2.16.07 – (LAA) – BOD Meeting Concludes
This is Leslie Mayo, National Communications Coordinator reporting from Chicago with the APFA Hotline for Friday, February 16, 2007.
APFA News: The APFA Board of Directors Meeting concluded its business on Tuesday, February 13th and the APFA Leadership has been attempting to travel home from Chicago. Please visit the Web site – specifically the Convention 2007 link on the left main column – to download a copy of the Awards Program, take a look at the 30th anniversary banner and view photos of the Banquet and Board Meeting. Minutes from this meeting will be posted as soon as they are finalized and in accordance with the APFA Policy Manual.
All International Proffer Preferences were purged on February 7. If you desire an international proffer you, update your 3* preference accordingly. As a reminder, you cannot rescind an international proffer once it is awarded so be sure your proffer requests are always up-to-date.
We would like to remind our members of the contractual provision that allows you to extend a bereavement leave with the use of PVDs. If you need additional paid-time off beyond the three Personal Emergency days – as a result of the death of an immediate family member as defined in Article 27 – you should alert Flight Service that you would like to use PVDs. PVD’s for this purpose will be awarded regardless of manning.
The next Flight Attendant retirement seminar is scheduled for Dallas on March 5th. Two sessions will take place in the Yandry Centry at DFW Airport – the first at 9:00 a.m. and the 2nd at 1:00 p.m. All Flight Attendants are welcome to attend. If you would like to attend a retirement seminar, there are specific documents that will assist you in calculating your Pension. To locate these documents, visit jetnet.aa.com and click on BENEFITS – RETIREMENT PLANNING – MY PENSION – REQUEST/VIEW ESTIMATES. Print this document then click on the highlighted link entitled PLAN CALCULATION FORMULAS. Print that information as well and bring both documents with you to one of AA/APFA’s retirement seminars.
Bankruptcy Watch: Delta Airlines reported a $6.2 billion annual loss and a $2 billion loss for the 4th quarter. However, their annual operating profit, which excludes special items including bankruptcy costs, wouldíve been $58 million. Apparently, this is a substantial improvement from previous years and they appear to be on track to emerge from bankruptcy.
Meanwhile, Comair and its pilots finally reached a Tentative Agreement following the threat of a Strike and imposed work rules and pay cuts. The ratification date is set for March 4th. No details have been released.
The Northwest Flight Attendants requested the bankruptcy judge who had previously allowed cuts imposed on their workgroup reverse his decision based on incorrect financial information provided by Northwest Airlines. Bankruptcy costs aside, Northwest posted an annual profit of $306 million. Previously, the Flight Attendants, now represented by AFA-CWA, offered $156 million in cuts; however, their current concessions amount to $195 million.
Industry Watch: Continental Airlines distributed $111 million in profit sharing to its employees on Wednesday following a $343 million annual profit in ’06. This is Continental’s first payout in seven years.
Fuel Watch: As of February 15th, a barrel of crude oil cost $57.99. The crack spread price was $11.71. This brings the total for one barrel of jet fuel to $69.70 ñ about $5.50 less than last week’s price. One year ago, jet fuel was $73.81 a barrel, $4.11 a barrel higher than the price of jet fuel today.
Please remember we have 2,390 American Airlines Flight Attendants and APFA members still on furlough.
As a reminder, APFA has a Representative available after hours to assist Flight Attendants in the event of an emergency. Call 817.540.0108 and follow the prompts for the Officer on Duty.
Thatís it for this week. Thank you for calling the APFA Hotline.
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