8.20.10 – (LAA) – Negotiations Update, Cabin Temperature, APSA-CWA Local 6001, Facebook, Odors, DFW Reps in Ops, NMB, Government Affairs Dept Update
This is APFA National Communications Coordinator, Jeff Pharr, with the weekly Hotline Update for Friday August 20, 2010.
Skyword Online has been updated with a new article from Chief Negotiator Anne Loew. In the article, Anne speaks of the Team’s efforts to push for a release from the National Mediation Board and the importance of Member involvement.
The Negotiations article can be found via the direct link to Skyword Online – skyword
We’ve all been there. Mid-August, 15:00 local time in DFW, schlepping from gate C-36 to A-5 only to find your aircraft is just pulling in to the gate from the hangar. You board the aircraft and quickly realize you are no longer in DFW but smack-dab in the middle of the Mojave Desert.
During the summer heat peak, reports concerning boarding an aircraft with unsafe temperatures continue to rise. Not only in DFW, but around the system, and year-round in some stations. Although American has yet to create a company policy regarding safe passenger boarding temperature, APFA’s position is the common sense approach, UNSAFE HEAT=DON’T GREET. If you feel the temperature is too hot and unsafe on the aircraft, don’t begin to greet the passengers by boarding the aircraft.
Report your concerns to the Captain and/or Agent immediately. An effort by the Captain, Agent and Ground Crew should begin in order to lower the cabin temperature and begin boarding the aircraft as soon as possible.
“The company not recognizing aircraft temperature as an issue relevant enough to set a policy is unconscionable”, said APFA President Laura Glading. “American has a policy for boarding pets in the temperature controlled cargo hold. It only makes sense to use that same temperature as a guide for inside the passenger cabin.” Americanís policy sates that no pets will be boarded in the cargo hold if the outside temperature reads 85 degrees Fahrenheit or above.
Please continue to report unsafe cabin temperatures including; flight number, aircraft type, date and time to the APFA Safety Department via e-mail – [email protected].
APSA-CWA Local 6001
The Association of Passenger Service Agents – Communication Workers of America (APSA-CWA) Local 6001 is a national organization of Passenger Service and Reservation Agents at American Airlines. They also are the organizing office for American Airlines and American Eagle agents seeking a voice on the job and a legally binding contract.
This week, Laura Glading sent a second letter to the APSA-CWA Local 6001 in support of their organizing efforts and updating them on our negotiations. Both letters can be read on the President’s page at www.apfa.org.
For more information on APSA-CWA Local 6001, please visit their website or Facebook page.
Facebook recently changed how they refer to members of an organizationís page. Users no longer become “fans” of an organization, they “like” them. By the time this Hotline is published, the number of Facebook members that “like” APFA will surpass 3,300.
APFA’s Facebook page is a great way to stay updated and also comment on the latest developments in negotiations, what’s happening at APFA and breaking news in the airline industry. With 500 million people on Facebook worldwide, we have the ability to far exceed 3,300. If you haven’t already, visit facebook.com/apfaunity and join by clicking the “Like” button at the top of the page. Tell your coworkers, family and friends to like us too!
USA Today’s “Today in The Sky’ blogger, Ben Mutzabaugh reported yesterday that the workers in the recently renovated Terminal A in SJC say it stinks. Literally.
The San Jose Mercury News reports “a mysterious noxious smell has been plaguing the terminal intermittently for at least the past five months.”
We can relate – ever sit on the aft jumpseat of a Super80? The complete blog post can be read here.
DFW Chairperson Chris O’Kelley and Vice Chairperson Margaret (Stewart) Barnes will be in Terminal C operations on Tuesday August 24, from 11:00-15:00 CDT. Please stop by and say ëHií to your DFW base representatives. They will be available during this time to answer your questions and will also have union pins, red disks and lanyards available.
Welcome aboard to Peter Goelz of O’Neill and Associates who will be working on behalf of APFA as our newly hired Washington DC representative. Peter is former Director of the NTSB and brings extensive experience in all areas of aviation and transportation. O’Neill and Associates is a premiere consulting and lobbying firm based in Boston with offices in Washington. After an extensive search and interview process, APFA is delighted to partner with Peter and the O’Neill group. We believe APFA has an important role to play in advancing the interests of our members through effective legislative advocacy.
The National Mediation Board has decided to rerun an election at Delta for the simulator technicians, finding that Delta used questionable tactics to affect the outcome of the election. The International Association of Machinists (IAM) lodged complaints with the NMB charging that the company used one on one meetings to coerce employees and conducted surveillance to dissuade voting for the new union. Aviation Daily reported that the NMB found that the “laboratory conditions required for a fair election were tainted”. AFA-CWA has also gone on record with the NMB stating that Delta has hired a consulting firm who specializes in “voter suppression” in an effort to keep the Delta flight attendants from unionizing. Delta denies the allegation.
Remember there are 1,343 members on furlough and awaiting recall.
The Wings Foundation is much more than can recycling, though that is an important source of the funds they distribute to members in need. If you are an active American Airlines Flight Attendant and you primary home has been destroyed, please contact WINGS Disaster Relief. Visit their website for fund raising activities, to find base representatives, forms for donation ($$$, PVDs, etc.), or applications for assistance. See how you can help at your base. Wings was created by and is managed exclusively by AA Flight Attendants. Wings provide services only to AA Flight Attendants. Check out Wings and all our APFA supported organizations through these links: