Attention Info Reps:
Keep Informed on the Wright Amendment
We have been working hard to keep the issue of the Wright Amendment the forefront. As an InfoRep, regardless of where you live or where you are based, this information is important to understand. The potential repealing of the Wright Amendment does not just affect DFW. If it is repealed, it would have far reaching affects American Airlines.
U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson of Dallas, who is sponsoring the fight to have this Amendment repealed, has posted a poll on whether or not to repeal the Wright Amendment on his Web site. It may not be up for long, so please get on and vote "NO" to repeal the Wright Amendment as soon as possible. That website address is: www.samjohnson.house.gov . Please direct our fellow flight attendants to this website as well: www.dothewrightthing.com .
As of today, the poll is currently showing 51.30% "Yes, it should be repealed" and 48.70% "No, it should not"
Wouldn’t it be great if all of us bombarded his website and took his poll? The "NO’s" would undoubtedly have it!
Denise Pointer, DFW InfoRep
[email protected]