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5.12.00 – (LAA) – American Eagle, DVD Players

May 12

Thanks, Laura. This is Leslie Mayo, APFA National Communications Coordinator with more HOTLINE News for the week ending Friday, May 12, 2000.

American Eagle will be launching service on their 37-seat Regional Jets from NY’ s LaGuardia to Greenville/Spartanburg, South Carolina beginning July 18 and from LGA to Norfolk AND Richmond, Virginia September 1st. On September 6th American Eagle will begin service from LGA to Greensboro, North Carolina. I’ m sure this will be causing quite a stir for our pilots over at APA.

In Industry News: Michael Conway, National Airlines CEO, is upset with American for claiming it provides more room in coach than the other airlines. National’s 757s have 1 less seat than American’ s reconfigured 757s – both with the 2-class layout. Quote: We’ re quite pissed off about it, – end quote, Conway said at the International Airline CEO Conference.

Continental Express reached a tentative agreement with its Flight Attendants who are represented by the Machinists Union. The 4 Ω T/A includes improvements in pay, profit sharing, 401K accounts, reserve, holiday pay and domestic partner benefits.

Trans States Pilots, who are represented by the Air Line Pilots Association, will be Informational Picketing in New York, Boston and St. Louis next week. This is due to the May 27th deadline of their 30- day, cooling-off period following unsuccessful contract negotiations. They are hoping to avoid a strike over the Memorial Day weekend. They’ve been in talks with their company since June of 1998 and have been working under an amendable contract since November of the same year. Their major contract issues include, wages, retirement, insurance and working conditions.

Keep in mind that if your flight is NOT a C-Bill of Work indicating that you are to clean the aircraft, please do NOT clean. That job is for Cabin Service, and although you might be in a hurry to board or the agent is pushed for his/her timely departure, this may NOT be your job. Recently, a cleaning crew of union Cabin Service workers walked OFF the aircraft after witnessing Flight Attendants cleaning a terminated aircraft. Let’ s support our brothers and sisters at TWU by allowing them to do their job.

Beginning June of 2000, AA will begin testing an a la carte service at Raleigh-Durham which will be dine upon request and without carts — on the 767-200. It will be handrun by the #1,5 and 6 Flight Attendants. This is due to the new seats in First Class creating less than enough room for the carts to fit down the aisle. All service items will be pre- plated. Training will begin toward the end of May and continue through June. No bid denials will occur for this service.

American Airlines, APFA and APA are joining together in a rally on Capitol Hill for the AA-CHINA route. A flyer will be in June’s Bid Package for those of you interested in attending the Fly-In in Washington DC from the 26th of June to the 28th. American is offering Round trip space available business passes to the employee along with a hotel room for 2 nights and bus transportation.

Your Negotiating Team 2000 and the Special Advisory Committee would like to invite you to our system InfoRep and Base meetings for negotiations briefings sponsored by your local Chairs. May 22 is the DCA/DCA-I InfoRep Base Meeting. May 31st is the SFO-SFO-I meeting and will be at the Holiday Inn North located at 275 South Airport Boulevard in San Francisco. InfoReps are welcome at 10:00 a.m. and all members in good standing at noon. The phone number for the hotel is 650-873-3550 and they offer free parking at the hotel or complimentary transportation from SFO Airport upper level. This meeting will take the place of the regularly scheduled Base Meeting for the month of May. Meetings in June include MIA/IMA on the 15th, and BOS/BOS-I on the 22nd of June. Raleigh Durham will be held on July 13th and SEA on July 20th.

We would like to extend a special welcome to the Graduating Flight Attendant Class 2000-10 who reported to ORD, LGA or DCA this past Wednesday. Our next class, 2000-11 will graduate on the 17th and those Flight Attendants will be reporting to BOS, ORD and LGA.

From the APFA Safety Department: Just a heads-up regarding the DVD players. These are NOT subject to PA override from the Cockpit OR the cabin. Also, if you have any questions regarding the AED segment of EPTs please check the APFA web site at for a review of the actual form used during your drills. You can also call the APFA Safety Department at 1-800-395-2732 Ext. 8302. Please remember that if you are required to do a fourth drill during EPTs, it is your right as an APFA member to have a Union Representative with you. Please call APFA headquarters or your Base Chair for assistance.

Don’ t forget to sign up for Long Term Care Insurance American Airlines is currently offering through June 14, 2000. Enrollment Kits are available from MetLife at (888)526-8495 Monday through Saturday. This insurance is being made available to Employees, Eligible Family Members and Retirees and pricing is age-rated.

Don’ t forget to visit our NEW web site at Wear your Union Pin proudly and call your Base Chair to become an InfoRep. Thank you for calling the APFA HotLine.

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Euless, Texas 76040

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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