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System Board of Adjustment (SBA)

General Information


Larry Salas - APFA National Vice President

Regional Representatives

Rick Cangey
[email protected]

Kim Kaswinkel
[email protected]

Dan Sampey
[email protected]

Mark Gentile
[email protected]

Raymond Lewis
[email protected]

Beth Carpenter
[email protected]

Devyn Gourley
[email protected]

Regional Representatives

Rick Cangey
[email protected]

Kim Kaswinkel
[email protected]

Dan Sampey
[email protected]

Mark Gentile
[email protected]

Raymond Lewis
[email protected]

Beth Carpenter
[email protected]

Devyn Gourley
[email protected]

Devyn Gourley
[email protected]

DOT Testing

Read about the DOT testing process

Reserve Out of Base

Learn About Reserve Positioning for RAPs

AA Social Media Policy

Read about the AA Social Media Policy and Do's and Don'ts

Base & Individual Grievances

Open NOD Cases at Each Base

As of Oct 3, 2024

  • BOS: 12

  • CLT: 33

  • DCA: 1

  • DFW: 66

  • LAX: 17

  • LGA: 150

  • MIA: 68

  • ORD: 14

  • PHL: 16

  • PHX: 19

  • BOS 12

  • CLT 33

  • DCA 1

  • DFW 66

  • LAX 17

  • LGA 150

  • MIA 68

  • ORD 14

  • PHL 16

  • PHX 19


Open Base Cases at SBA

As of Oct 3, 2024

  • BOS: 6

  • CLT: 21

  • DCA: 4

  • DFW: 23

  • LAX: 18

  • LGA: 9

  • MIA: 10

  • ORD: 13

  • PHL: 24

  • PHX: 2

  • BOS 6

  • CLT 21

  • DCA 4

  • DFW 23

  • LAX 18

  • LGA 9

  • MIA 10

  • ORD 13

  • PHL 24

  • PHX 2


Settled SBA Cases


Settled SBA Cases

During July - Sept 2024


Settled Terminations

During July - Sept 2024


Cases Going to QSB

As of Sept 2024


Scheduled Termination Arbitrations

As of Sept 2024

Quarterly System Board (QSB) Achievements

• Attendance points mitigations
• Performance points mitigation
• Pay claims settled

January 2024 - September 2024

• 59 Terminations Settled
• 67 Submitted NODs Settled

Presidential Grievances

A Presidential Grievance is a dispute between APFA and the Company involving any action of the Company affecting all Flight Attendants.

Process of a Presidential Grievance: a grievance is filed by the National President, an attempt to reach a settlement is made, and if no settlement can be reached then the case moves to Arbitration.

Open Presidential Grievances

Submission Number Name Date Filed Status
SS-280-2023-APFA-3 APFA vs. AAL - Jury Duty 11/13/2023 Pre-Arbitration Conference
SS-254-2023-APFA-2 APFA vs. AAL - Jumpseat Practices 10/5/2023 Pre-Arbitration Conference
SS-104-2022-AAL-1 AAL vs APFA - Sections 30-31 6/16/2022 Pending
SS-76-2021-APFA-1 APFA vs. AAL - Crew Accommodations 7/27/2021 Pending
SS-81-2020-APFA-2 APFA vs. AAL - Reduction in Staffing Levels 10/23/2020 Awaiting Award
SS-16-2019-APFA-1 APFA vs. AAL - Implement & Programming 2/26/2019 Selecting Arbitrator and Date
SS-188-2018-APFA-9 APFA vs. AAL - ETB, TTS & UBL Implementation 8/20/2018 Awaiting Award
SS-113-2016-APFA-1 APFA vs. AAL - New Uniforms 12/20/2016 Pending

Settled Presidential Grievances


APFA Logo Shirts
Submission - 10.27.23
Settled - 3.11.24

Submission - 12.02.22
Award - 12.27.23


Carry Over Sequence
Submission - 8.15.22
Agreement - 5.11.23

FMLA Caregiver
FMLA Caregiver Settlement - 12.02.22
FMLA Caregiver Submission - 05.07.20


Implementation of ROTA/ROTD
Pay Protection Exception for June - August 2022; Incentive Days/Holiday Pay LOA (Withdraws Grievance) - 7.28.22
Implementation of ROTA/ROTD Submission - 9.27.18
Implementation of ROTA/ROTD Grievance - 8.21.18

Crew Accommodations
Pay Protection Exception for June - August 2022; Incentive Days/Holiday Pay LOA (Withdraws Grievance) - 7.28.22
Crew Accommodations Submission - 7.19.18
Crew Accommodations Grievance - 6.06.18

Pay Protection
Pay Protections (Settlement) - LAA/LUS - 6.25.18
Pay Protection Presidential Submission - 2.08.18
Pay Protection Presidential Grievance - 12.22.17

Presidential Grievance – 48 Hour PBS Processing Time
48-Hour PBS Processing Arbitration Award - 5.29.18
48 hours PBS Processing Presidential Submission - 12.18.18
Presidential Grievance  - 11.10.17

Reduction of Staffing Levels on Boeing 777-200
Reduction of Staffing Levels on Boeing 777-200 Submission - 4.05.18
Reduction of Staffing Levels on Boeing 777-200 - 2.16.18

Drug & Alcohol Policy / Lack of Formal Notification
Drug & Alcohol Presidential Grievance Case Resolution - 4.06.18
Drug & Alcohol Presidential Grievance Submission - 2.16.18

Protest of Company's Plan to Declare FOI Before it has Satisfied the Contractual Conditions of FOI
FOI Presidential Grievance Settlement Agreement - 1.09.18
Presidential Grievance - 9.05.17

ETB/ISAP Presidential Grievance Settlement - 4.13.17
ETB/ISAP Presidential Grievance Submission - 9.24.15

IPD Layover Rest
IPD Layover Rest Settlement - 5.05.17
IPD Layover Rest Presidential Submission - 1.26.17


LUS Jumpseat
LUS Jumpseat Presidential Settlement - 8.10.16
LUS Jumpseat Presidential Submission - 12.03.15
LUS Jumpseat Presidential Grievance- 11.11.15

APFA v AAL DCA Parking
APFA v AAL DCA Parking Letter - 6.21.16 (Withdrawn)
APFA v AAL DCA Parking Presidential Grievance Submission - 11.09.15

Out of Network Co-Insurance
Out of Network Co-Insurance Grievance Settlement - 3.31.16
Out of Network Co-Insurance Grievance - 8.13.15

APFA-VEBA Prefunding
VEBA Prefunding Presidential Award - 3.14.16
2014-APFA VEBA Prefunding Presidential Grievance - 8.04.14

APFA-1 Deadheading Pay for Travel to and from Training Presidential Submission
Letter of Agreement - 3.01.16
Settlement Agreement - 2.26.16
SS-11-2015-APFA-1 Deadheading Pay for Travel to and from Training Presidential Submission - 4.09.15

Order of Open Time Coverage
Order of Open Time Presidential Settlement - 1.12.16
Order of Open Time Presidential Grievance - 12.16.15

APFA-3 Pilots Premium Cabin Seats
2014-APFA-3 Pilots Premium Cabin Seats Letter - 1.12.16 (Withdrawn)
2014-APFA-3 Pilots Premium Cabin Seats - 12.15.14

Vacation Days Included in Minimum Required 11 Days Off
Vacation Days Included in Minimum Required 11 Days Off Presidential Grievance- 1.05.16
Settlement Agreement - 2.26.16


Awarding of PVDs
Awarding of PVDs Settlement - 7.22.11

2009-APFA-007 Settlement  - 4.28.11

Swine Flu
Swine Flu Settlement - 3.25.10

Indefinite Delays: Appx. I, Art. 9.N.
Indefinite Delays: Appx. I, Art. 9.N. Settlement - 7.30.09

757 Crew Rest
757 Crew Rest Decision - 1.29.09

Article 16.A. Seniority Accrual on Overage Leave
Settlement Agreement for Article 16.A. Seniority Accrual on Overage Leave - 7.03.08

Comprehensive Health Care Benefits
Comprehensive Health Care Benefits Settlement - 1.17.07


Family Medical Leave I and II
Family Medical Leave I and II Settlement (hotline) - 11.02.06
Family Medical Leave I Award - 9.01.06
Family Medical Leave II Award - 6.30.03

TWA Medical Insurance
TWA Medical Insurance - 6.22.06

Executive Compensation
Executive Compensation - 4.03.06

San Diego Parking
San Diego Parking Award - 2.13.06

737 Staffing
737 Staffing Agreement - 10.19.05

Vacation Accrual
Vacation Accrual Settlement - 6.28.05

Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy Settlement - 11.11.03

767 Staffing - Underfly
767 Staffing - Underfly Settlement - 5.31.03

Language Assessment
Language Assessment Settlement - 4.30.03
Language Assessment Settlement Q&A's - 4.30.03

777 Understaffing
777 Understaffing Settlement - 3.20.03


Contacting Flight Attendants on Sick List
Contacting Flight Attendants on Sick List Settlement - 11.19.02

TWA-LLC Voluntary Furloughs
TWA-LLC Voluntary Furloughs Settlement - 11.07.02

Flight Attendant Searches
Flight Attendant Searches Settlement - 8.07.02

In Flight Manual
In Flight Manual Settlement - 8.07.02

Reduction in Force
Reduction in Force Settlement - 8.05.02

Right to Grieve Any Action
Right to Grieve Any Action Settlement - 4.23.01

Improper Calculation of IOD Benefits
Improper Calculation of IOD Benefits Settlement - 4.11.01

AA's Medical Certificate Requirement
Standing Arbitration Award from 2000 re: AA's Medical Certificate Requirement

APFA Logo Shirts
Submission - 10.27.23
Settled - 3.11.24

Submission - 12.02.22
Award - 12.27.23

Carry Over Sequence
Agreement - 5.11.23

FMLA Caregiver
FMLA Caregiver Settlement - 12.02.22
FMLA Caregiver Submission - 05.07.20

Implementation of ROTA/ROTD
Pay Protection Exception for June - August 2022; Incentive Days/Holiday Pay LOA (Withdraws Grievance) - 7.28.22
Implementation of ROTA/ROTD Submission - 9.27.18
Implementation of ROTA/ROTD Grievance - 8.21.18

Crew Accommodations
Pay Protection Exception for June - August 2022; Incentive Days/Holiday Pay LOA (Withdraws Grievance) - 7.28.22
Crew Accommodations Submission - 7.19.18
Crew Accommodations Grievance - 6.06.18

Pay Protection
Pay Protections (Settlement) - LAA/LUS - 6.25.18
Pay Protection Presidential Submission - 2.08.18
Pay Protection Presidential Grievance - 12.22.17

Presidential Grievance – 48 Hour PBS Processing Time
48-Hour PBS Processing Arbitration Award - 5.29.18
48 hours PBS Processing Presidential Submission - 12.18.18
Presidential Grievance  - 11.10.17

Reduction of Staffing Levels on Boeing 777-200
Reduction of Staffing Levels on Boeing 777-200 Submission - 4.05.18
Reduction of Staffing Levels on Boeing 777-200 - 2.16.18

Drug & Alcohol Policy / Lack of Formal Notification
Drug & Alcohol Presidential Grievance Case Resolution - 4.06.18
Drug & Alcohol Presidential Grievance Submission - 2.16.18

Protest of Company's Plan to Declare FOI Before it has Satisfied the Contractual Conditions of FOI
FOI Presidential Grievance Settlement Agreement - 1.09.18
Presidential Grievance - 9.05.17

ETB/ISAP Presidential Grievance Settlement - 4.13.17
ETB/ISAP Presidential Grievance Submission - 9.24.15

IPD Layover Rest
IPD Layover Rest Settlement - 5.05.17
IPD Layover Rest Presidential Submission - 1.26.17

LUS Jumpseat
LUS Jumpseat Presidential Settlement - 8.10.16
LUS Jumpseat Presidential Submission - 12.03.15
LUS Jumpseat Presidential Grievance- 11.11.15

APFA v AAL DCA Parking
APFA v AAL DCA Parking Letter - 6.21.16 (Withdrawn)
APFA v AAL DCA Parking Presidential Grievance Submission - 11.09.15

Out of Network Co-Insurance
Out of Network Co-Insurance Grievance Settlement - 3.31.16
Out of Network Co-Insurance Grievance - 8.13.15

APFA-VEBA Prefunding
VEBA Prefunding Presidential Award - 3.14.16
2014-APFA VEBA Prefunding Presidential Grievance - 8.04.14

APFA-1 Deadheading Pay for Travel to and from Training Presidential Submission
Letter of Agreement - 3.01.16
Settlement Agreement - 2.26.16
SS-11-2015-APFA-1 Deadheading Pay for Travel to and from Training Presidential Submission - 4.09.15

Order of Open Time Coverage
Order of Open Time Presidential Settlement - 1.12.16
Order of Open Time Presidential Grievance - 12.16.15

APFA-3 Pilots Premium Cabin Seats
2014-APFA-3 Pilots Premium Cabin Seats Letter - 1.12.16 (Withdrawn)
2014-APFA-3 Pilots Premium Cabin Seats - 12.15.14

Vacation Days Included in Minimum Required 11 Days Off
Vacation Days Included in Minimum Required 11 Days Off Presidential Grievance- 1.05.16
Settlement Agreement - 2.26.16

Awarding of PVDs
Awarding of PVDs Settlement - 7.22.11

2009-APFA-007 Settlement  - 4.28.11

Swine Flu
Swine Flu Settlement - 3.25.10

Indefinite Delays: Appx. I, Art. 9.N.
Indefinite Delays: Appx. I, Art. 9.N. Settlement - 7.30.09

757 Crew Rest
757 Crew Rest Decision - 1.29.09

Article 16.A. Seniority Accrual on Overage Leave
Settlement Agreement for Article 16.A. Seniority Accrual on Overage Leave - 7.03.08

Comprehensive Health Care Benefits
Comprehensive Health Care Benefits Settlement - 1.17.07

Family Medical Leave I and II
Family Medical Leave I and II Settlement (hotline) - 11.02.06
Family Medical Leave I Award - 9.01.06
Family Medical Leave II Award - 6.30.03

TWA Medical Insurance
TWA Medical Insurance - 6.22.06

Executive Compensation
Executive Compensation - 4.03.06

San Diego Parking
San Diego Parking Award - 2.13.06

737 Staffing
737 Staffing Agreement - 10.19.05

Vacation Accrual
Vacation Accrual Settlement - 6.28.05

Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy Settlement - 11.11.03

767 Staffing - Underfly
767 Staffing - Underfly Settlement - 5.31.03

Language Assessment
Language Assessment Settlement - 4.30.03
Language Assessment Settlement Q&A's - 4.30.03

777 Understaffing
777 Understaffing Settlement - 3.20.03

Contacting Flight Attendants on Sick List
Contacting Flight Attendants on Sick List Settlement - 11.19.02

TWA-LLC Voluntary Furloughs
TWA-LLC Voluntary Furloughs Settlement - 11.07.02

Flight Attendant Searches
Flight Attendant Searches Settlement - 8.07.02

In Flight Manual
In Flight Manual Settlement - 8.07.02

Reduction in Force
Reduction in Force Settlement - 8.05.02

Right to Grieve Any Action
Right to Grieve Any Action Settlement - 4.23.01

Improper Calculation of IOD Benefits
Improper Calculation of IOD Benefits Settlement - 4.11.01

AA's Medical Certificate Requirement
Standing Arbitration Award from 2000 re: AA's Medical Certificate Requirement

Understanding Grievances

What is the System Board of Adjustment?

The System Board as constituted in accordance with the provisions of JCBA Section 31 shall have jurisdiction over disputes between any employee covered by the JCBA and the Company growing out of grievances or out of interpretation or application of any of the terms of the JCBA. The SBA is overseen by the National Vice President. Read more about the SBA in JCBA Section 31

Notice of Dispute Process

The System Board as constituted in accordance with the provisions of JCBA Section 31 shall have jurisdiction over disputes between any employee covered by the JCBA and the Company growing out of grievances or out of interpretation or application of any of the terms of the JCBA. The SBA is overseen by the National Vice President. Read more about the SBA in JCBA Section 31

Step 1

Step 1 - Flight Attendant Files a Notice of Dispute

Flight Attendant(s) files a Notice of Dispute (NOD) with their FSM/AFSM

Step 2

Step 2 - Dispute Resolution Conference

Base Representative attempts to resolve the situation with local management through a Dispute Resolution Conference (DRC)

Step 3

Step 3 - Case Submitted to SBA

If no resolution is reached at the DRC, the case is submitted to the System Board of Adjustment (SBA)

System Board of Adjustment (SBA) Process

Step 1

Step 1 - Case is Reviewed

The case is reviewed by the Grievance Review Committee to determine the merits of the case.

Step 2

Step 2 - Resolution Attempted

As the case moves through the SBA, the Regional Representative attempts to resolve the case

Step 3

Step 3 - Quarterly System Board (QSB)

If no settlement can be reached, the case moves on to Quarterly System Board (QSB).

An outside arbitrator, along with a member of the union and the company, hear the case. Both the company and the union present their case and a decision is rendered the same day. The decision by the panel is BINDING.

Termination Grievance Process

A termination grievance is a dispute between a Flight Attendant and the Company regarding their discharge. The grievance is filed by the Regional Representative for the Base.

Step 1

Step 1 - First Level Hearing

If Flight Attendant is not reinstated after the First Level hearing a termination grievance is submitted to the SBA

Step 2

Step 2 - Case is Reviewed

The case is reviewed by the Grievance Review Committee to determine the merits of the case.

Step 3

Step 3 - Reinstatement Attempted

As the case moves through the SBA, the Regional Representative works to reinstate the Flight Attendant

Step 4

Step 4 - Arbitration

If no settlement can be reached to return the Flight Attendant to work, the grievance can move to Arbitration

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
Weekends / Holidays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
Weekends / Holidays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
Weekends / Holidays: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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