10.20.20 – Furloughed Flight Attendant Pay
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Furloughed Flight Attendant Pay
The Company released an email yesterday to furloughed Flight Attendants that details a Furloughed Flight Attendant pay average. In accordance with JCBA Section 23.C.13., you are entitled to a specific duration of furlough pay based on the last twelve active months prior to the furlough date.
The total average is then split between your mid-month and end of month paychecks for the duration of your furlough pay period. The number in the email sent out by the Company is your monthly average multiplied by your JCBA hourly rate. The total you see will be the amount before deductions being taken out, and those deductions will continue to be taken out with each check.
Your first furlough pay period check will be on the end of month check for October and continue until you have received your contractual amount. In the example below, the Flight Attendant’s hourly rate is $36.47, and the average is 112.21, which would be a monthly total of $4,092.29, which would be $2046.14, before any standard deductions being taken out.
Please use the example above to determine your furlough pay, as well as the Furlough Pay and Medical Benefits hotline to match when your medical benefits expire.
In Solidarity,
Brian Walsh
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]