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7.02.15 – (LUS) – ETB Programming Changes for Reserves/Reserve Sick Utilization/Reserve Standing Bids/Positive Contact

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July 2, 2015

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  • ETB Programming Changes for Reserves Now in Effect
  • Reserve Sick Utilization
  • Reserve Standing Bids
  • Positive Contact with Scheduling

Effective immediately, Electronic Trade Board (ETB) processing for Reserve Flight Attendants will have a new set of rules. These rules will make ETB more accessible when picking up ETB trips on your Golden or Moveable days off following your RAP availability, or following a trip or On Premise Reserve (OPR) assignment. Initially, these improvements were explained in a hotline dated May 18, 2015. The Company has informed the Union that the new processes are now in effect.


Reserve Sick Utilization 

Red Book – Section 9.D.2.

The Company has informed APFA that effective immediately, the language for Reserve sick utilization has been updated. A Reserve will be automatiically charged for day(s) on which she/he was or would have been utilized on a sick day. Previous to this enhancement, the Contractual language was not being followed due to a significant amount of changes that needed programming for the new Reserve system. There will NOT be a retroactive charge to any Reserve Flight Attendant’s sick bank.

Calling Out-of-Time (O/T)

A Reserve F/A may call out-of-time once they have accumulated the monthly maximum hours minus 4:59.
For Example: A 90-hour monthly base maximum the call out would be 85.01 hours. At the time of being assigned/awarded a trip/OPR that would bring you to this threshold. The Reserve may inform Crew Scheduling that they wish to be marked O/T for the month. Please remember any aggressive flying over 40 hours or any ETB hours flown; will not be counted towards O/T. You must take the trip in its entirety and exceed the monthly maximum or at Crew Scheduling’s discretion split the trip to maximize your monthly hours or you may Remain on Call (ROC).

Standing Bids

As a helpful reminder for Reserve FA’s using the standing bid option, please keep in mind that what you enter as a standing bid may force you to work into your Golden or Moveable days. Please re-visit your bid as you get closer to your days off.

For Example :

You are available to the Company for six consecutive days. At the beginning of your stretch of availability you enter a generic bid of any 4-day pairing. On the 3rd day of availability you must change this bid before 1500 HDT, as you could be assigned/awarded a generic 4-day into your day off.

You must also be aware of bidding pure International, Red Eyes, ODANS or specific layover cities. These type of trips/parameters can also have forced to work into your days off. 

Reserve Availability

If you are not available to the Company, you are not required to answer your phone. You are only contactable at the start of your Reserve Availability Period, or commonly known as RAP. If you are receiving a courtesy call, it is your option to answer the phone or to call Crew Scheduling back. If you are on a RAP, then than you must answer your phone or return the call to crew schedule within 15 minutes.

APFA continues to make your quality of life on Reserve much better each and every day. We will continue to work with the Company on the issues that directly impact you.

In Solidarity,
John Pennel 
LUS Reserve Specialist
[email protected]
Phone – (724) 513-0131

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