7.06.16 – LGA Valet Parking Situation
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
LGA Valet Parking Situation
For the past 90 days, we have fielded many emails and calls regarding the “VALET PARKING” situation at LGA due to the construction of the new airport and we are trying to find a solution. On July 1st, I parked at LGA and observed the process. I took notes and gave feedback to management regarding the situation. I also spoke with counterparts from Delta Air Lines.
Going forward, we are still addressing the concerns with management, however we need your help. If you have parked at LGA since valet parking started, we need direct feedback on your experience. We cannot seek resolution without proper documentation. Any information you can provide is vital in making our case to the company.
We have received statements that insurance companies will not cover a customer to valet park for work. Please get that in writing and forward it to us along with any other experiences you have had. Be sure to include how long you had to wait to check in and retrieve your vehicle as well as any discrepancies or inconveniences you experienced with the process. If you can, include any pictures you have.
Please submit reports to:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Be sure to copy in base management as well:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Thank you so much,
Your LGA Base Reps
Ellen, Joann, & Anna