7.07.00 – (LAA) – Negotiations Update, Air Rage Press Release
July 07, 2000
Hello, this is Patrick Hancock, InfoRep Division Coordinator with Negotiations news for the week of July 7, 2000.
Negotiations with American’s management took a holiday break this week, but it’s not like anyone noticed the change in the overall pace. Now that the soft issues have been signed off, the Company has nowhere to hide. The Company is obviously wedded to the failed Tentative Agreement when it comes to the big ticket items. The tone at the bargaining table has definitely changed in the last two weeks. Management burns up an entire week talking about very little! So the question on everyone’s lips is, ‘when will we get a contract’ At this pace, our grandchildren will be voting on the next Tentative Agreement. But, Team 2000 keeps telling management, we want a contract NOW, and they are doing their part by pushing the Company to meet four days a week. Both sides will have to make real decisions in the next few weeks. Talks will resume the week of July 10th in White Plains, New York.
Hi, This is Leslie Mayo, National Communications Coordinator with the APFA HotLine for Friday, July 7, 2000.
On July 6th, APFA conducted interviews with several news stations both live and via telephone regarding Passenger Misconduct on board the aircraft. The following Press Release was issued by APFA:
July 6, 2000
No one knows why some passengers resort to violence on the airplane. We do know, however, that alcohol is involved in a large number of these incidents. Last year, there were 1,074 reported in-flight/passenger disturbances on AA’s aircraft and this year, APFA has already documented 388.
APFA has led the movement on this issue. In early 1996, APFA approached American Airlines upper management about this issue and AA’s President Don Carty indicated strong support for protecting Flight Attendants against abusive passengers. A document was established with guidelines on how to treat in-flight passenger misconduct, which is a violation of Federal Law. One of the goals between APFA and AA was to develop a policy when dealing with Flight Attendant assaults on the aircraft. A reporting form was designed to assist flight crews, law enforcement authorities, and the FAA when dealing with unruly passengers.
This document was eventually followed by the FAA’s Advisory Circular in October of 1996 (#120-65) addressing the subject of ‘INTERFERENCE WITH CREW MEMBERS IN THE PERFORMANCE OF THEIR DUTIES’.
We strongly support the FAA’s movement in increasing the civil penalties against passengers who interfere with crew members and we continue to urge Federal Authorities to prosecute passengers to the fullest extent of the law when Federal violations have occurred. Once it falls into the court system, however, it’s up to the US Attorneys to take the case forward. That is when it falls out of our hands.
The airlines are finally recognizing that this is a problem, but the court system needs to acknowledge it as well so that these people know there will be ramifications for their destructive actions on board an aircraft.
We hope that the flying public becomes better educated on the rules and regulations regarding passenger behavior while traveling by air. Whether itís by way of the media or a trip to the local police department in hand-cuffs, our message – industry wide – needs to be conveyed that disruptive behavior will not be tolerated on any aircraft.
The Hotel Department would like to announce the names of the new National Hotel Committee. The following Flight Attendants will be assisting the National Hotel Coordinator with her on-site reviews: Steve Carter, Sandra DiSalvo, Randy Horita, Judy Huckaby, Carrie Maniaci, Danny Marsh, Linda Prosser and Tim Weston. These Flight Attendants represent a wide range of seniority and base locations. If you have any questions or comments please call APFA Headquarters, extension 8306.
Unnanounced Observation Rides (UORs), formerly known as Ghost Rides will be in full force for the month of July. Brought to you by a randomly selected Flight Service Manager who prefers to remain anonymous, these folks will be watching every move you and your co-workers make in-flight. Just remember to be on your toes! All LHR, LGW, Paris, FRA Flights, All Transcon Flights, DFW/SJU, NYC/MIA, DFW/SEA, DFW and ORD To LGA, ORD/YUL, ORD/MEX, LAX and SFO To HNL, MIA/BOS, DFW/NRT, DFW and ORD To LAX, all Managua, Buenos Aires, Rio, Santiago, Sao Paulo and Lima Flights. Theyíre especially hunting for any incomplete compliance checks and 15-minute cabin walk-throughs.
Base Meetings for the week ending July 14th include: LAX on July 12th at the local LAX Office. The meeting begins at 12:00 noon and all LAX Council Reps and members in good standing are welcome. DFW Base Meeting will be July 12th at the local DFW Office. The meeting begins at 11:00 a.m. and all DFW Council Reps and members in good standing are welcome to attend. IDF’s Base Meeting is July 11th and will be at APFA headquarters beginning at 11:00 a.m. All council reps and members in good standing are invited.
This month there will be two more InfoRep Meetings. Raleigh/Durham will be held July 13th at the Holiday Inn Crabtree, 4100 Glenwood Avenue, Raleigh, North Carolina. The phone number is 919-782-8600. Seattle will hold its InfoRep and base meeting July 20th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Raddison Hotel, Seattle Airport. The address is 17001 Pacific Highway South, Seattle, Washington. The phone number is 206-244-6000. Encourage your fellow members to attend these informative meetings. It is your chance to meet our new National Officers and members of Team 2000 and get answers to their questions about Negotiations. All members in good standing are welcome.
That’s it for this week. Wear your Union Pin proudly and thank you for calling the APFA Hotline.