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5.24.17 – (LUS) – Modified Award Procedures RAPS – LUS

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

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Modified RAP Award Procedures – LUS

The Company has announced they will honor the Reserve language in the February 28, 2013 agreement, the Red Book, regarding modified RAPs.

Section 12.E.3. specifically states:

After the Reserve has completed her/his rest, she/he will be placed on a full RAP shift unless the Reserve requests to be placed on a RAP with a modified start time. Crew Scheduling may, but is not required, to award the modified RAP to the Reserve. The modified RAP will contain the same end time as the originally published RAP. 

1.  Crew Scheduling will not auto assign a modified RAP.  However, should you bid a RAP that requires a modified start time because you are not legal for an entire RAP, Scheduling may honor your request and award a modified RAP.

2.  A daily bid for a RAP will be an expression of your request for a RAP, including modified RAPs. If you are only legal for a modified RAP and you do not wish to be awarded a modified RAP, you should not bid for a RAP. Scheduling will not consider a standing bid when awarding/assigning a modified RAP. However, if you are legal for at least one full RAP, a daily or standing bid will be considered.

3.  Even though you may not be legal for a RAP, you may bid a trip or be assigned a trip for which you are legal in ROTA.

4.  If you do not bid for a RAP and you are legal for a full RAP, Scheduling will only assign a full RAP.  A 1-day Reserve who is awarded C RAP is considered available for a full RAP even though the on duty period ends at 23:59.

5.  If awarded a daily assignment that makes you not available for your next day’s full RAP awarded during ROTA processing, you may contact Crew Scheduling and request a full RAP, if available.  Additionally, if you do not want the modified RAP or are not legal for a full RAP, you may request removal from the RAP.

6.  If you are not awarded/assigned a RAP, resulting from a previous assignment, you may call Crew Scheduling to be awarded a trip as a double-up/multiple.  You’ll be considered an aggressive RSV without a RAP and will be available at your seniority in all RAPs.

We are pleased that the Company has acknowledged and will apply the intent of our negotiated language.  

If you encounter any irregularities with the assignment of RAPs, please contact your Local Base Leadership for assistance or you may contact the LUS Contract/Scheduling Rep available at APFA Headquarters Monday-Friday 0900-1700 CT.

Chuck Ransdale
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]


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