May 15, 2015
Zone 2 Boarding for Commuting Crew Members
We worked hard to get the company to offer LUS commuting crew members the same boarding group/zone as our co-workers at LAA. The Company announced Tuesday that they are going to implement Zone 2 boarding for commuting Flight Attendants. If you are cleared after the Zone 2 has been called you can board immediately upon receiving your boarding pass.
APFA Lock Box
We now have a lock box available in the A-West Crew Room, right outside of the Flight Service Office. A representative from the PHL APFA office will be checking the Lock Box every few days. There is not a Lock Box in the B Crew Room yet, but we are working with the company to have one installed. h
I.T. Meeting with Management in DFW
The LUS Base Presidents met separately with management on Friday morning to receive an update on the scheduled ETB enhancements that will be released in two phases: May 19th and May 31st.
We were provided with a demonstration of the enhancements and we offered feedback. I do believe this is a very big step in the right direction and appears to be a vast improvement over what we are currently working with.
Additionally, the Company visited the APFA Board meeting and provided an update on the IT issues that are affecting the LUS and LAA operations. Many of our concerns were brought forward, including the enhancements to ETB as well as the Option 18 Reserve Screen in CATS. I discussed the issues that have PHL Flight Attendants so frustrated, such as not being able to target a higher line value in PBS. The Company is looking for a way to satisfy Flight Attendant preferences. We will continue to monitor feedback and push for enhancements for our hard working Flight Attendants.
WINGS Foundation
Volunteers from the APFA WINGS Foundation visited our crew rooms this week to educate our flight attendants on this very special program. WINGS is replacing the former Pegasus and has much more to offer our members. We would like to thank all of you who signed up for payroll deduction donations and those who offered a one-time donation. Your generosity will benefit our PHL Flight attendants in need. You can visit the WINGS foundation website for more information on how to donate or become a base volunteer.
In Unity and Solidarity,
Kim Kaswinkel
PHL Base President