FRH – 7.07.15
July 7, 2015
FACT Rep Update
Flight Attendant Communications Team
Online CQ Training Pay For March and April Reserve FAs
As previously announced, an agreement has been reached with the company to pay Reserve Flight Attendants who attended CQ (Recurrent) Training in March and April, $75.00 training pay for the online portion of CQ Training. As a reminder, during the months of March and April, which were prior to the implementation of the full JCBA Training Pay provisions, Reserves continued to be removed with flight pay and credit for Reserve days on the days they actually attended CQ. Reserve FAs who attended CQ in March and April will see the additional pay for the online portion of training in the July 31st paycheck.
JCBA Implementation Schedule
The JCBA Implementation Schedule has been updated. Click here to review the most recent version.
35 in 7 for Reserves
As previously announced, APFA and the company have reached an agreement regarding an interim process for 35 in 7 for Reserve Flight Attendants. This will be a manual calculation until programming is implemented in October 2015.
Beginning July 2, 2015, a Flight Attendant who believes there is a 35/7 illegality with an assigned sequence may contact Crew Schedule to verify if there is an illegality. The scheduler will review and include in the calculation any and all Reserve flying in the current month. If the Flight Attendant is illegal, the scheduler will make the necessary adjustment by:
Adjusting the sequence;
Swapping the Flight Attendant to another sequence; or
Placing the Flight Attendant back onto Ready Reserve as necessary.
Prior to making any changes, the scheduler will inform the Flight Attendant and give the option of waiving the 35/7 and retaining the trip. Waiving the 35/7 will be based on a trip by trip basis.
Since the interim process will take effect July 2, only hours flown in July will be considered for 35/7 calculations for July. Hours flown in June will not be considered for 35/7, however beginning in August, hours flown in the previous month will be considered for purposes of 35/7 legality.
35/7 is based on actual block hours. Please keep in mind it is possible to be paid more than 35 hours in 7 days without actually having a 35-in-7 legality. The following hours do not count towards 35/7:
- OEs / ORs / L2 / CC / CR / VE / LE
- DHD time
- Standby (SBY)
- Diversion time (DIV)
- Pay and Credit (G, E, F and P-time)
- Deicing (DEI)
- Ready for Departure (RFD)
- Ramp congestion delays (RCD)
Only actual hours flown are considered for 35/7, even though you are paid the greater of scheduled versus actual flight time. For calculating future trips, use scheduled flying time only.
As was previously the case, when a Flight Attendant starts a legal sequence but subsequently within such sequence exceeds the 35/7, s/he will stay legal to complete the trip.
There will be a link to a time calculator on the APFA website, as well as examples to help you determine whether or not you have a 35/7 legality.
APFA will be the point of contact for Flight Attendants who believe they have a 35/7 illegality involving a carry over trip beginning with the contractual month of August. Details on this process will be published once they are final.