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10.08.15 – (LAA/LUS) – Clarification to TSA Policy Regarding Liquids, Aerosols and Gels for Crewmembers/Unexpected Turbulence Procedures

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Thursday, October 8, 2015

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  • Clarification to TSA Policy Regarding Liquids, Aerosols and Gels
  • Unexpected Turbulence Procedures


Clarification to TSA Policy Regarding Liquids, Aerosols and Gels for Crewmembers

We received a clarification from the TSA regarding a recent policy change for crewmembers. APFA, APA and AA were provided incorrect information by the TSA regarding the change in the LAGs (Liquids, Aerosols and Gels) policy for crewmembers traveling while out of uniform before messaging was sent to all AA crewmembers in September. Please refer to the following link to review the latest update from the Joint Security Committee (JSC) on the TSA LAGs for crewmembers.

Policy Update

Unexpected Turbulence Procedures

Always request an updated weather forecast from the captain as part of your crew briefing. Once in flight, if severe turbulence is encountered, the procedure requires that you cease all duties, including compliance checks, and take immediate action to protect yourself. Take the nearest seat and fasten the seatbelt. If no empty seat is available, secure yourself by sitting on the floor and holding on to a stationary object.

For more information about turbulence safety, please refer to the Inflight Manual – Safety and Security – General Safety.

Kelly Skyles
APFA National Safety & Security Chair

[email protected]

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