FRH – 5.31.16
FACT Rep Update –
Flight Attendant Communications Team
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
- 1 On 3 Off Reserve Rotation – LAA
- Interim Pay Protections – Additional Q & A’s – LAA
- Last Five Days Sequence Protection (L5D) – LAA
- Vacation Extension (VEX) Requests for July 2016 – LUS
- PBS Refresher WBT Due May 31 – LUS
- Meet #PHA5E in SFO – LAA/LUS
- JCBA Training & Roundtable Discussions – LAA/LUS
1 On 3 Off Reserve Rotation – LAA
Q: My first reserve month was June 2013. I had a line month in May 2016 and I’m on the back up reserve list in June 2016. When do I start my 1 on 3 off reserve rotation?
A: Your 1 on 1 off rotation will be through May 2016 and the 1 on 3 off starts in June 2016. Since May 2016 was a line month that’s why you are subject to reserve in June being on the back up list. You will not start the 3 off part until you actually serve reserve. If you’re not pulled into reserve in June then you will be on the reserve list or back up list again in July depending on seniority. If you served reserve in June then you’ll have July to September off reserve.
Interim Pay Protections – Additional Q & A’s – LAA
Q: What is not included with Interim Pay Protection?
A: Same as today, carryover, international override or other premiums are not included. Same as today, pay protection for trips originating on reserve days (RF and SB flying) are not included. All schedule conflict trip removals, including FA- initiated conflict after bid awards.
Q: Can you explain the difference between a Schedule Conflict and a MIC (Misconnect /Illegality/Cancellation)?
A: A Schedule Conflict is defined as either a conflict or illegality for the first trip of the month that is created by the bid award. The FA has the option to resolve the Schedule Conflict through trading or dropping either sequence. If no action is taken, 72 hours prior to the new month the first trip of the new month would automatically be removed. The removed trip would not be covered by the Interim Pay Protection.
A MIC is an illegality that does not exist when the FA has received their award or has been scheduled throughout the month, but is generated through subsequent circumstances i.e. weather, mechanical, etc. The removed trip would be covered by the Interim Pay Protection if MIC procedures are followed.
Q: What is a conflict that the FA did not initiate?
A: The FA does not have a conflict for the subsequent month, but due to an assignment by Crew Schedule at the end of the current month, a conflict is created in the following month. I.E. Reassignment (RA) Reschedule due to MIC, a reserve assignment or an Availability assignment by Crew Schedule. The removed trip would be covered by the Interim Pay Protection when MIC procedures are followed.
Q: What is a FA-initiated conflict after bid awards?
A: The FA does not have a conflict for the subsequent month, but decides to pick up additional time from the company at the end of the current month and, as a result; the additional flying creates the conflict in the next month. The Flight Attendant does have this option, since current month flying takes precedence over next month flying. The removed trip would not be covered by the Interim Pay Protection.
Last Five Days Sequence Protection (L5D) – LAA
Flight Attendants who are experiencing cancellations for the last trip in the last five days of the month, if contacted prior to sign in, are only required to be on the Make Up list and to participate in the HISEND MU Round for each Day Originally Scheduled To Fly (DOSTF).
Your Guarantee is NOT automatically protected. The Flight Attendant must participate in the applicable HISEND MU Rounds (and be on the MU list for all days originally scheduled to fly plus 8 hours which may require the Flight Attendant to add their name to the MU list an additional day). The obligation window is indicated in your HI1 header after the cancellation. If the Flight Attendant opts out of protecting their guarantee, then the guarantee is incrementally reduced by the value of the sequence (if the Flight Attendant is at or below guarantee in PPROJ).
Also, a Flight Attendant is only obligated to participate in the HISEND MU rounds on DOSTF and to accept a single trip of any length that signs in within the obligation window until midnight of the last day of the month (originally scheduled trip plus eight (8) hours after scheduled arrival time). If the Flight Attendant does not participate or does not bid enough (and doesn’t state “plot to protect guarantee within obligation” on their HISEND message), the protection will be lost. If not plotted then the Flight Attendant may choose to participate in subsequent MU/II/CC/AB proffer rounds and may decline proffered flying without losing protection.
Please refer to the Scheduling page at for a more detailed explanation including the Pay Protection Flow Chart for L5D.
Vacation Extension (VEX) Requests for July 2016 – LUS
• May 19 – 31 submit via VEX Form on Wings – Flight Service – Lines & Pairings (Bidding) page
When submitting for VEX Days you must have a continuous vacation block of at least seven (7) days. The days off will act as a pre-planned absence, and will carry NO pay or credit. Such days off will be counted toward the Reserve’s scheduled Golden Days. Such block of four (4) days, or portion thereof, may be extended into the next bid period.
Vacation Extension Timeline, Rules and Useful Tips
PBS Refresher WBT Due May 31 – LUS
A mandatory Preferential Bidding System (PBS) refresher Web-Based Training (WBT) module is available in the Learning Hub on Jetnet. This training clarifies top PBS questions often asked of PBS trainers and the Flight Attendant Bidding Resource Center (FABRC).
The WBT must be completed by Tuesday, May 31, 2016. You will receive $25 training pay upon completion. As a reminder, with the exception of CQ, any WBT offered, will be processed through a pay report outside of CATCREW. You will not see your pay for WBT completion in CATCREW.
To access the WBT module, Click Here or click on the Learning shortcut under ‘Find it Fast’ on Jetnet. From there, select Visit Learning Hub. This required training will be listed in your ‘To Do’ list. Click on the Start button to launch the lesson.
Meet #PHA5E in SFO – LAA/LUS
Date: Friday, July 15, 2016
Time: 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: TBA
Meet #PHA5E- the 5th phase of flight- the beginning of your career. PHA5E provides an avenue for newer Flight Attendants to become involved. We are the future! The more active the membership, the more unified we stand. We welcome Flight Attendants from every seniority – let’s get involved together!
Learn about:
- How APFA operates and APFA’s structure
- Changes in 2016 under the JCBA
- How APFA can help you
- Current contract language Q & A
- How you can get involved with APFA
Questions about the #PHA5E program?
Contact: Allie Malis, Torrance Hurtault, and Reese Cole at [email protected]
JCBA Training & Roundtable Discussions – LAA/LUS
Date: Friday, July 15, 2016
Time: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Location: TBA
Joint Collective Bargaining Agreement (JCBA) Negotiators Vicki Balistreri (LUS) and Paul Hartshorn, Jr. (LUS) will be in the SFO crew base to answer your questions and host a roundtable discussion about changes/procedures in the 2014 JCBA. Please join us to discuss the Contract we will all be working under at Flight Attendant Operational Integration (FOI). Everyone from LAA and LUS are welcome, regardless of your crew base.
The order of the discussion will be as follows:
- Vacation/ Vacation Bidding Process
- Sick
- Hours of Service
- Scheduling/ Rescheduling/ Pay Protections
- Deadheading- what’s changing?
- Reserve
- Additional Q & A
Steve Chen
APFA Fact Rep. Coordinator
[email protected]