3.03.17 – Jill Surdek, Retirement Seminars, PHL Base Meeting
Friday, March 3, 2017
Welcome Jill Surdek
Jill Surdek, the new Vice President of Flight Service replacing Hector, has been making her rounds to the crew bases. She visited Philadelphia on February 23rd, and held a town hall type Q & A in the crew room. Many of our Flight Attendants had the opportunity to visit with Ms. Surdek and ask her some questions.
- The Flying in Philadelphia
Jill provided the same answer we have been receiving, which is the flying in Philadelphia is where they want it, and there is no immediate plans to make any changes. The seasonal flying is currently scheduled to be back in full swing with the May bid month out of PHL on LUS metal, with the exception of AMS.
- Systemwide Transfers
Jill did explain, with the help of Laurie Lofgren, how this merger differs from the US/AWA merger. In the US/AWA merger, the Company moved both carriers into the same payroll system and HR programming- meaning each legacy carrier was on the same platform for those administrative issues. They went on to say both Flight Attendant groups were also on the same vacation bidding language and sick accrual, which Maestro and CATS could support.
Currently the Flight Attendants at both LUS and LAA are on separate platforms for payroll and HR, and FOS is not programmed for the JCBA vacation bidding, which is the current LUS language.
They did say there have been discussions within the Company and APFA to figure out how to make it happen, they are just aren’t sure it would be possible due to the administrative restraints.
I assure you this is something we will continue to pursue.
- Scheduling Issues
Jill did say this is a constant theme she is hearing from each base she has visited on both sides of the operation. She assured everyone they are making this a priority. Many Flight Attendants complained of being on hold for extended periods of time, being disconnected, or the phone not even being answered. She said they will be addressing these issues and they can do much better, and we deserve better.
- Uniform Reactions
They reiterated that this is a concern. They have spent a lot of time and money on scientific testing and will continue, but as of right now all testing has come back that the garments meet the required standards. The Company currently offers these uniform options to employees: the new uniform as designed, a non-wool product, the purchase of an approved alternative (gray bottom (skirt/pants) and a white shirt/blouse), or the old blue uniform.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to come out and meet our new VP of Flight Service.
Retirement Seminars
Ron Harris, the APFA Retirement Specialist is back on the road with his very informative seminar. This seminar is very popular and it is not just for Flight Attendants who are contemplating retirement. He provides very good information for those just starting your career and how to start now to save for your retirement.
PIT-March 20th at the Hyatt Airport from 11-2
PHL-March 21st in the Tour Room between Concourses C & D from 11-2
PHL Base Meeting
We will be having a Base meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd at the Hampton Inn Philadelphia International Airport. I will be inviting the JCBA implementation committee, known as the JSIC. I will also be inviting the National Officers, the National Contract and Scheduling Chairs, as well as our National Safety Chair. I will provide more information on the date and time as well as guests and agenda prior to May bidding.
In Unity and Solidarity,
Kim Kaswinkel
APFA PHL Base President
[email protected]