |
(12.F.4 - New) Reserve sitting standby may request to extend shift with Crew Scheduling approval. Additional pay and credit addressed in 12.F.9. | Reserve on four (4) hour standby may request to extend standby shift by two (2) hours with Crew Scheduling approval. Pay and credit in 12.F.9
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Reserve currently sitting standby may request to extend standby shift to a total of six (6) hours or eight (8) hours with crew scheduling approval. Pay and credit in 12.F.9.a APFA Agreed. |
(12.F.5 - Clarify) Reserves may not be assigned standby more than 2 times in a month unless all legal and available Reserves at the base have been assigned 2 times. If assigned standby in ROTD the above rule applies for all legal and available Reserves within RAP. | Reserves may not be assigned standby more than 2 times in ROTA unless all legal and available Reserves at the base have been assigned 2 times. Standby assignment in ROTD, the above rule will apply for all legal and available Reserves within the RAP.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(12.F.8 - Amend) Sequence must be scheduled to depart no later than the end of standby shift. | Not interested.
APFA withdrew |
(12.F.9.b - Clarify) Standby time paid and credited up to the report time of the sequence or time of assignment, whichever is later. | Agrees in principle. Apart on language.
APFA Counter
Standby time paid up to report time of sequence or if joining a sequence the known departure time at the time of assignment plus the sign-in time, shall be paid and credited. AA Counter
Standby time paid up to the Standby’s sequence report time (11.N or 14.E) based on the departure time at the time of sequence assignment. APFA Counter
Standby time paid up to the Standby’s sequence report time (11.N or 14.E) based on the departure time of the sequence at the time of sequence assignment. AA Agreed. |
(12.F.9 - New) Reserve who voluntarily extends standby shift paid one (1) minute of pay and credit for every one (1) minute beyond the end of scheduled standby shift or up to the departure of assigned trip. | If voluntarily extends 4 hour standby shift by 2 hours, paid for 6 hour standby shift. Five (5) hours fifteen (15) minutes.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Seven (7) hours pay and credit for standby shift when Flight Attendant opts to extend to 8 hour standby shift. (Add to 12.F.9.a) APFA Agreed. |
(12.F.9 - New) Reserve awarded standby shift from aggressive bid shall be paid and credited for the hours as an exception to the limit on aggressive hours. | Not interested.
APFA withdrew proposal. |
(12.F.19 - New) Standbys may request to be released early from shift with Crew Scheduling discretion. If released early, no reduction in standby pay and credit. | Standby may request to be released prior to the end of standby shift. If Crew Scheduling approves request, the standby shift pay and credit will not be reduced.
APFA Agreed. |
(12.G.1 - Amend) No more than three (3) RAPs | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Withdraw proposal contingent on the following:
AA Counter:
Four RAPs A RAP: Start times determined by the Company. Could start as early as 0000HBT B & C RAP: Start times determined by the Company. D RAP:
APFA Counter:
Four RAPs (pending agreement) A RAP: Start times determined by the Company. Could start as early as 0000 HBT B & C RAP: Start times determined by the Company D RAP:
AA Counter:
Maintain last proposal on RAP A,B and C. RAP D:
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
NOTE: RAPS above are scheduled RAPs and may be modified in actual operations in accordance with 12.E.4, if a Flight Attendant does not receive full rest prior to start of RAP or in the case of a removal/cancelation in accordance with 12.M.5.b. APFA Agreed. |
(12.G - New) Reserve may request to be released from Reserve Duty the day prior or the day of, at the discretion of Crew Scheduling. No reduction to guarantee. | Reserve may request to be released from a RAP the day prior or day of, at the discretion of Crew Scheduling. If granted, no reduction to guarantee.
APFA Agreed. |
Maintain JCBA language.
AA Agreed. |
(12.H.3 - Amend) Reserve assigned/awarded sequence will receive an electronic notification. If Flight Attendant does not electronically acknowledge, Crew Scheduling will call to confirm. If call is necessary, Crew Scheduling will call primary number and if necessary, will leave a message. |
Maintain JCBA language.
AA Agreed. |
(12.H.4 - Delete) Remove secondary contact number and Crew Scheduling's requirement to attempt to contact Reserve if not first reached at primary number. |
(12.I.1.c - Amend) Each standby shift will have a specific identifier number with set start and end times and location. | Not enough sequence numbers because FOS has limitation on sequence numbers.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Standby shifts to have a specific identifier (similar to sequence numbers) with set start, end times and crew base. APFA Counter
Standby shifts to have a specific identifier number (similar to sequence numbers) with set start, end times, crew base and terminal. AA Counter
Standby shifts to have a specific identifier (similar to sequence numbers) with set start, end times, crew base and terminal. APFA Counter
Standby shifts to have a specific identifier (similar to sequence numbers) with set start, end times, required days of availability, crew base and terminal. AA Agreed. |
(12.J.1 - Amend) Sequences may only be transferred to another crew base(s) after Future Processing (ROTA). | Not Interested.
APFA Counter
May redistribute to another base(s) no later than 1200 HBT AA Counter
Crew Scheduling will attempt to redistribute by 1200 HBT, but may redistribute at any time based on operational need. APFA Counter
Crew Scheduling will redistribute to another base by 1200 HBT. As an exception, Crew Scheduling may redistribute at any time due to irregular operations. AA Counter:
Crew Scheduling will attempt to redistribute to another base by 1200 HBT. As an exception, Crew Scheduling may redistribute at any time due to irregular operations as defined in paragraph K.1.b. (new). APFA Counter:
Maintain previous proposal. AA Counter:
Crew Scheduling will redistribute all known open time based on operational need to another crew base by 1200 HBT. Crew Scheduling may redistribute at any time due to operational need. APFA Counter:
Crew Scheduling will redistribute all known open time based on operational need to another crew base by 1200 HBT. Crew Scheduling may redistribute at any time due to irregular operations. AA Counter:
Crew Scheduling will redistribute all known open time based on operational need to another crew base by 1200 HBT. Crew Scheduling may redistribute at any time due to extenuating circumstances. APFA Counter:
Crew Scheduling will redistribute all known open time based on operational need to another crew base by 1200 HBT. Crew Scheduling may redistribute at any time due to extenuating circumstances not know prior to 1200 HBT. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(12.J.8.a.i - Amend) Awards into one (1) or more days off will be processed whether the grouping is open or closed. | Open to discussion.
AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.J.8.a.ii - Delete) Remove language. | Open to discussion.
AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
Not interested in electronic notification being the only method of notification in ROTD.
AA withdrew. |
(12.K.1 - New) All daily awards and assignments to be electronic notification except in accordance with 12.M (Priority of Assignment, POTA) |
Will run ROTD after UBL within sixty (60) minutes from the time a trip opens. Trips that open less than four (4) hours prior to departure (five (5) hours in co-terminal) will be run immediately in ROTD after running UBL. Trips that open 0001-0500 HBT and depart after 1100 HBT may be held until 0700 HBT. UBL will be run immediately prior to ROTD.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Will run ROTD after UBL within sixty (60) minutes from the end of the first UBL run. Trips that open less than three (3) hours prior to departure (four (4) hours in co-terminal) will be run immediately in ROTD after running UBL. Trips that open 0001-0500 HBT and depart after 1100 HBT may be held until 0700 HBT. UBL will be run immediately prior to ROTD. AA Agreed. |
(12.K.1 - New) Will run ROTD after UBL within ninety (90) minutes from the time a trip opens. As exception, if open time is expected to exceed Reserves available, can hold out trips from ROTD for no longer than two (2) hours from the time the trip first runs through UBL. Trips that open 0001-0500 HBT may be held until 0700 HBT. The company will attempt to avoid minimum call out time for trip sitting in open time and award/assign all early reports that are known the night before to avoid calling between 0001-0500. |
Not Interested.
AA Counter:
Withdrew from section 12. Language remains in Company proposal in section 10. |
(12.K.1.b - New) The Director of Crew Scheduling or designee may declare irregular operations at crew base(s) in the following scenarios:
Company will notify APFA and provide justification when declaring irregular operation. |
(12.K.1.c - Amend) Adds language for current process of Reserve on RAP starting between 0000-0500 not required to acknowledge assignments at start of RAP. Add penalty pay if Crew Scheduling calls Reserve during 0000-0500 and departure is not within three (3) hours or not preventing delay. | Agreeable to adding language for current process of Reserve on RAP starting between 0000-0500 not required to acknowledge assignments at start of RAP. Not interested in penalty pay.APFA Agreed. |
(12.K.1.f - Amend) Reorder based on reordering of 12.K.2.a-k below.
No change from current JCBA language.
AA Counter:
APFA Counter:
Maintain previous proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language and discuss once 12.K.2 order is finalized. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Based on reordering of 12.K.2.a-k below.
APFA Counter
Based on reordering of 12.K.2.a-k below.
(Not agreed)
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Agrees to order proposed by APFA. Based on 12.K.2 ordering, proposal to adjust lettering change to match.
APFA Agreed. |
(12.K.2.a-k - Amend) Reorder assignment from ROTD
Maintain current JCBA order.
More discussion on process for out of base flying. No pay protection if assigned into FD and holds ETB/TTS/UBL sequence on FD. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Agrees to a-c.
Remaining order:
APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
Agrees to a-d:
Maintain remaining order of previous proposal. APFA Counter:
Order is agreed for a.-d. Maintain remaining previous proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Agress to order
Apart on
AA Counter:
Combine all UBL processing under 12.K.2.a as first in base and then out of base.
Combine Aggressive Reserve processing under 12.K.2.b
Remaining steps in 12.K.2. follow JCBA APFA Counter:
Agrees to combine UBL processing under 12.K.2.a. Process in base first, then out of base. Agree to combine Aggressive Reserve processing under 12.K.2.b. First processing Reserves on a RAP within their RAP. Then processing Reserves on assumed RAP bidding to double up or work multiple sequences. AA Counter:
Agrees to first processing Aggressive Reserves on RAP within their RAP. Then processing aggressive Reserves on a Reserve day on a RAP assigned or awarded in accordance with 12.M. APFA Counter:
Process Aggressive Reserves on a Reserve Day without a RAP (after Aggressive Reserves on a RAP). AA Agreed. |
(12.K.3 - New) Add the following before assigning to standby.
APFA Counter
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
AA Counter:
Agrees to order and language. APFA Counter:
Not in agreement - Subject to 10.E.1.d-Programming capabilities and possible timeline adjustments. AA Agreed. |
(12.K.4.a - Amend) Awarded first on Reserve days or on Reserve days into Flex Days or Golden days. | Awarded first on Reserve days or on reserve days into Flex/Golden days.
APFA Agreed. |
(12.K.4.b - Amend) Increase aggressive hours to sixty (60). As an exception, hours from standby shall be credited, including when Reserve is awarded standby on an aggressive bid. | Not Interested.
APFA Counter
Once a Reserve reaches forty (40) hours awarded on Aggressive Reserve status in a month, any additional hours awarded on Aggressive Reserve shall not be credited towards calling out of time. AA Counter:
Once a Reserve reaches forty (40) hours pay and credit in a month (month to date), any hours flown on Aggressive Reserve above the forty (40) shall not be credited towards calling out of time. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Once a Reserve reaches forty (40) hours awarded and flown on Aggressive Reserve status in a month, any additional hours awarded on Aggressive Reserve above the forty (40) shall not be credited towards calling out of time. APFA Counter:
Once a Reserve reaches forty (40) hours awarded on Aggressive Reserve status in a month, any additional hours awarded on Aggressive Reserve above the forty (40) shall not be credited towards calling out of time. AA Agreed. |
(12.K.4.d.iv - Delete) Remove avoid | AA Agreed. |
(12.K.4.d.v - Delete) Remove contactable during uninterrupted rest. | AA Agreed. |
(12.K.5.a - Amend) ASG (clicks) for each calendar day assigned or awarded in ROTA and ROTD. | Open to ASG (clicks) for each calendar day assigned or awarded in ROTA and ROTD.
AA Agreed. |
(12.K.5 - New) ASG for each calendar day actually flown. | Not in agreement in ASG for calendar day actually flown.
APFA Counter:
If credited number of ASG is different than the number of days Reserve actually flew, then Reserve may electronically request to have ASG adjusted. AA Agreed. |
(12.K.5.b - Amend) ASG will apply to the month in which the Reserve flew. For carryover trips, ASG applied in new month for those days the Reserve flew in that month. | AA Agreed. |
(12.L - Amend) Monthly max not to exceed ninety (90) hours even in Flex months. | Not interested.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
The Company may elect not to flex the monthly max for Reserves when increasing the monthly max for Lineholders. APFA Agreed. |
(12.M) No proposal at this time.
AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.M - Amend) Orderly process for covering all sequences and Standby shifts which remain open after ROTA/D. Crew Scheduling will use the following to mitigate any shortage:
(12.M.1 - Amend) Remove out of base reserves. | Transfer sequence(s) to other bases.
APFA Agreed. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.M.2 - Amend) Priority of assignment will be as follows: To all legal and available Reserves on a RAP previously assigned a sequence by Daily may be reassigned according to K.2.f and 10.J.4 and 5. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Counter:
Assigning earliest departure to the earliest RAP and to the least senior Reserve previously assigned a sequence who is available to fly sequence in its entirety. APFA Counter:
Assigning earliest departure to the least senior Reserve previously assigned a sequence that reports at 1200 HBT or later and is available to fly sequence in its entirety. AA Counter:
Assigning earliest departure to the to the least senior Reserve previously assigned a sequence who is available to fly sequence in its entirety. APFA Agreed. |
(12.M.2.a.i - Amend) Assigning the sequence with earliest departure to the Reserve within the earliest RAP with the latest report who can fly sequence in its entirety. (Removed awarding to least senior and who’s previous assigned sequence reported at or after 1200 HBT or later) |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.M.2.b-d - Delete) Delete language. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.M.3 - Amend) Legal and available inbound Reserve (who originated on Reserve Day) without a conflict. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. AA Agreed. |
(12.M - New) Legal and available inbound Reserve (who originated on Reserve Day) with a conflict with Future sequence or Flex Day. (Removed inverse seniority order). |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Not interested. AA withdrew. |
(12.M - New) Legal and available inbound Reserve on day(s) off (ETB/TTS/UBL) without a conflict with a Future sequence or Flex Day. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Not interested. AA withdrew. |
(12.M - New) Legal and available inbound Reserve on day(s) off (ETB/TTS/UBL) with a conflict with a Future sequence or Flex Day. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Open to discussing this option for Flight Attendants in Section 10. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Counter:
Move to Section 10. AA Counter:
AA Agreed to move. |
(12.M - New) Legal and available Lineholder without a conflict or Reserve without conflict and who originated sequence on days off who volunteer for additional flying after termination of trip. Additional flying beyond originally scheduled/rescheduled terminating flight at crew base, Flight Attendant paid additional fifty percent (50%) pay no credit for entire sequence including deadheads and excluding premiums. Additional pay would not apply to legal and available inbound Reserves. |
No proposal at this time.
APFA Counter:
Agreeable to language. Move up to assign before lineholders on days off. AA Counter:
Moved up to assign legal and available inflight management on the seniority list before lineholders on days off. APFA Agreed. |
(12.M - New) Legal and available member of inflight management on the seniority list. |
(12.N.1 - Amend) Reserve to receive message confirming acknowledgement. Reserve with RAP starting between 0000-0500 will not be required to acknowledge assignments at start of RAP. Crew Schedule must make positive contact with Reserve if RAP starts between 0000-0500. | No response to any of 12.N.
APFA Counter
Reserve to receive receipt confirming acknowledgement. Reserve with RAP starting between 0000-0500 will not be required to acknowledge assignments at start of RAP. Crew Schedule must make positive contact with Reserve if RAP starts between 0000-0500 if the Reserve has not already acknowledged the assignment and received a receipt confirming acknowledgement. AA Counter:
Maintain JCBA language. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(12.N.3 - Amend) Replace time period with after ROTA. | No response.
APFA Counter
Daily assignments for the following day occurring after ROTA processing will be added to the Crew Scheduling system and the Reserve may acknowledge prior to start of RAP. AA Counter:
Daily assignments for the following day occurring after ROTA processing will be added to the Crew Scheduling system and the Reserve will be required to electronically acknowledge prior to start of RAP. Reserves who have already acknowledged assignment for following day will be electronically notified of any sequence reassignment (not by positive contact). APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(12.N.4 - Amend) Same day assignments after RAP starts will be made with positive contact. No calls between 0000-0700 HBT unless departure is within three (3) hours or unless necessary to prevent a delay. If Crew Scheduling calls during this period and not in compliance, the Reserve shall receive two (2) hours pay no credit. | No response.
AA Counter:
Not interested. APFA Counter:
Same day assignment after RAP starts will be made by positive contact, unless FA has acknowledged the assignment. FA will not be called between 0000-0500 unless departure is within 3 hours or to prevent a delay. Withdrew pay no credit for calls made 0000-0500 when not in compliance. AA Agreed. |
(12.N - New) Crew Scheduling may courtesy call Reserve for daily assignment for following day only until 0000 the day before.
APFA withdrew. |
Adjusted and added language to 12.N.3 |
Not Interested.
AA Counter:
Withdrew proposal. |
(12.R.2.c - New) Reserve dropping Reserve sequences who ends the month with less than forty (40) hours pay and credit as result of drops, not to accrue SK, VC or Reserve rotation credit. |
(12.O) No proposal at this time. (12.O - New) Add: Information provided to Reserves by 1200 and updated in real time:
The following information will be available by 1200 HBT daily and updated in real time.
Agrees to add all 3 items to Reserve report information. APFA Agreed. |
(Move)-Incorporate TDY language S13.H-I | Agrees to move. Delete paragraph from 13.H-Out-of-base single sequence assignment for Reserves. Rename moved section 13.I to Exception to Standby Assignments.
APFA Counter:
Agrees to delete paragraph 13.H- Out-of-base single sequence assignment for Reserves. AA Counter:
Rename moved section 13.I to Exception to Standby Assignments. APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Counter:
Maintain proposal. APFA Agreed. |
View the Current JCBA Language
TA date: 12.13.23
Agreed Changes | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(27.D.2 - Amend) Salary continuance for full 180 days. (Days instead of months to ensure FA receive full benefit of salary continuance) | Maintain current language of salary continuance for 6 months.
APFA Agreed. |
(27.D.3 - Amend) Major aircraft accident salary continuance for full 1095 days.. | Maintain current language of salary continuance for 36 months.
APFA Agreed. |
(27.I - Amend) Active benefit rates for the duration of the IOD (paid/unpaid) for a maximum of three (3) years. | Maintain language of active benefit rates on salary continuance and for period while using sick and vacation. Then in accordance of unpaid medical leave for one (1) year. (COBRA after 1 year unpaid status).
APFA Counter:
Discuss with Section 25 AA Agreed to discuss with Section 25 |
(27.I.3 - Amend) In corporate LOA (Letter of agreement 1/22/2016) A FA with a sick bank may request within seven (7) business days at the conclusion of salary continuance to be placed on unpaid medical leave of absence. FA who chooses to be placed on unpaid leave and without exhausting sick bank will not be eligible for Long Term Disability. | Agreed. |
(27.J - Amend) FA retain and accrue Occupational & Classification/Longevity seniority through the duration of the IOD absence (including unpaid Occupational Injury/Medical leave after IOD). | Retain and accrue Occupational and classification/Longevity seniority for the duration of the IOD absence (while paid).
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal. AA Agreed. |
(27.N - New) Address fume events. Add protection from discipline for those FA involved where medical treatment/testing is sought and IOD filed. | Not interested in adding to contract.
APFA Agreed. |
View the Current JCBA Language
Updated: 6.7.22
Apart | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
Revised Grievance Process Notice of Disputes (NODs)
Ongoing and open discussions continue about Base Resolution Conference and Dispute Resolution Committee processes. |
Not a joint submission. APFA submits to move to Dispute Resolution Committee. |
APFA Counter:
Rename to NOD Resolution Committee (NRC); AA Counter:
NRC decisions are not precedential. |
Meet at least 4 times a year. No timeline for submissions to be processed.
APFA Counter:
Meet monthly. |
APFA Counter:
Removed remand back to base. |
If they don’t agree, the dispute goes to QSB. |
Not open to any timeline changes.
APFA Counter:
Presidential 120 days. |
View the Current JCBA Language
Updated: 4.7.22
Apart | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
APFA responsible for scheduling of Arbitrations. | Not interested. Maintain current language of rotating yearly the responsibility of scheduling arbitrators. |
Arbitrators prescheduled throughout year. | Not Interested. Select Arbitrators based on case being heard. |
Schedule 80 days per year, with 60 for System Board and 20 for Quarterly Systems Boards. | Not interested in adding additional hearing dates. Maintain language of quarterly meetings. Added: limiting those quarterly meetings to 2 days per session. |
Add language to include video, audio, and photographic evidence. |
The company is proposing to move to all electronic contracts, whereas we believe there is value in having hard copies of the agreement. These are our work rules, and we need to refer to them to know our rights. The Union is seeking better access to certain scheduling information to better resolve Flight Attendant concerns. Other changes are mainly minor clean up.
View the Current JCBA Language
Apart | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(32.A) Maintain printed copies of contract provided by company. | Eliminate obligation of printed copies and have only an electronic version available. FA may print at own expense. |
(32.B.3 - Amend) Additional access to FOS for the National Scheduling and Contract Chairs. | Look at this for annual list of access with National President. |
Agreed Changes | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
Agreed. | (32.A - New) Remove on duty contract guide. |
(32.B - Amend) Add National Treasurer to receive reports | Agreed. |
Agreed. | (32.D - New) Distribution of approved APFA bulletins in FA base mailboxes as long as company maintains mailboxes |
(32.E - Clarify) 2 hours to address New Hire training class will be in addition to any base Indoc allotted time. | Agreed. |
(32.H) Moved from 37.N APFA lockboxes in bases. | Agreed. |
This section has a couple of open issues, including a fatigue risk management program and APFA proposed language on infectious diseases.
View the Current JCBA Language
Apart | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(34.S - Amend) Improve screening/vaccination language for communicable/infectious diseases. | Maintain JCBA language to include only hepatitis for reimbursement for screening/vaccinations if exposed at work. |
(34.V - New) APFA stakeholder claim for Fatigue Risk Management Program (FRMP). This would provide “a seat at the table” with management for any FRMP program with regard to Flight Attendants. | Not interested in having in the contract. |
Agreed Changes | |
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(34.H.10 - Amend) Company provide transport to residence OR with company approval an alternate location. | Agreed. |
(34.J) Maintain JCBA language that IOD reports shall include the name of the Flight Attendant, employee number, date, A/C type, tail number, and nature of injury. | Initially wanted to remove FA name and employee number from reports. Agreed with APFA and current language. |
View the Current JCBA Language
APFA Proposal | Management Proposal |
(38.B - New) Crew rest seats to be provided if no bunks are available on all flights 7 hours or more. (Domestic and International). | Keep current language of designated crew rest seats if no bunks on flights 7 hours or greater for international only.
APFA Agreed. Maintain JCBA language. |
(38.B - Amend) Update Crew Rest Guidelines Chart to reflect both Domestic and International flights based on flight time. | Crew Rest Guidelines chart to apply only to international flights with the exception of turn around flights with one or more legs departing after 2100 w/ 12 hour duty day and overnight flight <7 hours.
APFA Counter:
International not to be added to header of chart. AA Agreed. |
(38.B - Amend) Add designated crew rest seats (if no bunks available) for turn around flights with one or more legs departing after 2100 w/ 12 hour duty day and overnight flight <7 hours. Add ability to watch video/listen to music while on rest. | Keep current language of No designated crew rest seats for turn around flights with one or more legs departing after 2100 w/12 hour duty day and overnight flight <7 hours. Keep current language of not able to watch video/listen to music.
APFA Counter:
Agree to maintain JCBA language of no blocked rest seats for turn around flights with one or more legs departing after 2100 w/12 hour duty day and overnight flight <7 hours. Permitted to watch video or listen to music if in pax seat or crew bunk. AA Agreed. |
(38.B-New) Add: if either leg of an IPD/NIPD trip sequence is greater than 7 hours scheduled flight time (inbound or outbound), crew rest will apply to both segments. | Not agreed.
APFA Counter:
Maintain proposal AA Agreed. |
Not agreed.
AA withdrew proposal. |
(38.B - New) No more than one third of crew on rest at any one time unless otherwise noted in flight attendant crew manual where the number may be greater than one third. |
(38.D - Amend) Update crew rest facility chart: Remove 767 and 757. Add 321XLR; Add 737/A319/A320/A321. | Agreed. |
APFA Agreed. | (38.C,D and I-Delete) Remove reference A330 aircraft from Section. |
(38.E and F - Delete) Remove reference to 757 and 767 aircraft from Section | AA Agreed. |
(38.G - Amend) Update language that all 777 aircraft will have bunks by removing language that states only 777 aircraft flown seven hours or greater will have bunks. | AA Agreed. |
Malfunctions: (38.J.1 - Amend) Proposed BC (business class) seats for fights 7-10 hours. If no BC, then PE (premium economy). If no PE then MCE (main cabin extra). If no MCE then MC (main cabin); seats will be provided on a one-for-one basis. |
Malfunctions: AA countered PE seats for flights 7-10 hours on a one-for-one basis up to a maximum of 4 seats. If no PE, then MCE, if no MCE then MC; seats provided on a one-for-one basis. APFA Agreed. |
(38.J.2-Amend) Flights over 10 hours with bunks: add PE after BC seat; one for one; Aisle seats for PE and MCE. If MC- last row of MC; | AA countered for flights over 10 hours to add PE if no BC seats, then MCE if no PE seats, MC if no MCE. Aisle seats for PE and MCE. If MC then last row. BC and PE seats on a one-for-one basis up to a maximum of 5.
APFA Agreed. |
(38.J - New) PE or MCE seating, aisle seats. If no aisle seats available, then the last row of main cabin will be made available. | AA Agreed. |
(38.J.4 - Amend) Malfunctions to include bunk area unable to be locked or infestation. | Agreed to infestation/pests. |
(38.K - Amend) Rest provisions in prior agreements for 757 and 767 will continue to be considered in determining comparable accommodations. | AA Agreed. |
Original Opening Proposal
APFA Presents Opening Proposal on Remaining Sections
On March 24, 2022, your APFA Negotiating Committee presented a bullet point proposal to the Company team on the remaining sections of the agreement. This proposal puts the company on notice regarding the key issues we are advancing during the remainder of the negotiations. The remaining sections contain critical provisions impacting our pay, quality of work-life, and control over our schedules.
The sections in this opening proposal include the following:
3.A- Increase hourly rate
3.B- Increase Reserve guarantee
3.C- Update/standardize chart, add 321XLR
3.C- Increase galley pay
3.D- Holding Time: Increase to 50% of pay rate no credit from current $7.00 hour
3.D- Add language for holding pay after termination of duty period
3.G- Improve Jury Duty
3.H- Increase drug/alcohol pay
3.I- Increase Speaker pay
3.J- Increase Holiday Pay/additional holidays
(New) Hourly rate increase after amendable date
(New) Critical Period Pay
(New) Add pay for boarding
(New) Add night pay
(New) Reserve override for sequences flown
4.A- Increase per diem
4.D- Improve parking provisions for commuters and satellite bases
(New) Per Diem no less favorable than pilots
(New) Provide payment for those who take alternate transportation
(New) Reimbursements for transportation/hotel will be paid consistent with Paragraph 3.O
8.A- Increase number of days
8.B- Increase daily rate to five hours for all vacation days regardless of length
8.C.2.d- Revise monthly allocations of vacations:
June, July/Aug/Dec to have minimum of (6%) of vacation days scheduled. No more than 30% of scheduled vacation days per calendar quarter
9.C- Increase sick leave accrual to five hours per month.
(New) Flight Attendants who return from long term medical/IOD leave rapidly
re-accrue sick leave.
(New) Allow Flight Attendant option to designate sequence picked up through UBL as sick make-up
(New) Perfect attendance incentives
10.B.1- May not mix widebody and narrowbody
10.D - PBS improvements to the current system
(more layers, better TCR awarding, positions within the sequence, more transparency in the reason report, increase reason report # of sequences displayed)
10.D.18.b - Reserves will have 18 days on in all months (12/13 off)
10.D.18.b - Limit the number of times per month a reserve can be assigned into a Flex Day
10.D.18.d - Improve VC proration chart days off as applied to vacation
10.E-G- Transactions outside PBS may be conducted down to a minimum line credit of 30 hours
10.E.3.l.i- TTS – Increase open time parameters (current 3%)
10.E- Open time limits shall not apply if touching at least one day of a trip being traded.
10.F.1- Allow out of base UBL pick up on days off (Pick up after all base FA’s and aggressive reserves have been awarded. Cannot trade or drop trip)
10.G- ETB transactions will not negate pay protection
10.G.4 (New)- A Reserve may use TTS and UBL on DO, or after released from RSV day
10.J.2- Remove 3-day requirement provision for changes to schedule. Restore F/A ability to not operate trip
10.J.7- Reschedules beyond original footprint is paid at Red Flag Pay for entire sequence
10.L- Last sequence pay protection for reserves who picked up a trip on days off (Open dispute)
10.Q- Improve staffing levels. Require mutual agreement for changes made to staffing
10.T./11.0.4- Expand language to cover misawards in TTS and other crew scheduling errors/contractual violations for Line holders and Reserves
(New) Update satellite language
(New) Address issue of abuse of seniority in dropping trips in ETB Process
(New) Discuss change over
11.D -Increase average minimum day
11.D -Average minimum day based on a calendar day
11.D.4 - Improve trip rig
11.D.5 - Improve duty rig
(New) Rig for longer sit times.
11.E Chart – Eliminate 5, 6 and 7+ legs
11.F- Reduce Operational On Duty Max from 15hr to 14hr
11.G- The applicable duty period for a Reserve assigned a sequence on standby will be determined by the standby report time rather than the report time of the sequence when determining the maximum times specified in the chart in Paragraph E
11.O- Align pay structure with International
11.O- Add backstop to VE
Tiered extension 0 - 3hrs 200%, 3 - 6hrs 300%, both require F/A approval for each extension
(New) Electronic Communication for All VE Requests and Acceptance/Denial
11.O.4- Remove prior to report and include all violations at any time including those in assignment of sequences
12.A.3 Reduce the number of reserves needed as well as lower the seniority of those subject to reserve.
12.F.(New) Prior to future bidding, Standby shifts will be given specific sequence numbers with set starting and ending times so Reserves can bid on specific standby shifts
12.G.1- Decrease to 3 Raps
12.J & K-
- ASG clicks for all sequences assigned or awarded (Future and Daily)
- Clicks will be based on number of calendar days actually flown
- On carryover trips, clicks in the new month will apply to calendar days in the new month
12.K- In the event there are excess Reserves, a Reserve may request to be released from her/his RAP with no reduction of guarantee
12.K.1.f - Address issue of overlapping raps assigning into Flex Days
12.K.2.g/12.M.4 (Clarify)- Address a trip assigned during a RAP but originating on a Flex Day
12.K.2.i- A Reserve will be pay protected if assigned a trip which conflicts with an ETB trip on her/his Flex Day
12.K.4- Increase to 60 hours aggressive of pay and credit in a month counting to call out time
12.M- Review priority of assignment language
12.O- Improve transparency with reports, including assignments for standbys
12.Q- Address Reserve to Lineholder transition with trip conflict based on order of assignment
(Move) Incorporate TDY language (S13.H-I)
14.D.1- Add backstop to Non-Long Range VE
a. Tiered extension 0 - 3hrs 200%, 3 - 6hrs 300%, both require F/A approval for each extension
14.D.4- If after door closing, duty extends past the max actual, 200% for duty period
(New) Electronic communication for all VE request and acceptance/denial
14. E.1 - 2- Thirty (30) min debrief time for duty periods containing any INT segment
14. L.2.C- Increase to 100 training slots for pursers
26.B.4- Add a cap on yearly percentage increases in employee contribution for health care
26.D.5- Increase value of sick bank payout at retirement. Explore options for retiree health care savings accounts
26.G- Increase 401K direct contribution and Company match
(New) Add Profit Sharing
(New) Propose language for health care account (HSA/HRA). Company contributions into an HRA and/or FA may contribute by converting sick and vacation into an HSA account
APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108
Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108
After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108
After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
APFA Events
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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108
Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108
After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
APFA Events
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