4.03.09 – (LAA) – Negotiations Update, Furloughs, Executive Bonuses, LHR Crew Clearance, Silent Observer Agreement, ORD Retirement Seminar, WINGS Golf Tournament, Phone Tree Information, PVD Overpayment Adjustments, American Eagle Employment, Scheduling Q
This is Frank Bastien, National Communications Coordinator, with the APFA weekly HotLine update for Friday, April 3, 2009.
Your APFA Team and the Company’s negotiators met under mediation for several days this week beginning Tuesday, March 31. The planned schedule of internal Team meetings, joint and mediated sessions is available through a document posted on the Negotiations page of APFA.org. Go to: index.php?&view=category&id=351. Website login is required.
This week, the two sides continued building on earlier discussions over open articles, including Union proposals submitted last week for: Article 7 – Hours of Service and Article 8 – Minimum Pay and Credit. The status of articles opened or under discussion, or TAs reached on any articles, will be updated regularly on the Negotiations page.
Members of the Team continue their preparation for visits to each Base Operations area on Monday, April 20. The flyer detailing times and places is available through a link on the APFA main page. Plans for any visits to venues other than Base Ops will be included in this HotLine once confirmed. Mark your calendar to meet with your Team members and hear of their progress first hand. Meantime, continue to send your comments and ideas directly to the Team via email to: [email protected], or use the web form link “Tell Your Team What You Want” on the Negotiations page.
A special announcement was emailed to members earlier this week from the APFA National Officers on the occasion of the furlough effective this past Wednesday. Read it online below . The APFA Contract Department has compiled a Benefit Checklist for those furloughed. It is available for viewing or downloading from APFA.org or through a direct link at the end of the emailed and online versions of this HotLine.
APFA is continuing to cooperate with and assist the New York Department of Labor (NY DOL) in an investigation of whether AA was in compliance with New York State laws governing furlough notice requirements. Since this is a new law in the state, APFA contacted the NY DOL over the question. Initially told that AA’s action was compliant, APFA has since been advised that the NY DOL wishes their counsel review the issue further. That process is still under way. APFA is in contact with both the NY DOL as well as the NY Attorney General’s office should litigation need to ensue. We appreciate the many calls made by our members on this issue.
As sure as the swallows returning to Capistrano, springtime brings with it the yearly bonus grab by AMR top execs. How much will it be this year? Our sisters and brothers at the TWU have set up a fun website called American Exec Check linked to right from the APFA main page. (Or go to: www.americanexeccheck.com.) Check out the website and see if you can match up their earnings with the four named executives at AMR, Apple, Google and Southwest. There’s even an online petition you can join. We bet you already know who rakes in the most!
At the time this HotLine was recorded, the total number of members now on our recall list was still being reconciled with the new additions, attrition and those accepting the Travel Separation. The online version will be updated with the count and the entire list posted once available.
Remember that the Wings Foundation has a website with information on base contact numbers, donation forms and assistance requests. Go to: www.wingsfoundation.com.
Thank you for calling the APFA HotLine.
# # # # # Emailed and Online HotLine Extras # # # # #
A recent HI6 message from Flight Service reminds members flying out of London Heathrow (LHR) that the British Airport Authority is stepping up enforcement of the carry-on liquids rules that crew members face when clearing security through the crew checkpoints. All crew members are encouraged to review the requirements in order to make the security clearance as efficient as possible. Please check with the Flight Service Managers-on-Duty at your base if you did not receive the message or have misplaced your copy. Please note any discrepancies or difficulties you experience in your crew clearance process and report them to your Base Chair for tracking and follow-up with management at your local Base and London Heathrow.
Though American management never forgets their bonus day, your APFA Reps often find themselves in the position of reminding the company of how we’ve agreed in the past to conduct our dealings with each other. Such is the case with a Letter of Agreement signed in 1995 governing the presence of a Union observer during Company Security Department investigative interviews. A copy of the Agreement – an important protection for our members – and the attached Questions and Answers has been posted on the Letters of Agreement page of our website. It is worth reviewing by anyone who might ever be involved in an investigation, whether as a subject or a silent observer. Go to the Letters of Agreement page under Members’ Resources, or: index.php?&view=category&id=55/. Website login is required.
A retirement seminar is scheduled at Chicago OíHare on Thursday, April 23. The place is the Chicago West Conference Room, outside security on the mezzanine level, above the International check-in counter. The time is 10:30 AM to 12:00 noon for all work groups and 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM for Flight Attendants only. To get the most out of these helpful seminars, print out and bring your personal pension estimate and plan calculation formulas from Jetnet. For more information, call 773.686.6689.
The Tarrant County Central Labor Council is sponsoring the 2nd Annual Honorable Jim Wright Invitational Golf Tournament on Thursday, May 28 at the Golf Club at Fossil Creek in Fort Worth, Texas (www.thegolfclubatfossilcreek.com). This year’s proceeds will benefit the Wings Foundation and the working families of Tarrant County. A flyer with schedules, process and sign-up forms is available from APFA.org at: images/PDFs/jim_wright.pdf.
APFA is gearing up the Phone Tree! Soon you may be receiving a call from an APFA InfoRep to verify your phone numbers, your email address and to find out how you get your Union and Negotiations information. As talks proceed, we must be ready to mobilize and get the word out. An accurate Phone Tree is a vital part. If you receive a call, please take the few minutes necessary to share your updated contact information.
Pay Comp has completed the process of calculating the number of pay hours to be recovered from Flight Attendants who exceeded 2008 vacation accruals with PVD usage. Payroll has advised that pay recovery will begin on the April 30, 2009 paycheck. The Flight Attendant Service Center will now begin to advise the affected Flight Attendants and will coordinate with Payroll any requests for a repayment plan. Any Flight Attendant who does want to establish a repayment plan must advise the Flight Attendant Service Center prior to April 17.
Many of our members found employment with American Eagle during a previous period of furlough and might be interested in returning to American Eagle if opportunities were available. While they are not currently hiring, it is possible that they could be recruiting in the very near future. American Eagle stated they would be extremely interested in rehiring those who previously worked for them. If you would like to be notified should American Eagle be in a position to hire Flight Attendants, please send an email to Brent Peterson, National Contract Coordinator at: [email protected]. If you did not previously work at American Eagle, but are interested in being considered for positions if they were to recruit please also send an email to Brent.
Test your Contract IQ by taking one of the latest APFA Quick Quizzes. With both Domestic and International versions, the quizzes focus on some very common Scheduling questions and scenarios. Have your On-Duty Contract Guide (ODCG) handy to find the answers. The link to the quizzes is on the APFA.org main page.
The APFA Treasurer reminds those Flight Attendants currently on or who will be going out on an Overage Leave that you remain dues obligated during the leave. Once you return from your leave, if you have not prepaid your dues or paid monthly throughout your leave, you will have sixty (60) days to set up a payment plan for the dues accrued and owed. This payment plan must result in payment of your dues accrued during the leave in a time period no longer than twice the length of your leave. It is easier to prepay your dues upfront, or to leave a credit card on file for monthly billing. You will still receive a monthly statement. Make your arrangements via email to the Dues Department at: [email protected]. Or call headquarters extension 8154.
Benefit Checklist for Furloughed Flight Attendants: images/furlough/furlough_checklist_apr09.pdf