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4.05.15 – (LUS) Rest Requirement-Related Buffers, PBS Information

APFA Special Hotline

April 5, 2015

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PBS Notice: The Mock Bid Process and bids relating to March and April were not programmed for the following CBA Buffers:

  • Domestic/NTI Domicile Rest of 10 hours plus a :45 minutes buffer (10+45 from release to report).  As a result, in March and April if a flight attendant bid for a pairing combination which had Domicile Rest of less than 10+45 but more than 9+59 she/he was awarded such combination without a waiver.
  • Transoceanic International Rest of 14 hours plus a :45 minutes buffer (14+45 from release to report).  As a result, in March and April if a flight attendant bid for a pairing combination of rest less than 14+45 but more than 13+59 she/he was awarded such combination without a waiver.  

Effective with May 2015 PBS:

  • Programming of the +45-minute buffers related to Domestic/NTI Flying and Domicile Rest will be completed. The CBA requires Domestic/NTI Domicile Rest of 10 hours plus a :45 minutes buffer (10+45 from release to report) without a waiver.  Effective with May PBS,  if a Flight Attendant bids for a pairing combination which has Domicile Rest of less than 10+45 to the minimum of 8+45 (FAR min plus buffer of :45 minutes) she/he will not be awarded such combination without entering the Minimum Domicile Waiver.
  • Programming of the +45-minute buffers related to Transoceanic International Flying and Domicile Rest will be completed. The CBA requires Transoceanic International Domicile Rest of 14 hours plus a :45 minutes buffer (14+45 from release to report) without a waiver. Effective with May PBS, if a Flight Attendant bids for a pairing combination which has Domicile Rest of less than 14+45 to the minimum of 10+45 (FAR min plus buffer of :45 minutes) s/he will not be awarded such combination without entering the Minimum Domicile Waiver.

Note: All PBS Booklets reflected the need for the buffers shown above; however the system logic did not contain such buffers but will effective with the bid for May.

CBA Language: Domestic – NTI and Hawaii (2013 Red Book Agreement, pg. 10-12, Section 14. a., b., and c.) states:
a. The established PBS default for domicile rest time between pairings shall be as specified in Section 11 Hours of Service, Paragraph I. and Section 14, Paragraph I, plus forty-five (45) minutes, or at the Flight Attendant’s option, FAR rest plus forty-five (45) minutes. The established ISAP, ISAP/AIL and in ETB default for domicile rest time between pairing shall be as specified for PBS, however at the Flight Attendant’s option, FAR rest plus thirty (30) minutes.

b. Unless waived by the Flight Attendant, the PBS system shall not force a Flight Attendant to commence a new pairing on the same day she/he checks out from a pairing. A Flight Attendant may waive to accept multiple pairings in the same calendar day separated by legal domicile rest plus forty-five (45) minutes. A Flight Attendant waiving to accept multiple pairings may further waive to FAR rest plus thirty (30) minutes. These provisions apply to ISAP, ISAP/AIL and ETB.

c. Unless waived by a Flight Attendant, the PBS system will not award double up pairings, which are two (2) pairings within the same duty day not separated by legal domicile rest. A Flight Attendant waiving to receive a double up pairing shall not be scheduled to exceed the longest scheduled duty day value for any domestic duty period which may be scheduled under this Agreement. A Flight Attendant waiving to accept double up pairings may be awarded a pairing separated by zero minutes (:00) from check-out to check-in.

In the Flight Attendant PBS Handbook on page 33 under the header 17.15 Waive Minimum Domicile Rest it states: This property enables the user to reduce contractual Domicile Rest to FAR minimum rest plus 45 minutes. The Redbook Contract reference is 10.14.b. Page 10-12.

How are the above provisions applied when a Flight Attendant is bidding? 

  • In PBS, if a Flight Attendant bids a combination of pairings with Domestic/NTI Domicile Rest of less than 10 hours plus a :45-minute buffer (10+45 from release to report) the system will not award such combination unless the Waive Minimum Domicile Rest line property is applied by the user.
  • In PBS – User Enters the Waive Minimum Domicile Rest: When bidding a Pairing Combination that requires Domicile Rest, the minimum the system will allow is 8 hours FAR minimum plus a :45 minute buffer (8+45 from release to report). Note: All other Line Properties must be legal and properly entered.
  • In ISAP, ISAP/AIL and ETB, when submitting pairing combinations with Domestic/NTI Domicile Rest of less than 10 hours plus a :30 minute buffer (10+30 from release to report) the ISAP, ISAP/AIL and ETB systems are programmed to accept such entry as an automatic waiver for the user as long as  the combination has at least 8 hours of rest and  a :30 minute buffer (8+30) and is legal. The automatic waiver functionally was mutually agreed upon programming logic between the Union and the Company. 
  • Buffer requirements do not apply when exercising Crew Room Trades or picking up trips (Multiple Pairings) after the completion of a pairing via a Crew Scheduler.

Section 11.I. Domestic and NTI Home Domicile Rest
A Flight Attendant shall be scheduled for no less than ten (10) hours rest (calculated from release from duty to report for duty) at her/his home domicile, which in actual operations, at her/his option, may be reduced to eight (8) hours, subject to the applicable FARs.

Example 1: Category H0 < 14:00 Day  – From laminated card  DOM/NTI to DOM/NTI 

A Flight Attendant received the following pairings via PBS, and the Waive Minimum Domicile Rest line property was applied by the Flight Attendant. There is (10) hours and twenty-five (25) minutes of rest between the two pairings.

In Actual Operations: Due to a mechanical delay on Flight 442 from SMF to PHX on March 3rd, the pairing doesn’t release in PHX until 23:30, rather than 22:15. The Flight Attendant has Pairing# 68021 which reports the next morning at 08:40. There is now 9 hours and 10 minutes between release and report. 

At this point the Flight Attendant has two (2) options in this scenario:

Option 1 – Waive home domicile rest of 10 hours, and operate the Pairing the next day as normal.

Option 2 – Do not waive domicile rest of 10 hours, and is removed from Pairing without pay protection.

Note: If the Flight Attendant utilizes this option s/he must initiate the call to Crew Scheduling to be removed. Crew Scheduling initiates such phone call to the Flight Attendant only when the Domicile Rest is less than 8 hours.

Reminder: If the original combination of pairings were scheduled for less than ten (10) hours of pure rest in domicile, Crew Scheduling does not give you the option of being removed since the rest was already relinquished by the Flight Attendant.

Claim: The Crew Scheduler will enter ILG in the Remarks section of CATCREW.  However, the pay protection is not automatically paid so the Flight Attendant must submit a pay claim.

SECTION 14 – Transoceanic International Rest Rules

Category H5  > 14:00 Day  – Laminated card TI flying to any destination

Rules to keep in mind when bidding Transoceanic Flying:
•     In PBS, if a Flight Attendant bids a combination of pairings with TI Domicile Rest of less than 14 hours plus a :45 minute buffer (14+45 from release to report), the system will not award such combination unless the Waive Minimum Domicile Rest line property is applied by the user.

•    In ISAP, ISAP/AIL and ETB, when submitting pairing combinations that involve at least one TI pairing, the Domicile Rest of less than 14 hours plus a :30 minute buffer (14+30 from release to report) applies. The ISAP, ISAP/AIL and ETB systems are programmed to accept such entry as an “automatic waiver” for the user as long as it is legal.

•    The above buffer requirements do not apply when exercising Crew Room Trades or picking up trips (Multiple Pairings) after the completion of a pairing via a Crew Scheduler.

Example 2
A: Bidding Multiple Pairings involving TI flying

A Flight Attendant bids for Pairing # 96025 in PBS. Later on, she/he bids for an ADD of Pairing #77147 in ISAP.  There is ten (10) hours and fifty (50) minutes between the two trips in Domicile which meets the minimum FAR threshold of ten (10) hours and buffer of thirty (30) minutes (10+30). Therefore, as long as it is legal, the ISAP system is programmed to accept such entry by the user as an “automatic waiver” for the rest requirement, 35/7, Allow Multiple Pairing on March 8th, 24 Hrs. Rest in Domicile.

Example 2
B:  In Actual Operation – Multiple Pairing Combination

The Bidder was awarded Pairing # 96025 and Pairing #77147 on March 5th and March 8th.   In Domicile, the scheduled rest was ten (10) hours and fifty (50) minutes which exceeds the minimum FAR threshold of ten (10) hours and buffer of thirty (30) minutes (10+30).

However, due to weather problems Flight 797 from TLV to PHL doesn’t release until 07:00.  There is now nine (9) hours and fifty (50) minutes between the two trips. Since the Flight Attendant now has less than the mandatory ten (10) hours of domicile rest she/he is FAR illegal. After contacting Crew Scheduling about the “FAR illegal rest situation” it is determined the LAS Red Eye is a trip that the Flight Attendant cannot be split back on to after becoming legal. The Flight Attendant is pay protected for the entire trip (11+17 ) because of the FAR illegality and the impracticality of rejoining the trip.

Claim: The Crew Scheduler will enter ILG in the Remarks section of CATCREW.  However, the pay protection is not automatically paid so the Flight Attendant must submit a pay claim.

Section 10.K. Illegal Through No Fault (Not Last Trip of the Month)
1. If, after the time of award, a Flight Attendant becomes illegal (contractual or FAR) through no fault of her/his own to originate her/his pairing, such Flight Attendant shall have the option of splitting on to the pairing, once s/he becomes legal at the point the pairing passes through her/his domicile. If the pairing does not pass through the Flight Attendant’s domicile, she/he will be permitted to pick up the pairing at the point where s/he becomes legal. However, if it is impractical for the Company to split the Flight Attendant on to the pairing, the Flight Attendant shall be released from the pairing and paid the value of the originally scheduled pairing. To receive pay protections under this Paragraph, the Flight Attendant must be FAR illegal

Example 3: Combination never awarded due to lack of Home Domicile Rest
A Flight Attendant bids for the following two (2) Pairings back to back in PBS. There are eight (8) hours and (22) minutes between the two trips. This combination of pairings would never be awarded, because there must be FAR rest of eight (8) hours plus forty-five (:45) minute buffer to be awarded the trip combination. 

Example 4: Illegal Through No Fault
A Flight Attendant bids for Pairing # 68089 in PBS. Later in the month, she/he picks up Pairing #68843 from the ETB. There is eight (8) hours and forty-seven (47) minutes between the two trips.

In Actual Operations:  Due to a mechanical delay on Flight 517 from SAN to PHX on March 26th, the pairing doesn’t release in PHX until 00:25, rather than 23:08. The Flight Attendant has Pairing# 68843 which reports later that morning at 07:55. There are now seven (7) hours and thirty (30) minutes between release and report.

Since the Flight Attendant now has less than eight (8) hours of domicile rest, she/he is FAR illegal to originate flight #590. After talking to Crew Scheduling it is determined that s/he would be legal to pick up the trip when it returns to PHX on flight 599. The Flight Attendant will be pay protected for the MCI turn (5 hours + 30 minutes) on Pairing # 68843. S/he shall have the option to rejoin the trip later that day on Flight 599 from PHX to SJC.

Claim: The Crew Scheduler will enter ILG in the Remarks section of CATCREW. However, the pay protection is not automatically paid so the Flight Attendant must submit a pay claim.

To help you understand the examples above, review the Pure Rest Table below.

Rest Requirements The following charts represent Pure rest requirements for Flight Attendants in Home Domicile and on an RON.
Pure Rest Pure rest is defined as the time from check-out/release to check-in/report.
The FAR required rest referred to as compensatory must be scheduled to start no later than 24 hours from the start of the previously reduced rest. The chart include the most restrictive of the Flight Attendant CBA rules or the FAR requirements as noted below:

  • Categories H1, H3, and H5 are not applicable to a Double-Up (2 pairings within the same duty day) because the duty exceeds fourteen (14) hours. 
  • All categories are applicable to Multiple Pairings (2 pairings on the same day separated by home domicile rest).  


  • # After the completion of a pairing, based on actual times or Training, a F/A will be permitted to reduce rest her/his rest to the minimum in the “F/A may Reduce to” column. A F/A must meet the standard rest reflected in the “Schd. Dom. Rest” column when modifying her/his rest in Categories H0-H3 when using PBS, ISAP, ISAP/AIL or ETB.
  • ## A F/A, at her/his option, may waive rest in Categories H4 & H5 when using PBS,  ISAP, ISAP/AIL or ETB to modify her/his line of flying.

Unless waived by Flight Attendant, the following buffer is required, in addition to the Scheduled Domicile Rest (Pure):

  • Categories H0-H3, in PBS a :45 buffer; in ISAP, ISAP/AIL or ETB a :30 buffer
  • Categories H4-H5, in PBS a :45 buffer;  in ISAP, ISAP/AIL or ETB a :30 buffer

Cannot Be Reduced by Flight Attendant. FAR-Minimum Rest is required in addition to the following buffers:
Categories H0-H5 require a :45 buffer in PBS and :30 buffer in ISAP, ISAP/AIL or ETB.

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Events

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Virtual Quarterly Membership Meeting – Oct 3

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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Events

Q2 2024 APFA Executive Committee Meeting

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