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Tentative Implementation Schedule

LBFO Scheduling Changes 2012

October Changes
November Changes
December Changes 

1. 3% Pay Raise
2. Increase in TAFB on DOM to $1.65 and $1.90 on INTL
3. Elimination of Incentive Rates of Pay
4. Elimination of International Rates of Pay
5. $3.00/Hour Override for International Legs, including DHD and Pay and Credit. Domestic Legs in an International Sequence are excluded**
6. Elimination of Domestic Aft Galley Pay
7. PVD’s paid at a Daily Rate of 3:00 Hours Flight Pay and Credit
8. PVD’s capped to a max of six (6) per year
9. MU MAX to 100  Hours for both Domestic and International
10. Elimination of Thirty and Seven (30/7) on the Domestic Operation
11. Balloting Period for VEOP/TSP Separation Date and awarding
12. Proffer/Draft for November Domestic International Training
13. SK Clearance move to 12Noon/Modified Day Before Coverage Timeline eff. 10.22.12

**International Override will be paid in the end of the following month’s paycheck (from the previous month’s actual qualifying legs

Interim Day-Before Coverage Timeline 10.08.12
(Effective 10/21/2012 for Open Time coverage on 10/22/12 in conjunction with 12N Sick (SK) Clearance)
All times are Local Base Time (LBT)
0500-1200        AVBL SELF-PLOT [Same as Today]
0800                  PVDs/Mini Leaves (ERs) Awarded [Same as Today]
0800-1200         MIC (Misconnect, Illegality, Cancelation) Window – DOM and INT’L MIC/LO/HVBL FA’s
                                   *Call-in for desired sequence or
                                   *Wait and choose to participate in MERGED MAKE-UP
1130                   Volunteer Purser (VP) and Volunteer Language (VL) Ballots Close [1530 Today]
1159                   Deadline for Merged Make-Up HISEND Round
1200                   Sick Clearance [1600 TODAY]
*Regularly Scheduled FAs will be removed from next day trip sequence
*Reserve FAs clearing by 1200 noon (LBT) will not be charged a sick (SK) for the day and will become available for same day assignment. A Reserve FA clearing after 1200 noon will be charged sick (SK) for the balance of the day.
*A FA clearing by noon the day before an AVBL day will not be charged sick (SK) for the AVBL day and will be eligible to participate in the Merged Make-up Round and will be considered legal for assignment. A FA clearing after 1200 noon LBT the day before an AVBL day will be charged sick (SK) for that next AVBL day
1200                     V Move-ups and VP/VL Trips Awarded [1600 Today]
1200-1330           Merged Make Up:
Eligibility: Any Regularly Scheduled FA may increase her/his SPROJ to a max of 100 hours (including AVBL/LO [MIC FA’S]/HVBL/MU
Requirements: All eligible FAs – Place name on Make-up List AND Submit HISEND with preferences for next day’s operation. FAs with AVBL may request trip sequence and/or release on HISEND.
Participants: Considered as one group and awarded in seniority order prior to the assignment/release of AVBL
NOTE: Because HISEND messages can be used for Make-up throughout the day, FA’s not awarded a trip sequence during the Merged Make-up Round should remove their name from the MU List if they do not wish to be considered in later rounds of Make-up for which the HISEND is considered confirmation.  Crew Schedule pulls a new MU list at 1330, and then throughout the day.
1330 Crew Schedule may assign/release AVBL FAs
1330 Round 2: MU/SM/OPTION – HISENDS will be accepted. One (1) phone call by Crew Schedule in seniority order and in list order.
Group 1 – Make-up to 100 hours max, in seniority order; then
Group 2 – Sick Make-up (SM), in seniority order; then
Group 3 – Option Flying (over 100 SPROJ), in seniority order.
1700                     Reserve Assignments
                                    *1700 – 2100 Call-in Period
                                    *Long Call Preferences Increased
1700                     HISENDS Considered Confirmed
**Trips that become open throughout the day will be proffered to MU/SM/OPTION and assigned to Reserves (after 1700) as necessary.
***As programming permits, Adjacent Base and/or Out-of-Base flying will become Group 4 in the 1330 Make-up Round

DAY-BEFORE-COVERAGE Q&A’S Updated 10.21.12 

Q.  I noticed on the new Day-Before Coverage Timeline a reference to VL ballots and trips, is that something new?

A.  Yes, during the course of Section 6 bargaining, AA and APFA reached agreement on allowing Flight Attendants with language qualifications to have a “volunteer language pick-up“ just as Purser’s have had Purser Pick-up.
Q.  What does it mean?
A.  It means that a Flight Attendant qualified in one or more foreign languages may submit a ballot no later than 1159 the day before departure requesting to pick up an open sequence that requires the language s/he is qualified in. This pick-up is voluntary and without limit. VL trip sequences will be awarded prior to the new Merged Make-up HISEND Round and in seniority order among those language qualified FAs submitting ballots.
Q.  How do I submit a VL ballot?
A.  HISEND VL ballot request forms have been created for each Base using the following codes:

Base  Domestic  International 
 BOS  24  28
 DCA  30  X
 DFW/IDF  32  34
 LAX  35  45
 LGA/JFK  46  47
 MIA/IMA  48  77
 ORD/IOR    79  80
 RDU  X  97
 SFO  99  X
 SLT  119  X
Q:  Why is the Day-Before Coverage timeline changing?
A.  This interim timeline is necessary due to changing of the sick clearance time from 1600 to 1200 Local Base Time (LBT) so that FAs will have earlier access to open flying for the following day. The change will allow Reserve FAs to have their assignments by 1700 and provide AVBL and MIC Obligated FA’s access to these trips as we transition to a fully automated seniority based Day- Before Coverage system.
Q:  Will the timeline change again?
A:  Although sick clearance time will not change again, this is an interim Timeline for covering Open Time that, as programming permits, may be modified until we get to a fully automated Daily Bidding System.
Q:  How will the change in the sick clearance time affect FAs?
A:  For Regularly Scheduled Flight Attendants: A Regularly Scheduled Flight Attendant who has not cleared the sick list by 1200 noon (LBT) will be removed from the next day’s sequence.
For Reserves: Reserve FAs clearing the sick list by 1200 noon (LBT) will not be charged a sick (SK) for the day and will become available for same day assignment. A Reserve FA clearing the sick list after 1200 noon (LBT) will be charged sick (SK) for the balance of the day.
For FAs with AVBL Days: A FA clearing the sick list by 1200 noon (LBT) the day before an AVBL day will not be charged sick (SK) for the AVBL day and will be eligible to participate in the Merged Make-up Round and will be considered legal for assignment. A FA clearing the sick list after 1200 noon (LBT) the day before an AVBL day will be charged sick (SK) for that next AVBL day

Q:  What is the basic difference between the new Merged Make-up HISEND round of Make-up and regular Make-up as we have known it?
A:  The most fundamental difference is that during the Merged Make-up HISEND round, trip sequences will be awarded based solely to those FAs whose names are on the Make-up List and who have submitted HISEND messages
Q:  Have the APFA and the Company agreed to procedures for requesting trips using HISEND instead of a phone call?
A:  Yes, when Flight Attendants on the Make-Up List elect to utilize HISEND in order to request specific assignments for the following day, the following procedures apply:
*Flight Attendants on the Make-Up List may utilize HISEND to request and confirm a specific assignment, subject to the restrictions herein.
*Only first-party requests will be accepted and the request must be specific in nature (e.g. sequence number, length of trip, layover city, departure/arrival range, etc.).
*Flight Attendants will not be awarded sequences based on HISEND messages containing generic requests (e.g. “easy turn”, “high time 2-day”, “late sign-in”, “morning departure”, etc.).
*If, based on a HISEND message, a Flight Attendant is awarded a trip sequence prior to 1700 (LBT); he/she will be considered notified of such assignment.

Q:  How can I participate in the Merged Make-up HISEND round?
A:  If you are an AVBL, MU or MIC/LO FA, put your name on the Make-up List and send Crew Schedule an HISEND.
Q:  Why are MU/AVBL/MIC/LO FAs all in the same pool for the Merged Make-up HISEND round?
A:  Part of the transition, is that FAs who have an Obligation [AVBL and MIC], especially when we get to both the “interim” and “full” pay protection, will be the first “grouping” having access to Day Before Coverage, and this is part of that migration to that goal.
Q:  Why doesn’t AVBL have priority in the Merged Make-up Round?
A:  This Interim Day-Before Coverage Timeline gives AVBL FA’s a new method of accessing trips that did not previously exist. When the Day-Before Coverage is fully automated and our new pay protection is in place, AVBL FAs and other FAs who are involuntarily low on time will have a priority over regular make-up.
Q:  How will I know if I am eligible for the Merged Make-Up Round?
A:  You will be eligible for any trip in the Merged Make-up Round that does not take your SPROJ over 100 hours.
Q:  I thought I that if my SPROJ was at or below 100 hours I could take any trip I wanted from Make-up, was I wrong?
A:  You are not wrong; however current programming does not permit that at this time.
Q:  What if my SPROJ is above 100 hours?
A:  You will be able to pick up flying in the second round as an “Option” Flight Attendant. Beginning in November, Crew Schedule will use the Option II List (II) as well as the Option II add code (II) on your HI1 for “Option” trips.
Q:  What HISEND form will I use?
A:  All FA’s eligible for the Merged MU Round, including AVBL and MIC FAs will use the MU HISEND form for their base. The applicable form number is available in HIDIR.
Q:  How many preferences/requests will the each form permit?
A:  Three preferences can be entered on the HISEND form and the free text area may be used for additional requests. AVBL FAs may request sequences and/or release.
Q:  If I hold a trip on the Merged Make-up HISEND Round, how will I confirm my assignment?
A:  If you hold a trip it is considered confirmed because you asked for it and it has been added to your Monthly Activity Record.
Q:  What about an AVBL FA who does not hold any of the trips s/he may have bid during the Merged Make-up HISEND Round but is nevertheless assigned an unbid sequence?
A:  A  FA bidding for an AVBL day that is unable to hold a trip based on her/his seniority may be plotted by Crew Schedule and s/he should check her/his schedules. No courtesy calls will be made when the change takes effect. Remember that FAs with AVBL may also bid for release.
Q:  If I am not able to hold a trip during the Merged Make-up HISEND Round but want to try for a trip later in the day, can I indicate that on the HISEND form?
A:  Yes, can use the free text or REMARKS portion HISEND form to indicate that you want to be considered for other trips if not awarded in round one
Q:  How do I ensure I do not receive an assignment after the HISEND round?
A:  If you do not want a trip after the HISEND round, just remove your name from the MU List, as Crew Schedule will pull a new MU list prior to each round as well as when processing trips that need to be covered after both Rounds and Reserve Assignments.
Q:  Does the 1330 (LBT) Second Round of Make-up go in list order?
A:  Yes. Like today, Crew Schedule will process the FAs in each list, before going to the next: Group 1 is MU; Group 2 is SM; Group 3 is Option. Each group will be processed in seniority order.
Q:  Why will Crew Schedule only call one phone number when proffering of trips?
A:  The shortest answer is “time.” The goal is to have reserves at all bases have their assignments by 1700 (LBT). Make-up has to be completed prior to Reserves getting their assignments. The numbers of Flight Attendants on Make-up Lists at different bases varies widely, from less than ten to more than 200. With the restructuring, all of the Crew Schedulers, including those working DFW, are working with more than one base every day.
Q:  Which number will Crew Schedule use to make contact?
A:  The “H” number on your HI1, which can be changed anytime through AVRS and/or through DECS [HIHP/H/Phone number].
Q:  As a Reserve FA, when should I call AVRS for my next assignment?
A:  The designated call-in period for reserve assignments is from 1700 to 2100 (LBT).

Required International Training for Domestic FAs Subject to Reserve

The Company is about to begin International Training for Domestic Flight Attendants that are subject to Reserve. This is in preparation for a merged operation per the newly-ratified contract.

This Training is expected to last at least 12-14 months, and will involve up to 440 Flight Attendants per month. APFA’s goal is to avoid an increase to the Reserve List, which would have been significant, and to allow those Domestic Flight Attendants, who are not subject to Reserve, access to these Training Slots as well.

APFA was able to convince the Company to build lines that will reflect specific Training Days, Duty Free Periods, AVBL days, and DO’s, so that those Flight Attendants who either proffer or are drafted will be able to bid for these lines and plan accordingly. In order for the lines to be posted on the Bid Sheets, the Proffer/Draft will Open and Close at the beginning of each month, prior to the month of the Training.

These lines will include:
75 Hour Guarantee
4:40 Pay and Credit for each day of Training
Relief Rules (RL) for AVBL days

International Training For Domestic FAs Subject to Reserve Q&As

Q1. Is the International Training mandatory?
A. The training is mandatory for those FAs subject to reserve since December 2011. FAs who do not proffer for the training will be subject to draft in reverse order of seniority. The seniority subject to reserve will be reviewed on a continual basis and may be adjusted, particularly as the VEOP FAs are separated and the reserve lists change.

Q2. How do I know if I am subject to draft?
A. If your seniority is at or below the number on the following chart, you are subject to the training draft. We will continue to post the most senior FA subject to draft as adjustments are necessary.


 BOS  8913
 DFW  7054
 LAX  6419
 LGA  11410
 MIA  10156
 ORD  7492

Q3. What bases will be required to attend the training first?
A: Those bases with adjacent International operations.

Q4.  Will all the slots go to FAs subject to reserve?
A. 85% of the available training slots will be proffered/drafted to FAs subject to reserve at bases with adjacent international bases.

Q5. What about the other 15% of the slots?
A. Those slots will be:
1. Offered in seniority order to FAs not subject to reserve at bases with adjacent international operations
2. Offered in seniority order to all FAs from bases without adjacent International bases (STL, DCA, SFO)
3. Filled by drafting in reverse order of seniority from subject to reserve FAs at those bases with adjacent International operations.

Q6. Why won’t I be able to attend the required training on my reserve month?

A. Because of the large number of days each reserve would be removed from to train, the reserve list would need to be increased dramatically to provide the necessary coverage. Increasing reserve was unacceptable to APFA and we worked to find an alternate solution.

Q7. When will the training begin?
A. Classes will begin in November 2012.

Q8. How will I proffer?
A. You may access the ballot on the Crew Resources page of the Flight Service website. The first proffer will close October 5, 2012 at 1000 CDT.

Q9. How long is the training?
A. Depending on your current qualifications, the training will be between 11 and 14 days.

Q10. How will I know what AVBL days I will have in addition to my training days?
A. The lines will be published on the bid sheet and look similar to reserve selections with working days and DFPs/OEs. Once you have proffered or been drafted, you will bid from those selections for the following month.

Q11. How many AVBL days will I have?
A. The total number of training and AVBL days will equal 18. The number of AVBL days you are assigned depends on the number of training days you require.

Q12. What will I be paid for each day of training?
A. All days of training day will be paid 4:40 hours/day (an increase from the contractual 3.53/day). All other credited absences will be paid at 3:53/day.

Q13. Since these selections will have the RL replacement rules, what does that mean?
A. The RL rules are much more flexible than Open Replacement rules. FAs on RL will be released from any remaining available days when PROJ reaches guarantee (75 hours for these hybrid selections). You can plot a trip in and out of an available day. You can self plot and you can pre-plot in advance.

Q14. Will I be considered an International Flight Attendant after attending training?
A. No, per the company, the operations will continue to be separate until Preferential Bidding (PBS) is implemented. The only way to become an International FA is to hold a proffer to an International base.

Q15. May I schedule my Recurrent Training during my International Training?
A. You may, but not on AVBL days. You must use DOs, like other FAs.

Q16. If I choose not to commute home during my days off between training periods, will AA provide me a hotel room?
A. Yes.

Q17. Will new hires and recalls be required to be Internationally-trained?
A. Yes.


APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Q2 2024 APFA Executive Committee Meeting

September 25

Virtual Quarterly Membership Meeting – Oct 3

October 3 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

2024 APFA Board of Directors Fall Meeting

October 16 @ 8:00 am - October 17 @ 5:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Q2 2024 APFA Executive Committee Meeting

September 25

Virtual Quarterly Membership Meeting – Oct 3

October 3 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

2024 APFA Board of Directors Fall Meeting

October 16 @ 8:00 am - October 17 @ 5:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


After-Hours Live Chat
M-F: 3:00PM - 11:00 PM (CT)
Sat-Sun: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)

APFA Events

Q2 2024 APFA Executive Committee Meeting

September 25

Virtual Quarterly Membership Meeting – Oct 3

October 3 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

2024 APFA Board of Directors Fall Meeting

October 16 @ 8:00 am - October 17 @ 5:00 pm
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