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6.10.15 – July PBS PHX mess

June 10, 2015


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Dear Fellow Phoenix Flight Attendants,

By now, you have seen the July numbers for the Phoenix base: 1,751 targeted lines, 635 targeted Reserves (26.61%) and a line average of 83 hours. Compared to June, which had 1,913 targeted lines and 440 targeted Reserves (18.7%) with a line average of just under 83 hours, these numbers continue to increase exponentially and are unacceptable.

Brian Clark and I, along with the PHX Base Council were advised of this information the same way you were; last night via the Crew Portal site and on social media. This is also unacceptable. Your APFA leadership immediately relayed our frustration to the appropriate AA Department Heads within the company last evening. Since then, leadership within APFA PHX local and national representatives along with the JIRC have been in constant contact. All parties conducted a conference call just a short while ago where AA justified its numbers citing historical data and other rationale. APFA proposed some ideas to provide relief for Phoenix.

  • Increase the number of targeted lines and lower the line average, which would then increase the number of line holders thereby reducing the Reserve list.
  • Increase the Open Time limitations from 3% to 4%, which would allow more movement and flexibility in ISAP, thereby allowing Flight Attendants more latitude to alter their schedules.

To date, this company has failed the Legacy US Flight Attendants; and the PHX Base is, inarguably, at the forefront of this failure. The promises of the full implementation of the 2013 CBA have yet to materialize for the PHX Base. The implementation of PBS was to bring this base into the 21st century for bidding purposes. We were to see better productivity in the pairings, a reduced need for the number of Reserves, and a streamlined process that would bring us greater flexibility. What we have experienced is the opposite of that. We are not the only LUS base that is experiencing these issues. But our issues are unique and our Flight Attendants need relief now.

The LUS Flight Attendants have reached the apex of frustration and PBS as it stands will never be acceptable for 25,000+ Flight Attendants if it cannot work for 8,500. The company must make this right.

Your PHX Base Council will continue discussions with the company. However, these discussions must result in some action. Base Notices of Dispute and Presidential Grievances are under strong review. The company must deliver on the promises of the full implementation of the Red Book.

In Unity,
Joseph Seelye, PHX Base President
Brian Clark, PHX Vice President

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Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
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Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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