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12.26.14 – (LAA/LUS) JCBA Docs, Transition Payment, APA Nego Update, Uniform Points, HICLAIM, Retirees/Medicare, Autopay w/ COBRA/Retiree Medical, Dental Enroll, New Benefits Admin

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December 26, 2014

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Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement Documents
The JCBA language containing the 12.23.14 updated pay scale has been published to APFA’s website. The APFA Executive Committee unanimously ratified a resolution incorporating the new wage rate table containing an approximate 4% increase in additional wages offered by the company.
An easy-to-read monthly implementation schedule has also been created and uploaded for both December 2014 and January 2015 as well as a complete, full implementation schedule here. IOR Flight Attendant Alex Rodriguez has also updated the T/A Estimator iPhone and online web apps to reflect the new pay rates incorporated into our JCBA on December 23rd. 
The full contract language will be printed and distributed to all Flight Attendants within 90 days of ratification. APFA is currently working on the On Duty Contract Guide as well, and the ODCG will also be distributed this winter.
NOTE: Pay increases will be effective January 1, 2015. LAA Flight Attendants will first realize the increase on the 1.15.15 paychecks and LUS Flight Attendants will first realize the increase on the 1.30.15 paycheck (as opposed to the 2.15.15 check as in years past).
LUS Transition Payment
The company will be issuing the LUS Transition Payment of $3,000 to all eligible LUS Flight Attendants on January 26, 2015.
APA Negotiations Update
Earlier this week, management proffered binding arbitration to APA. According to their Merger Transition Agreement (MTA), the pilots are required to accept arbitration, which, under the terms of the MTA, includes a zero-sum Contract. The pilots are still eligible to accept the last offer from management prior to the arbitration hearing and choose to either ratify it via their Board of Directors or send it out for a membership vote. The additional Delta + 4% announced Tuesday morning will be in addition to their pay scale regardless of whether they end up with a ratified or an arbitrated Agreement.
Uniform Points – [email protected]
As a reminder, uniform points do not roll over from year to year. If you need to replace uniform items please place your order before the end of the year to make use of your 2014 points. VF Solutions’ website is available 24-hours a day. Flight Attendants may call VF Solutions during business hours. NOTE: VF Solutions will close at 1500 CT on December 31st. For those who had difficulty placing a luggage order earlier this month, please try to resubmit the order. 
Submitting a HICLAIM – [email protected]
When the original crew of a flight is replaced due to circumstances like an on duty illegality, but that crew is entitled to ground/holding time completed prior to being removed, one member of the crew must send a HISEND or call Pay Compensation to ensure payment is made correctly. When submitting through HICLAIM, the system only recognizes the crew that operated the flight and may pay that crew instead of the original crew.
Retirees With Medicare – [email protected]
Are Medicare Premiums increasing because of your VEOP and or Equity Stock income in 2013?
If you received notice that your Medicare Part B and Part D premiums are going up for 2015 because of your “excessive” income in 2013, there is a fix for that misunderstanding. You can fill out an SSA-131 “Report of Special Wages” form, and request that the company fill out their part and send it to Medicare. Medicare will then “adjust” your reported wages for 2013 and restore your lower Medicare premiums.
Here is how:
1. Download a copy of the SSA-131 from
2. Fill out your name and SSN
3. Scan and email the form to [email protected] or fax it to 918-254-3435
4. American will fill out their portion and send it directly into Medicare.
If Medicare takes a few months to correct the premiums, you will be due a refund for the excess premiums paid in 2015 until the premium is corrected.

Using Autopay for COBRA or Retiree Medical? – [email protected]
If you are currently paying for your COBRA or retiree medical with direct debit or the bill payment option, it is time to change your payment to the new vendor.

If you are using direct debit (you set this up with American Airlines or Benefits Concepts) you will need to log into the new 2015 Benefits Service Center and update your banking information.
If you are using bill payment (you set this up with your bank/credit union to send a payment to American) you will need to update the payment information to make sure the payments are now sent to: American Airlines, PO Box 1346, Carol Stream, IL 60132-1346.
You should have received a letter explaining these changes, but with the holiday rush, the mail is not always getting through.  If you have specific questions, you can call Aon Hewitt at 888-860-6178 

Retirees Purchasing Retiree Medical
If you are purchasing Retiree Medical from American and using your Sick Bank credit to help pay for that coverage, you will notice the Sick Bank Credit was not reflected on your January invoice for your coverage.  That invoice is being reissued with the corrected amount due, and the replacement invoices should be issued in the next few weeks. If you are going to pay your January premium now and not wait for the new invoice, and you know the amount of your Sick Bank Credit, you can deduct that amount and pay the correct premium now.

APFA Health Department Updates – [email protected]
Dental Enrollment:  The 2015 enrollment for the third option for dental will be January 22, 2015 through January 30, 2015 with an effective date retro to January 1, 2015.  The plan includes a $1500 benefit (as opposed to the $1000 we currently have) as well as orthodontia for adults and children.  More information regarding the plan and enrollment will be available the first of the year.
2015 Direct Bill Administrator:  Beginning January 2015 there is a new administrator for your benefits payments.  If you are on an unpaid sick LOA/IOD you should have received a letter regarding your benefits payments for 1/1/15.  If you have not received anything please contact the American Airlines Benefits Service Center at 1-888-860-6178. 

Next week, and throughout the year, the APFA weekly Hotline will be published on Wednesdays. To subscribe to the Hotline, click here

AmericanAirlines US Airways 
“On Our Way”

Leslie Mayo
APFA National Communications Chair

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