4.28.20 – Unemployment Benefits Resource Page
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Unemployment Benefits Resource Page
APFA has added a new resource for Flight Attendants who are looking for more information about unemployment benefits. The new APFA.org unemployment benefits resource page may be found here. You will find pertinent information on the unemployment benefits process: How it works, eligibility, CARES Act enhancements, and details on how different types of leaves may affect your eligibility. The page also includes state specific information broken down by crew base, with relevant links to each state’s unemployment website. As you know, eligibility varies from state to state, and each state will ultimately decide your eligibility.
We hope that having this information in one place will better assist you through the unemployment process. In the event unemployment benefits are enhanced or changed in the future, we will be sure to update the information and notify you via hotline.