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11.15.16 – (LUS) – Extension of the Bidding Input Timeline for LUS Flight Attendants

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APFA Hotline

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

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Given the inconveniences caused by yesterday’s PBS IT issues, APFA has demanded and secured an extension of the bidding input timeline for LUS Flight Attendants. 

The deadline to input your December 2016 bids has been extended to 1700 PST/1800 MST/1900 CST/2000 EST on November 16th. Flight Attendants who input bids during the window of 1445 – 1545 EST on November 14, 2016, are encouraged to check their bid entries for accuracy.

Keep in mind that PBS trainers are available in the crew rooms to assist with any issues you may encounter as you check your bid. Bidding resource guides are available on WINGS.

As mentioned in a previous hotline, APFA representatives will be present to oversee the process of the bid results. Remedies will be sought if it is determined that Flight Attendants were harmed as a result of any irregularities that arise during the award process.

Chuck Ransdale
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]


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