FRH – 3.15.16
FACT Rep Update –
Flight Attendant Communications Team
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
- FACT Check – LAA
- Vacation Bidding – LAA
- VLOA Ballot for April – LAA
- APFA Contract & Scheduling Desk for LUS Flight Attendants – LUS
- Scheduling Violations – LUS
- Meet #PHA5E in DCA – LAA/LUS
- JCBA Training & Roundtable Discussions – LAA/LUS
FACT Check – LAA
Reschedule & Reassignment
Q1: When can Crew Schedule/Crew Tracking reschedule me or reassign me?
A1: A reschedule is a change in a sequence due to a misconnect, illegality, cancellation or equipment substitution. A reassignment is a change in a sequence due to company need even though you were legal and available for your originally scheduled trip. In the case of a reassignment, the Flight Attendant will be paid the originally scheduled trip or what s/he actually flies, whichever is greater.
Rescheduling (per Article 9.O) may occur due to the result of irregular operations due to weather delays, equipment delays, cancellations, crew shortages and misconnections. Crews will, to the extent possible, be rescheduled together, although a reserve on the crew should be rescheduled prior to a regularly scheduled crew member.
Move-ups are contractually permissible reassignments (Article 9.R) and apply when a trip assigned to an out-of base crew is uncovered due to the late arrival of another crew to the station.
Q2: How will I be notified of the change to my schedule?
A2: Per the 1996 Joint Operating Committee Report, ACARS may be used for today’s operation notifications. It must include specifics of the reassignment or reschedule (flight number, departure time, destination and which flight attendants). Alternatively, Crew Tracking may make direct contact, you may be directed to contact Crew Tracking by the agent or Flight Service may meet your flight to notify you. For the next-day’s operation, first-party contact must be made.
Q3: What is my obligation on a layover?
A3: The FAA considers the term “rest” to mean that a Flight Attendant is free from all duty so is not responsible to answer a call. A Flight Attendant may choose to answer a call, but is not obligated to do so. If there was an obligation, then the period away from work would not be considered rest.
Vacation Bidding – LAA
Primary Vacation Awards are now posted.
Secondary Vacation Bidding opens today, March 15, 2016 at 1600 CT and will close at 0900 CT on March 23, 2016.
Secondary Vacations will be posted no later than 1600 CT on March 30, 2016.
VLOA Ballot for April – LAA
The ballot for April Voluntary Leave of Absences (VLOAs) is now available on the Crew Resources page of the Flight Service website. An HI6 message will go out each month indicating when the ballot is available. The deadline to submit a ballot for April VLOAs is Tuesday, March 15 at 0900 Central Time. To find out if you are granted a voluntary leave check your HI10 after 1700 Central Time on March 15 or the following business day. The Voluntary Leave code in your HI10 will be “VL”. This code will replace all previous “BL” codes.
APFA Contract & Scheduling Desk for LUS Flight Attendants – LUS
APFA Headquarters is staffed with representatives from LUS bases to provide assistance with Red Book Contract and Scheduling-related questions and issues. These well-trained and knowledgeable representatives are a valuable asset to the membership and can be reached Monday through Friday from 0900 to 1700 (CT) by contacting the following:
LUS Scheduling/Contract
(817) 540–0108, ext. 8169
[email protected]
[email protected]
LUS Health/IOD
(817) 540-0108, ext. 8304
[email protected]
Scheduling Violations – LUS
APFA has recently received numerous calls and emails from Flight Attendants regarding Scheduling violations. This was particularly prevalent during the past two Winter storms. As you know, the Contract requires the Company to record all telephone conversations between Flight Attendants and Crew Scheduling. The complete language can be found in the 2013 Red Book Contract in Section 10.R.
In order for APFA to follow up on each issue, it is necessary to provide the Company specific information so the recordings can be retrieved and listened to.
It is highly recommended that each time you talk to Scheduling to document the following information:
- Date
- Time (and Time Zone)
- Scheduler’s Name
When provided with this information the Union can quickly follow up to resolve the issue.
Questions? Contact the APFA Scheduling Department at [email protected]
Meet #PHA5E in DCA – LAA/LUS
Meet #PHA5E- the 5th phase of flight- the beginning of your career. PHA5E provides an avenue for newer Flight Attendants to become involved. We are the future! The more active the membership, the more unified we stand. We welcome Flight Attendants from every seniority – let’s get involved together!
Learn about:
- How APFA operates and APFA’s structure
- Changes in 2016 under the JCBA
- How APFA can help you
- Current contract language Q & A
- How you can get involved with APFA
Date: Thursday, April 7, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Location: Washington National Airport- Terminal B Conference Room near the Delta Sky Club
Questions about the #PHA5E program?
Contact: Allie Malis, Torrance Hurtault, and Reese Cole at [email protected]
We plan to visit all LAA and LUS bases in the coming months. Additional schedules will be announced in the next few weeks.
JCBA Training & Roundtable Discussions – LAA/LUS
Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) Negotiators Vicki Balistreri (LUS) and Paul Hartshorn, Jr. (LUS), along with APFA LUS Reserve Representative John Pennel, will be in the DCA crew base to answer your questions and host a roundtable discussion about changes/procedures in the 2014 JCBA. Please join us to discuss the Contract we will all be working under at Flight Attendant Operational Integration (FOI). Everyone from LAA and LUS are welcome, regardless of your crew base.
The order of the discussion will be as follows (length of each topic varies depending on questions):
Vacation/ Vacation Bidding Process
Hours of Service
Scheduling/ Rescheduling/ Pay Protection
Additional Questions/ Answers
Date: Friday, April 8, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: Washington National Airport- Terminal B Conference Room near the Delta Sky Club
Steve Chen
APFA Fact Rep. Coordinator
[email protected]