1.13.20 – APFA PHL Base Brief
Monday, January 13, 2020
The PHL APFA base office number has changed effective January 1st. Our new office number is 215-360-3115.
We are seeing a major uptick in the number of required meetings with FSMs. The meeting topics include attendance, complaint letters, conduct, and travel irregularities. If you are called, or sent a letter or email requesting a meeting, please call us immediately for representation. The calendar is filling up quickly for the remainder of January.
If you are involved in any type of safety or cabin odor event, please be sure to file the appropriate safety event forms located on JETNET > Flight Service > Safety & Security.
If you are injured while on duty, including if you are on a layover, you will also need to file the appropriate forms and call to report an IOD (Injury On Duty).
Cabin ASAP reports are also located on the Safety & Security page.
JETNET > Flight Service > FA Service Center
Everything you need to know about FMLA, Maternity, Passports & Visas, the Attendance Policy, Worker’s Compensation, Leave of Absence’s, Form’s, etc., can be found on Jetnet in the FA Service Center.
Ballots for APFA National Officer Election were mailed December 30, 2019, to all APFA members. If you do not receive your ballot, please contact the National Ballot Committee (NBC) at [email protected] or 817-540-0108, ext. 8311 to request a duplicate ballot.
The ballot packet you will receive contains a Candidate Information Booklet. You can also find a copy of the candidate booklet on the APFA website under Elections at www.apfa.org. The Candidate Information Booklet contains information on the candidates as provided by the candidate or the person nominating the candidate. We ask that you read the information carefully before mailing in your ballot as YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CHANGE YOUR VOTE.
For your vote to count, you must be a member in good standing (no more than 60 days in dues arrears) by 5:00 pm CT, January 24, 2020.
If you have any questions about your dues status, please contact the Dues Department at [email protected] or at 817-540-0108, ext. 8151. All ballots must be received by 10:00 am CT, January 29, 2020.
In unity and solidarity,
Kim Kaswinkel,
APFA PHL Base President
Tracey Montanari
APFA PHL Base Vice President