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6.11.20 – Monthly Vacation Filler Day Bid

Contract Department hotline

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Monthly Vacation Filler Day Bid

During the annual vacation bid, you may designate up to 20% of your vacation accrual as Filler Days with a maximum of six (6) Filler Days per year. You do not bid for the dates you want your Filler Days to occur during the annual vacation bid. Instead, you are only bidding how many days, if any, you would like to set aside as Filler Days.

Filler Days may be designated (up to your max allowed) during the primary or secondary annual vacation bid period. They are not awarded based on seniority; anyone who designates Filler Days during the annual vacation bid will receive them.

If you elect to designate Filler Days during the annual vacation bid, you can participate in the monthly filler day bid for the months you would like to schedule your filler days. Use the Filler tab to bid for Filler Days in desired months. The Filler tab defaults to the current fiscal year and the month available to bid for. You may use the drop-down lists to select a different month in the current or previous fiscal year.

Filler Day bids are awarded in seniority order. You can be awarded a maximum of one bid per ballot; however, a bid from each of your ballots can be awarded. The system will first attempt to award you from Ballot 1. If your primary bid is not awarded, it will move to your first alternate bid, then your second alternate bid, and so on. Once a bid is awarded from a ballot, the system will not look at the remaining bids in that ballot. Instead, it will move on to Ballot 2.

Vacation Filler bid dates

Vacation Filler Bid – Opens 11th of the month, 2 months prior at noon (CT); Closes 20th of the month, 2 months prior at noon (CT); Awarded 21st of the month, 2 months prior at noon (CT)

Important Reminders

  • Although Filler Days are initially awarded during the annual bid, this does not guarantee you will be awarded desired dates from the monthly Filler Day bids.
  • Filler Days combined with a block of scheduled vacation days will count toward the block total for pay purposes. For example, if you are awarded a six (6)-day vacation block, the pay rate is 3.5 hours per day. But, if you are awarded a Filler Day attached to the days, changing the block to seven (7) days total, the pay rate changes to four (4) hours per day for the entire vacation block.
  • The rule that you can only be awarded a single block of three or less vacation days does not apply to Filler Days. Filler Days can be awarded as standalone vacation days.
  • Once a bid is awarded from a ballot, the system will not process the remaining bids within that ballot. Instead, it will move on to your next ballot. This is very important to keep in mind when building your bidding strategy.
  • If you happened to bid for Filler Days that overlapped or conflicted with your designated VEX days, the system will still award your Filler Days. Filler Day awards supersede VEX days. Adjust your VEX day requests after the monthly Filler Day award, if needed.
  • Unscheduled Filler Days do not carry forward. Any remaining Filler Days will be paid out at the end of the fiscal year at a daily rate of 3.5 hours.


In Solidarity,

Brian Walsh
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]

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Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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APFA Headquarters
1004 West Euless Boulevard
Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


Contract & Scheduling Desk
M-F: 7:00AM - 7:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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