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11.18.08 – (LAA) – 1993 Strike Anniversary

Special APFA HotLine Remember November alert – 11.18.08

In honor of the 15th anniversary of the strike of November 18, 1993, there is a special video and slide show on the APFA web site showing many special moments during this historic event.

The slide shows (organized by base) and the videos are open to all site visitors, public and members alike. Click on the Remember November logo at

For detailed information regarding the Remember November events planned throughout the system, go to the APFA web site and click on the Remember November Activities Information link on the main page.

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Following is the text of a press release issued yesterday:

History Repeating at American Airlines?

APFA Commemorates 15th Anniversary of Historic Strike
Airport Pickets on Tues., Nov. 18, 11 am at JFK, Reagan National, Dallas Fort Worth

Euless, Texas – Fifteen years after the historic strike that shut down the nation’s largest carrier, American Airlines, Flight Attendants will be back on the picket lines at airports in Dallas Fort Worth, Washington and New York on Tuesday, Nov. 18, to highlight the poor working conditions for Flight Attendants, especially at American.

That successful strike in November 1993, the largest in aviation history, resulted in an industry leading contract for members of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA). Now APFA, again in negotiations with the carrier, is seeking to recoup huge pay and benefit cuts it agreed to in 2003 to help American stave off bankruptcy.

American Flight Attendant’s pay and benefits have been reduced by 25 percent and workload has increased by 47 percent (the most of any airline) while overtime has doubled resulting in less time with their families. Meanwhile, American Airlines executives have rewarded themselves with $336 million in bonuses over the past three years.

Holding picket signs that read “Remember November” and “We Are Still Willing,” Flight
Attendants will commemorate their successful 1993 strike while reminding management that they are determined to win a good contract, even if they must take the ultimate step to get it.

Flight Attendants will also hand out free travel pillows imprinted with, the website promoting their “Peace for Passengers” campaign. Recently launched to protest the growing challenges of air travel, the PAXforPAX campaign (PAX is both the Latin word for “peace” and an airline abbreviation for “passengers”) focuses on improving air travel for both passengers and Flight Attendants.

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) is the nation’s largest independent Flight Attendant union representing the more than 18,000 American Airlines Flight Attendants. More information is available at:

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

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