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12.04.14b – (LAA/LUS) WTS Base Representative Q&As


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Willingness-To-Serve Reminder for Base Representatives

December 4, 2014

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The APFA National Ballot Committee would like to remind all members that Willingness-To-Serves (WTS) are posted on the APFA website for the positions of Base President, Base Vice President and Operational/Base Council Representatives at all LAA and LUS bases.
Willingness-To-Serves must be in the APFA PO Box listed on the WTS no later than 1000 CT on December 10, 2014. There is a separate form for LAA and LUS Willingness to Serves. Please read each form carefully to ensure you fill out the appropriate form.
Some APFA members have requested information about the Operational Council Representatives (OCR)/Base Council Representatives (BCR), all of whom will be called Base Council Representatives once American Airlines combines Domestic and International operations/bases. APFA refers to them as “OCRs”/”BCRs.” Below are some frequently asked questions and answers. Additional information can be found  in Article III, Section 7 of the APFA Constitution, and Sections 3, 9 and 13 of the APFA Policy Manual.
Q.  Do the OCRs/BCRs have titles defining what their roles and duties are, for example, OCR/BCR-Safety, OCR/BCR-EAP, OCR/BCR-Communications, etc.
A.  No. The OCRs/BCRs assist the Base President and the Base Vice President. What they specifically do is worked out base by base.
Q. How many OCRs/BCRs is each base entitled to?
A. Each base is entitled to one (1) OCR/BCR for each 100 Flight Attendants “or fraction thereof.”
Q. If the number of Willingness-to-Serves for OCR/BCR is less than the number of positions the base is entitled to, will each member who submitted a Willingness-to-Serve automatically be considered duly elected?
A. Yes.
Q. Are OCRs/BCRs paid positions?
A. No. However, they may be eligible for a trip removal (flight pay loss) and reimbursement of certain expenses if necessary and approved by the Base President for the particular assignment they are performing.
Q. Who’s in charge of the work OCRs/BCRs do?
A.  The Base President and the Base Vice President are responsible for assigning and overseeing work of the OCRs/BCRs at their base.

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Euless, Texas 76040

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Events

Safety/Security Virtual Town Hall

November 7 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
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