11.06.20 – APFA ORD Base Brief – December 2020 Allocations
Friday, November 6, 2020
Hello ORD Flight Attendants,
Not sure where to even start. The APFA National President and APFA Base Presidents have been fighting the Company over the allocations since they were released to us on Monday. Unfortunately, but not surprising, there is little improvement to the sequence build month-over-month. A new twist thrown in will be mixed wide and narrow body flying within the sequence. And it gets better. The positions are mixed between bases! The APFA was given NO notice that this change was coming. More information on this will be coming soon. The target line average is surprisingly high for a holiday month. 84.6 for the system and the Reserve percentage has increased at every base. The high line average could be problematic with the uneven distribution of open time. ORD had no problem vocalizing the potential disaster in waiting with this December plan. When the Union leaders voiced our frustrations, we were reminded that the schedule is being built within contractual limits. We will see how that plays out in a pandemic, on a holiday month, with potential inclement weather!
The PBS Bidding Tips in a Holiday Month hotline from November has some good reminders that also apply in December. Be Careful with Waivers in PBS such as 30/7, 24hr rest, min days off, and min domicile rest.
Systemwide job hours have increased slightly month over month. ORD December 50,127 versus November 47,605. MSP December 968 versus November 830. Trip length distribution is similar month over month. We were NOT happy to see the increase in turns and were not given any clear explanation for the ORD increase when the systemwide number of turns reduced. The Company has projected zero VLOAs.
December Bidding Timelines
***The December Bidding Timeline is back to the JCBA-Compliant Timeline.***
Thank you for your hard work and commitment to safety during this turbulent time. We are so proud of how ORD Flight Attendants are handling their life and work balance during the pandemic. We wish everyone a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Please continue to stay up-to-date by reading the APFA Hotlines and mobieCCI messages. We remain available for questions and feedback.
Be kind to one another, and stay safe.
In Solidarity,
Susan Wroble
APFA ORD Base President
(630) 802-2268
[email protected]
Dray Howard
APFA ORD Base Vice President
(630) 215-8410
[email protected]