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Overview of Transfers

Putting in Your Transfer Request

For more information on entering your transfer preferences in DECS you can view the Guide to Entering Transfer Preferences on Jetnet. Once you are in Personal Mode in DECS, enter these codes from the chart below.

Base transfer preferences can be updated at any time throughout the month and remain active until removed or until a transfer is awarded.

Base Transfer Preference FOS/DECS code to enter Description
View Your Base Transfer Preferences 3* This entry will show you your current and next base, as well as your base preferences, buddy transfers and language qualifications.
Add a Base Transfer Preference 3C/T/BASE-D This entry updates your base transfer preferences, Both for a voluntary transfer to fill vacancies and a mutual transfer to trade bases with another flight attendant. The base transfer requests will be considered for whichever transfer is being processed at the time of capture. Voluntary transfers take precedence - just make sure to always type the 3 letter base code followed by -D, and separate each entry with /. i.e. 3C/T/DFW-D
Remove Base Transfer Preference 3C/T/CANCEL 1 or 3C/T/CANCEL 1 to 9 These entries allow you to cancel a single preference, or a range of preferences. Make sure to type the spaces as shown.
Move Base Transfer Preferences 3C/T/MOVE X TO Y This entry allows you to change the order of your base preferences without having to delete them and start over. For example, if you decide to move the base that is third on your preference list to first on the list, simply type 3C/T/MOVE 3 to 1. Be sure to type the spaces between the numbers as shown.
Input/Delete Buddy Transfers entry 3C/T/BBID/EMP NBR This entry allows you to buddy transfer with up to 4 other flight attendants. To enter more than one buddy transfer, type each employee number separated by a slash. To change your buddy transfers, type the entry again with the new employee numbers. To delete your buddy, type 3C/T/BBID and enter.

Transfer Types

Two Transfer Types:

There is only one transfer list. On the day transfers are awarded, vacancies are processed first followed by mutuals.

Equipment Qualifications

For a Vacancy Transfer you must successfully complete the required qualification training by the effective date of your transfer. For Mutual Transfers you must have required qualifications at the time the award is processed. For Mutual Transfers you must be qualified at the time the award is processed.

787 787 787 787 787 787 787
777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777 777
737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737 737
Airbus (A319/320/ 321/321NX) 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320 320

Additional Information

Transfer Effect on Reserve

A Flight Attendant transferring to a new base will be subject to reserve the first full month at their new base if their seniority requires them to serve reserve, regardless of reserve rotation at their previous base.

Transfer Recind - Decline

Because a transfer request, once awarded, cannot be declined, a Flight Attendant who desires to transfer to a different base should monitor and update her/his standing preference list to the base(s) to which s/he desires to transfer on a frequent basis.

A Flight Attendant may remove her/his name from the transfer list at any time prior to the transfer award.

Back Filling

Management has noted that the number of transfers they end up processing could vary from the numbers posted if they have to backfill slots vacated by Flight Attendants awarded transfers.

We encourage you to have your transfer request in, even if your desired base doesn’t currently show as having a vacancy.

Priority of Return

What is a Priority of Return?

Priority of Return (POR) allows a displaced flight attendant the option of returning to their original base ahead of a non-displaced flight attendant. Flight Attendants holding Priority of Return will be awarded a vacancy transfer in seniority order using their seniority when a vacancy occurs, or the crew base is reopened.  CBA 22.H

How does a Priority of Return (POR) work?

Any flight attendant who wishes to exercise a priority of return, must file a preference form within 30 days of displacement. Flight Service will hold onto this preference until it is either awarded; or a flight attendant wishes to remove their POR and forfeit priority return.

If I transfer voluntarily to another base before my Priority of Return can be fulfilled, will that void my POR request?

No. Per the Letter of Agreement signed between American Airlines and APFA on Dec. 3, 2020, “Subsequent displacements or transfers will not cause the flight attendant to forfeit the right to return.” Click here to view LOA regarding 2021 (POR)

Displaced Flight Attendants with a Priority of Return preference on file must also put in a transfer request in DECS/FOS to be considered for a transfer. If you don’t have your transfer request in DECS/FOS and your seniority would have held the transfer, you would forfeit your Priority of Return.

For Flight Attendants displaced upon return from furlough in December 2020 or by the closure of the RDU and STL bases or downsizing of LAX and PHX in 2021, the deadline to file the POR preference form was April 1, 2021.

A Flight Attendant transferring to a new base will be subject to reserve the first full month at their new base if their seniority requires them to serve reserve, regardless of reserve rotation at their previous base.

Because a transfer request, once awarded, cannot be declined, a Flight Attendant who desires to transfer to a different base should monitor and update her/his standing preference list to the base(s) to which s/he desires to transfer on a frequent basis.

A Flight Attendant may remove her/his name from the transfer list at any time prior to the transfer award.

Management has noted that the number of transfers they end up processing could vary from the numbers posted if they have to backfill slots vacated by Flight Attendants awarded transfers.

We encourage you to have your transfer request in, even if your desired base doesn’t currently show as having a vacancy.

What is a Priority of Return?

Priority of Return (POR) allows a displaced flight attendant the option of returning to their original base ahead of a non-displaced flight attendant. Flight Attendants holding Priority of Return will be awarded a vacancy transfer in seniority order using their seniority when a vacancy occurs, or the crew base is reopened.  CBA 22.H

How does a Priority of Return (POR) work?

Any flight attendant who wishes to exercise a priority of return, must file a preference form within 30 days of displacement. Flight Service will hold onto this preference until it is either awarded; or a flight attendant wishes to remove their POR and forfeit priority return.

If I transfer voluntarily to another base before my Priority of Return can be fulfilled, will that void my POR request?

No. Per the Letter of Agreement signed between American Airlines and APFA on Dec. 3, 2020, “Subsequent displacements or transfers will not cause the flight attendant to forfeit the right to return.” Click here to view LOA regarding 2021 (POR)

Displaced Flight Attendants with a Priority of Return preference on file must also put in a transfer request in DECS/FOS to be considered for a transfer. If you don’t have your transfer request in DECS/FOS and your seniority would have held the transfer, you would forfeit your Priority of Return.

For Flight Attendants displaced upon return from furlough in December 2020 or by the closure of the RDU and STL bases or downsizing of LAX and PHX in 2021, the deadline to file the POR preference form was April 1, 2021.

Vacancy Transfers

Flight Attendants in Active Flying Status:

Flight Attendant vacancies occurring at any base shall be posted no earlier than the twelfth (12th) and no later than the sixteenth (16th) of the calendar month three (3) months prior to the effective date at all Flight Attendant crew bases

The most senior Flight Attendant who is in an active flying status, including standing transfer requests, whose name appears on the system seniority list, shall be awarded the vacancy.

To be eligible for a vacancy transfer, Flight Attendants must be able to report to base by 2359  on the fifteenth (15th) day of the contractual month in which the transfer is to become effective as described below. (Exception: VL/JD/BR/XD/SA/AP).

Flight attendants in a Non-Flying Status on the effective date of the transfer:

  1. Flight Attendants in a non-flying status on the effective date of the transfer who reverts to active status no later than 2359, local base time, of the fifteenth (15th) day of the scheduled report date will retain his/her transfer.
  2. Should a Flight Attendant in a non-flying status on the effective date of the transfer revert to flying status as described in #1 above, but subsequently reverts back to non-flying status prior to the fifteenth (15th) day of the month in which the transfer is to become effective the following shall apply:
    1. If, between the two absences the Flight Attendant flies a trip sequence at his/her new base or if s/he has another obligation at the new base, e.g. training, or day of reserve, s/he will retain his/her transfer.
    2. If, between the two absences the Flight Attendant does not fly a trip or complete a trip obligation as described in #1 above, s/he will forfeit his/her transfer.
  3. A Flight Attendant who is in a flying status between 0001 to 2359 on the effective date of the transfer but who subsequently reports to a non-flying status prior to the fifteenth (15th) day of the month will retain his/her transfer.

Vacancy Transfer Lock in

A Flight Attendant who has successfully transferred to a vacancy transfer will serve a lock-in for a period of three (3) consecutive months.

However, you are eligible for a MUTUAL transfer while serving a Vacancy Transfer lock-in.

Speakers and Language Lock-in

Language qualified but it wasn't required for you to get the transfer?
A Flight Attendant assigned to a base station which requires his/her language qualification but who was not awarded such assignment on the basis of his/her language qualification, may be required to remain at such base for a period of three (3) months from the effective date of the assignment or transfer.

Language qualified and your transfer depended on the language?
A Flight Attendant assigned to a base station which requires his/her language qualification but who was awarded such assignment on the basis of his/her language qualification, may be required to remain at such base for a period of six (6) months from the effective date of the assignment or transfer.

Language qualified and a new hire (within 1 year)?
A Flight Attendant who possesses a foreign language qualification and who is assigned or transfers to a base station within one (1) year of date of hire which requires his/her qualification may be required to remain at such base station for a period of one (1) year from the effective date of assignment or transfer.

  • If there is a need for speakers at another base, new hire speakers may be allowed to transfer but must remain at the new base for 1 year.

On probation?
You are allowed 1 transfer during the period of probation.

CBA Section 22.J

1. Vacancies for foreign language speakers will be filled in accordance with the provisions in Section 22. However, only a language qualified Flight Attendant will be considered eligible to bid for such a vacancy.
2. In order to maintain the minimum requirements of the operation, the Company may retain foreign language qualified Flight Attendants in a crew base where displacements may otherwise be occurring. Foreign language speaker vacancies that are not bid for a given crew base may be involuntarily assigned to the language qualified Flight Attendant with the least system seniority or by a new hire language qualified Flight Attendant, if no Flight Attendants remain on involuntary furlough.

Settling Days

All flight attendants awarded a vacancy transfer must notify Crew Planning of their settling days preferences by using Comply365. Within this form, advise how many days you are requesting for settling days, up to 5 days.  This message must be sent no later than the deadline established.  Late requests will not be honored.

  • Settling days must be consecutive days off; they cannot be split.
  • You may request up to five consecutive days off, including previously scheduled days off.
  • You may submit up to four requests and each request should include your longest scheduled block of days off.
  • Reserves may request to move scheduled days off to create a block of at least 5 consecutive days off without reducing reserve guarantee.
  • Requests are honored based on coverage.
  • Your Comply365 form should include your requests in order of preference.
  • Awarded settling days are unpaid and if applicable will reduce the guarantee.

CBA Section 5.F
A flight attendant who voluntarily transfers to another crew base will be provided five (5) consecutive calendar days free of all duty for the purpose of relocating.  Such "settling days" shall be provided subject to coverage requirements, but shall not be subject to payment for time lost or any expenses incurred.

Mutual Transfers

To be eligible for a mutual transfer, you must already be qualified on the required equipment and service qualifications for your desired base, at the time the award is processed. A mutual transfer may be accomplished by pairing Flight Attendants from different bases in seniority order from 3* preferences in DECS. Mutual transfer Flight Attendants may be required to hold the same language qualification(s) and will be paired as required by each base.

* Purser qualifications will not be a requirement.

CBA section 22.K 5-7

4. Flight Attendants are eligible to mutual transfer each month regardless of an existing lock-in. The Flight Attendant transferring to the base where the lock-in exists will be required to fulfill the remaining portion of the lock-in.
5. The Mutual Transfer shall be at the Flight Attendant's expense.
6. A Flight Attendant involved in a Mutual Transfer shall be responsible for rearranging her/his schedule to avoid trip sequence conflicts. If the Flight Attendant cannot rearrange her/his schedule to avoid a conflict, the Flight Attendant shall be removed from the first trip sequence at the new base as a schedule conflict, and the Flight Attendant shall not be paid or credited for the trip removal and the monthly guarantee shall be reduced accordingly.

View CBA section 22.K

Understanding the Mutual Transfer Lists

Speakers and Mutual Transfers

  • To be awarded a Mutual Transfer, both flight attendants must have like-to-like qualifications (depending on base requirement).
  • If awarded a Mutual Transfer, any language lock-in will be assumed by the Flight Attendant transferring into the base requiring the language qualification.
  • If there is a surplus of the Flight Attendant's language, they may be paired with a non-speaker for a Mutual Transfer.

Timeline for Processing Transfers

@0830 CT on 26Oct23 01Jan24 - Jan
@0830 CT on 26Nov23 31Jan24 - Feb
@0830 CT on 26Dec23 02Mar24 - Mar
@0830 CT on 26Jan24 01Apr24 - Apr
@0830 CT on 26Feb24 02May24 - May
@0830 CT on 26Mar24 02Jun24 - Jun
@0830 CT on 26Apr24 02Jul24 - Jul
@0830 CT on 26May24 01Aug24 - Aug
@0830 CT on 26Jun24 31Aug24 - Sep
@0830 CT on 26Jul24 01Oct24 - Oct
@0830 CT on 26Aug24 01Nov24 - Nov
@0830 CT on 26Sep24 02Dec24 - Dec
@0830 CT on 26Oct24 01Jan25 - Jan'25

Timeline for Capture of Transfer Preferences from FOS

Bid Closing and Award Date: 26th of the month, three months prior to the effective date.

(i.e. Aug 26th for an effective date of Nov 1st).

Transfer Hotlines

7.21.21 – Vacancy Transfers and Priority of Return

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 Vacancy Transfers and Priority of Return The company recently announced there would be both speaker and non-speaker vacancies in several bases throughout the system, with an…

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8.17.20 – VEOP, EVLOA, STLOA, And October Vacancy & Mutual Transfer Bidding Close Tonight

Monday, August 17, 2020 VEOP/EVLOA/STLOA Bidding The deadline to apply for a Voluntary Early Out (VEOP), Extended Voluntary Leave of Absence (EVLOA), or Short-Term Leave of Absence (STLOA) is tonight…

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9.12.18 – (LAA/LUS) – The Weekly Scoop

(Brian Parker, Strategic Action Committee Coordinator, TWU, Robin Charbonneau, APFA and Mark York, Secretary/Treasurer Dallas AFL-CIO , Central Labor Council) Proud to Walk “I was proud to be at DFW…

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7.21.21 – Vacancy Transfers and Priority of Return

Wednesday, July 21, 2021 Vacancy Transfers and Priority of Return The company recently announced there would be both speaker and non-speaker vacancies in several bases throughout the system, with an effective date of October 1st,…

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8.17.20 – VEOP, EVLOA, STLOA, And October Vacancy & Mutual Transfer Bidding Close Tonight

Monday, August 17, 2020 VEOP/EVLOA/STLOA Bidding The deadline to apply for a Voluntary Early Out (VEOP), Extended Voluntary Leave of Absence (EVLOA), or Short-Term Leave of Absence (STLOA) is tonight at 2359 (CDT). Click Here…

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9.12.18 – (LAA/LUS) – The Weekly Scoop

(Brian Parker, Strategic Action Committee Coordinator, TWU, Robin Charbonneau, APFA and Mark York, Secretary/Treasurer Dallas AFL-CIO , Central Labor Council) Proud to Walk “I was proud to be at DFW Airport today, standing beside my…

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
Weekends / Holidays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
Weekends / Holidays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
Weekends / Holidays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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