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7.31.15 – (LUS) – Prefer Pairing Order, NEW ISAP/ETB Timeline, Facebook Page

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July 31, 2015

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JIRC Weekly Update – Extra Edition

There has been confusion with the Prefer Pairing Order explanation so we felt it was important to send out a little additional information and examples for clarification on this property.

In addition, the JIRC and the Company have agreed to a shorter ISAP processing timeline beginning tomorrow, August 1, 2015.

The JIRC and the Company have come to an agreement to change the ISAP and ETB opening times starting August 1, 2015. APFA President, Laura Glading signed a Letter of Agreement with the Company that will give the LUS FA’s an extra 2 hours daily for ISAP and ETB to be open for Bidding, Posting, and Trading Trips.

Starting tonight, July 31st when ISAP closes at 20:00, both ISAP and ETB will have new times. The Closing time will stay the same at 20:00 Home Base Time, but the opening time for both will be 0600 hours Home Base Time.

New ISAP/ETB Timeline as of closing on July 31, 2015:
Closes daily at 2000
Opens daily at 0600
*In Home Base Time.

Prefer Positions Order Additional Information

Prefer Position Order does not dictate which pairing PBS looks at first. PBS will FIRST find the pairings that are open at your seniority, from your pairing pool, and then it will look at the position order you have included in your bid.

Example 1:

In this example, this bidder has included any Regular/NTI, 3 day pairing that reports after 1200 in all three Core positions and the Extra/Chaser position. Note that in Layer 1, there are 940 total positions available that fit these criteria.

Here are 3 pairings from the Layer 1 pairing pool that all originate on Aug. 14th. We will say that all three are open at this bidder’s seniority:

Pairing 15791 – position available FK
Pairing 11130 – position available FB, FC
Pairing 12058 – position available FA, FC

This is where the confusion is happening. This bidder’s first position choice is FA but that DOES NOT mean PBS is going to award Pairing 12058/FA over one of the other pairings. The Prefer Position Order does not affect which pairing is awarded because this bid includes all the positions, so that tells PBS that all of these positions are equally valuable.

In this instance, PBS could award Pairing 15791/FK position because the credit is a little less than the others, which allows PBS to find a combination of other trips that add up to the bidders Target Credit Range, even though the FK position was the bidders last choice.  The FK position is associated with a separate pairing number and therefore, the pairing holds equal value to the Core position pairings because they are all in the same pairing pool.

Example 2:

This is the same bid; only now the FK position has been removed. Note that there are only 855 available positions versus the 940 that were available with the FK position included.

Here are 3 pairings from the Layer 1 pairing pool that are open at the bidder’s seniority that all originate on Aug. 14th:

Pairing 11130 – position available FB, FC
Pairing 12058 – position available FA, FC
Pairing 11145 – position available FA, FB

PBS could award any of the three, including Pairing 11130/FB, even though there are two other pairings with the FA position open because it always chooses the PAIRING FIRST, then it looks at the bidders Prefer Position Order to find bid positions versus which positions are available on the pairing.

Example 3:

Again, this is the same bid only now the bidder has prioritized the positions to tell PBS that they want it to look at the pairings that they can hold in the FA positions FIRST before it considers pairings that have other positions open. Note that Layer 1 now has 285 positions available (remember that is FA only) and Layer 2 now has 570 positions (only FB, FC) and added together those create a total of 855 positions, which matches the total positions in Example 2.  The bidder has now separated the same number of pairings into two layers to prioritize them.

Here are 2 pairings that are available at this bidder’s seniority from Layer 1 that originate on Aug 14th:

Pairing 11130 – position available FB, FC
Pairing 12058 – position available FC
Pairing 11145 – position available FB

All of the same positions are available as were in Example 2 but now, PBS will go through ALL of the pairings with an FA position available in Layer 1 FIRST before it goes through the pairings with the FB or FC positions available in Layer 2.

Being Added to the Facebook Page 
If you have not been added to the Tips from the JIRC Facebook page and would like to be, please email [email protected] with the Subject Line “Add to Facebook” and we will send you an invitation.

In Solidarity,

Laura Albert – PHL and DCA
Scott Barnes – PHX and the FARC (Flight Attendant Resource Center)
Emily Arner-Brown – CLT

About the JIRC:
The Joint Implementation Resolution Committee (JIRC) is a committee that was created by the current contract (the Redbook) to oversee the implementation of PBS.

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