FRH – 7.15.16
FACT Rep Update –
Flight Attendant Communications Team
Friday, July 15, 2016
Happy Friday to All:
As we were compiling issues of interest to include in this month’s FACT Rep Update it became obvious that much of the information being circulated in past bi-monthly emails was redundant, considering that the majority of the information being released regarding LAA and LUS issues is already covered in regular hotlines and base briefs. Assuming that all the FACT Reps are signed up for their National and Base Brief Hotlines, it seems like overkill to push this material to you again in the form of a separate mailing.
To that end, we have decided to discontinue the bi-weekly updates of issues already circulating in regular hotlines. Instead, we will focus on trending issues or concerns that are not necessarily broadcast to the membership at large, but can assist you in coordinating and communicating our collective message as you interact with our members on the line.
We would also like to hear your ideas about how we can improve or expand on our interaction with you and breathe new life into the FACT Rep Program. Beyond the hotlines, how can we better equip you with the information you need to hand on to the membership? Please feel free to contact Megan or me with your suggestions.
In the meantime, here are some facts we’d like to share with you:
Live Chat – LAA/LUS
Live Chat got off to an amazing start and we have been getting very positive feedback from those who have logged on to try it out. In addition to manning the desk here at APFA HDQ, Megan has joined other reps who have been answering Contract/Scheduling questions on Live Chat and it has been well received. Please encourage the membership to utilize this valuable resource during off-hours by going to the Homepage on the APFA website and clicking on Live Chat.
Flight Attendant Feedback Forms – LAA/LUS
The Flight Attendant Feedback Forms continue to roll in and we have found that this is the most effective way for our members to report any issues they are having with Crew Schedule, Reassignments/Reschedules, and Hotels. Our Scheduling Chair, Daniel Koukes reviews each one to determine if contract violations occurred and he uses them as evidence to make our case in company discussions. These forms can also be found on the homepage of the website and we encourage all members to utilize them.
Hotel/Transportation Debrief Form
Reassignment/Rescheduling Form
Interim Pay Protection (IPP) – LAA
As we move closer to FOI, the JCBA language regarding Trip Protections cannot come fast enough for our LAA Flight Attendants. In the meantime we are still jumping through the hoops outlined in the Interim Pay Protection provisions and it is important to let our members know exactly what they must do to protect themselves. Another reminder will go out in next week’s scheduling hotline, but in the meantime please continue to direct members to the website where they can click on the IPP slider at the top of the home page to get links to everything they need to know about IPP.
MIC Quick Facts
One of our primary goals moving forward is to not only engage the membership, but to educate them and guide them to the resources they need to make themselves more self sufficient and knowledgeable about their contractual rights and legalities.
In closing, I just want to say that I truly feel that APFA is slowly getting back on track and moving in the right direction. This month’s informal meeting by the BOD to discuss issues relevant to our membership went well and it gives me hope to know that our collective leadership sees the need to heal our fractured past and move forward in a collective sense of unity for the betterment of our members. I hope you share in this hope and will join me in communicating that to our colleagues.
Please feel free to contact us at any time.
In Unity,
Shane Staples
APFA National Communications Chair
[email protected]
Megan Blanchard
APFA Contract/Scheduling Rep & FACT Rep Coordinator