InfoRep Hotline December 23, 2010
This is Dane Townsend-Pepper, Interim InfoRep Steering Committee member with the InfoRep Hotline for December 23, 2010.
*InfoRep Action Alert*
APFA President, Laura Gladingís 2010 Winter Skyword article has been published in Skyword Online. †In her article Laura describes the current state of negotiations and the changing culture of the National Mediation Board. Please visit the APFA website or click here to read the article in itís entirety.
I am often asked ìWhy doesnít the NMB just release us since weíve reached an impasse?î This article answers that question and more.
We ask that each InfoRep please print out the article and share it with your fellow crewmembers in Ops and on your trips. †
As a reminder the Negotiating team will be meeting in Nashville January 4-6, 2011 with the NMB and AA for further negotiations. We will keep you updated with the outcome after the meetings conclude.
United and Continental Airlines F/Aís and Pilots to Picket
Aviation workers across the industry are standing up and fighting for improvements.
United Flight Attendants and the Pilots of United and Continental Airlines, represented by the Association of Flight Attendants (AFA) and the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA), will be conducting informational picketing at locations around the world on January 7, 2011 to reaffirm our commitment to securing new Contracts.†
We are unified and committed to industry leading Contracts that protect our jobs and enhances our careers and welcome your continued support on an informational picket line.† Everyone is welcome to join us as we stand together in Solidarity.
For further information, please click here for location and times (additional locations are being added).
AA HR management has had some discussions with Metlife regarding the†decision to discontinue the sale of new long term care policies. Due to the fact that AA is a member of a coalition with several other large employers, Met has agreed to continue to accept LTCI applications from AA employees through December 30 2012. Met will be sending out a letter to all current LTCI policy holders to explain that their current coverage will remain in place as long as the premiums continue to be paid. Met has, however, applied for a rate increase which, if approved, would affect both current and future policy holders. The proposed increase is subject to regulatory approval. We will continue to keep you updated via the Hotline as we receive further information.
APFA is continuing to lobby for a Biometric CrewPass which would be available to all crewmembers and not just cockpit crew. AA has vowed to work in conjunction with APFA toward achieving this goal.
The FAA Reauthorization Bill continues to be stalled in the Senate. However, the Senate has authorized a 3 month extension of the current bill until new legislation can be agreed upon.
The Federal Aviation Advisory Committee met December 15, 2010 and made formal recommendations to US Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood on how to address challenges faced by the US aviation industry. APFA President Laura Glading and Government Affairs Representative Julie Frederick-Tandy attended many of the committee’s meeting and believe the recommendations are a step in the right direction.
ìThe FAAC took on a huge array of complex issues and challenges impacting the airline industry. The recommendations developed were solid and if implemented will be effective in improving the industry for workers, passengers and airlines," said Tandy. "We remain optimistic these changes will take place as Secretary LaHood and FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt gave strong indications that they are ready to begin the necessary steps to put these recommendations into action.î
Please click here to see the recommendations in their entirety.