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3.07.17 – (LAA/LUS) – APFA President’s Response to Prefunding Letter

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Tuesday, March 7, 2017

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APFA Retirement Specialist Ron Harris and Patrick Hancock joined me late last week, as we met with the Company to discuss the issues surrounding the Pre-Funding letter mailing error affecting Legacy AA Flight Attendants who had previously participated in the Retiree Medical Pre-Funding Plan. In our Presidential Grievance filed in June of 2014, we made it clear that the only acceptable resolution is to pay us our company matched dollars that are still sitting in these accounts, drawing interest. It was these statements, sent in error, that remind us that this money is still there awaiting a resolution to the 1114 process, and we have asked for a full accounting of it.

We also reiterated that this is the Company’s mistake and they need to take ownership for explaining to the membership how this happened and what it means. A generic “we’re sorry” letter is not enough and we are demanding a more detailed explanation of how this happened and what it means for our members. We conveyed the membership’s questions and concerns to the Company and asked that they address them in a direct communication with our Flight Attendants.

As was explained to you by the Company, this was an accounting error by Empower and it is their responsibility to provide their employees with a full and comprehensive explanation of the facts. We are hopeful a more detailed communication from the Company will be forthcoming.

In Unity and Solidarity,

Bob Ross
APFA National President
[email protected]



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