10.20.17 – (LAA/LUS) – Annual SK/VC Thresholds LAA/Application of VC Pay to OE Trips within FMLA/Extended Waits for Hotel Rooms/Uniform Reaction Update
- Annual Thresholds for Sick and Vacation – LAA
- Application of Vacation Pay to OE Trips within an Approved FMLA – LAA
- Extended Waits for Hotel Rooms – LAA/LUS
- Uniform Reaction Update – LAA/LUS
Annual Thresholds for Sick and Vacation – LAA
As we approach the end of the calendar year, please be aware that the 420-hour threshold for sick and vacation is still in effect for LAAFlight Attendants. An average of thirty five (35) paid hours for each active month, for a minimum of 420 paid hours for the year, must be maintained in order to accrue sick and vacation. Remember, the 420-threshold is reduced by thirty five (35) hours for any inactive months in 2017. An inactive month is any month in which you were in an unpaid status for more than 15 days during that contractual month.
Please take notice of your total paid hours and eligibility hours for the current year by pulling up your HISK in DECS. Simply type “HISK” and then hit the “Enter” key to pull up your current year’s accruals’ record. Move down to the “Sick and Vacation Summary” sections. So long as your “TTL FLT PAID HOURS” meets or exceeds your “ELIGIBILITY HOURS,” you are on track with meeting your personal threshold for sick and vacation.
The greater of your PPROJ or GUAR is credited towards your TTL FLT PAID HOURS; and, your ELIGIBILITY HOURS is simply your personal threshold at the time of pulling your HISK.
If you were to pull up your HISK today, you would see your sick and vacation accruals as well as your total flight paid hours from January to September. Your HISK is updated on or around the 10th calendar day of the new contractual month to reflect accruals and paid hours earned in the last contractual month.
Additionally, although a Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) is an unpaid status, Flight Attendants still accrue sick and vacation while on a VLOA, regardless of the duration of the leave. If you were on a full-month VLOA, you would see the letter “L” under your SK/VC columns. This “L” indicates a reduction of your personal threshold by 35 hours, but at the same time, an accrual of sick and vacation in that month.
Note: There are currently NO thresholds to maintain Company subsidized health benefits and there is NO threshold to maintain employment.
Application of Vacation Pay to OE Trips that Fall within an Approved FMLA – LAA
On May, 2, 2015, language from Section 9 of the JCBA was implemented allowing all trips to be eligible for paid sick hours. As a result, LAA members are now able to be paid with sick time for OE trips.
This created an unforeseen problem since many Flight Attendants who call in sick also file for Family Leave (FMLA) which allows for the substitution of vacation pay when sick time has been exhausted. Many members contacted the Company and the Union because they felt they were being harmed by the inability to be paid when they had OE trips that fell within their FMLA.
Section 9 of the JCBA only concerns sick time, and the issue of substitution of vacation pay with an approved FMLA was not addressed at the time it was implemented. Since JCBA language and Company policy both specify that VC, VX, and PVDs may be used with FMLA for self when sick time has been exhausted and must be used with FMLA for others, this change aligns pay for OEs while on FMLA with the contract and Company policy.
With FMLA for self:
• Use of sick time is required
• Use of scheduled VC, VX is optional if no sick time is available
• Use of up to 6 PVDs from next year’s accrual is optional if no sick time is available
With FMLA for others:
• Use of sick time is not permitted
• Use of scheduled VC or VX is required
• Use of up to 6 PVDs from next year’s accrual is optional
Kim Coats Tuck
APFA Interim National Health Chair
[email protected]
Chuck Ransdale
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]
Extended Waits for Hotel Rooms – LAA/LUS
As a reminder, The APFA National Hotel Department needs to hear from anyone experiencing extended wait times for hotel rooms as well as any other issues you may experience with hotels or transportation.
Direct reports from Flight Attendants are the most effective way to get issues addressed with both the Company and the vendors.
A. Marie Plevritis
APFA National Hotel Chair
[email protected]
Uniform Reaction Update – LAA/LUS