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4.24.15c – (LAA/LUS) May JCBA Changes – Premium Pay, Boarding Times, Int’l Pay, Sk/VC Accrual on Bid Leaves


APFA Special Hotline

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April 24, 2015

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JCBA May 2, 2015 Changes

  • Purser/Lead/Aft/Galley pay increases (Section 3.C.)
  • Purser/Lead/Aft/Galley paid at greater of scheduled or actual

Rates are shown per hour.  All Purser positions require a Purser qualification.
*3-class Transcon only (if non-qualified Purser, premium rate is $3.75/hr)
**One (1) Galley position per class of service, i.e. (three (3) classes of service – three (3) Galley positions, two (2) classes of service – two (2) Galley positions

On IPD sequences, Flight Attendants shall be paid $3.75 international pay for all operating or deadheading segments scheduled in such sequence (3.F.1.,2.)

The following provisions will go into effect for LAA on May 2nd. They are all status quo for LUS.

  • Holding Time (Section 3.D.)
  • Understaffing Pay (Section 3.E.)
  • Understaffing paid at the greater of actual or scheduled
  • $3.00 International pay on paid absences (Letter 1.A.)
  • All Mexico flights paid International pay of $3.00 (Letter 1.A.)
  • Foreign Language Speaker paid at the greater of actual or scheduled (Section 3.I.1.)
  • Per Diem – in-base training (Section 4.A.4.)
  • Vacation accrual increase – JCBA vacation accrual rates (Section 8.A. and Letter 1.)
  • 80/85 sick cap eliminated – (N/A to LUS)
  • All trips eligible for paid sick hours, except Sick Makeup (Section 9.A.) – (N/A to LUS)
  • Bid Leaves (VLOA) begin to accrue sick and vacation as if active
  • Training Pay for all training at $75 a day, including online home study (Section 29.E.)
  •  JCBA Boarding Times – Domestic (Section 11.M.), International (Section 14.F.1.,2.,3.)

JCBA Boarding Times
The JCBA boarding times will be implemented on May 2nd. Flight Attendants will be required to be on board the aircraft and ready to receive passengers* according to the following times:
To/From Domestic destinations, including Alaska and Canada

  • 30 minutes prior to departure on aircraft with less than 165 passenger seats (Section 11.M.1.). Today, this includes the: E-190, S80, 737, A319, A320 and A321-T.
  • 35 minutes prior to departure on aircraft with 165 or more passenger seats (Section 11.M.2.). Today, this includes the: A321, A330, 757, 767, 777-200, 777-300 and 787.

To/From IPD destinations

  • 50 minutes prior to departure (Section 14.F.1.). IPD destinations include flights to/from Asia, Europe, Middle East and Deep South America.

To/From NIPD destinations

  • 45 minutes prior to departure (Section 14.F.2.). NIPD destinations include flights to/from the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, Northern Region of South America and Hawaii.

The JCBA report (sign-in) and release times (Section 11.N. and Section 14.E.) will be implemented once programming has been completed to reflect these new times in Sabre.
*LAA Flight Attendants no longer have a specific report-to-aircraft time. “Ready to receive passengers” indicates actual boarding time.

International Pay
Along with the implementation of new boarding times, APFA pushed for and the Company agreed to implementation of the JCBA IPD International pay ahead of the implementation of the JCBA report (sign-in) times. We are pleased to report that effective May 2nd, Flight Attendants working a sequence that consists of at least one IPD flight shall receive $3.75 International pay for each hour of each flight leg, scheduled or actual, whichever is greater (Section 3.F.1.,3.).
On other International sequences, LAA Flight Attendants shall receive three dollars ($3.00) International pay for each hour of an NIPD flight, scheduled or actual, whichever is greater (Section 3.F.2.). This is status quo for LUS Flight Attendants.
Additionally, LAA Flight Attendants working to/from Mexico, regardless of sequence designation (i.e., domestic or international), shall receive three dollars ($3.00) International pay for each hour of the flight leg, scheduled or actual, whichever is greater (Letter 1.A.). This is status quo for LUS Flight Attendants.
In all cases, International pay shall be prorated to the nearest minute.

Sick and Vacation Accrual on Bid Leaves
Beginning with the May 2015 contractual month, Flight Attendants will accrue sick and vacation in a month in which they are on a bid leave, regardless of the duration of the leave.

Click here for more information on how this new provision will work with bid leaves.

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