5.13.21 – APFA DFW Base Brief – June 2021 Allocations
Thursday, May 13, 2021
DFW June 2021 Manning/Allocations Information
Manning Information is Preliminary and Subject to Change
Manning Information
- Active Headcount: 5,643
- Available Headcount: 5,297
- Bid Jobs/Line Holders: 4,176
- Reserves: 1,121 (21.2%)
- System Reserve: 21.1%
- No unpaid Voluntary Leave of Absence (VLOA) will be offered
- Flight Attendant’s returning from PVLOA/STLOA/EVLOA: 51
- Expected Open Line Average: 81.1 hours
- Expected System Line Average: 81.1 hours
Important Timelines
Schedule Highlights and Special Flying Events
- Schedule Change: Thursday, June 03
- July schedule change and Independence Day weekend will cause schedule fluctuations at the end of the month.
Allocations Information
We voiced our concern over how Reserves cover other bases, and how they are not being flown. Red Flag has not been open unless associated with the Texas storms. We provided data that our sick is low, and also lower than some other bases. When given an excuse as to why Reserve is higher for June, the Company would change their reasoning.
We have asked the Company to provide their data. To provide the ratio of open time picked up by Reserves vs open time picked up by Lineholders. We asked:
- How the Reserves were being used?
- Were they maxed out?
- Did they reach their guarantee?
- How many were dispersed to cover other bases?
We shall see if we can get answers. Because at the end of the day, the Company’s numbers, their reasoning, and their data do not add up. We brought to their attention that since they are comparing to 2019, not 2020, that we are not even staffed like we were in 2019 on widebody; that we aren’t flying the full routes that we were in 2019. You cannot compare to 2019 and pick and choose what you want to compare to drive the reserve numbers up. This is just ridiculous.
American continues to see growth in domestic and short-haul leisure travel as bookings remain strong. The airline is adding new markets and routes to its network to capitalize on strengthening demand.
Systemwide block hours have increased 15% for June, with planned increases expected for July. Expanded flying opportunities at DFW will continue to grow with the implementation of network strategies throughout the operation.
The optimizer software settings remained unchanged for June. However, just as in May, we did see some changes in our pairings. Many of our coveted high-time turns have returned. Domestic widebody flying has increased significantly, and short layovers less than eleven hours have decreased. ODAN pairings have remained status quo, and several red-eye pairings have been added. We will continue to monitor the desirability of ODANs and red-eye pairings and make adjustments if needed.
We presented concerns for June’s pairings such as four-leg turns with excessive sit time, unproductive two-day trips, and pairings working excessive legs per duty for minimal pay. We continue to identify and present challenging pairings for modification. All bases voiced their frustration with the lack of meaningful trip construction improvements despite negative feedback provided each month on the allocations call.
Long-haul international flying remains unpredictable due to governmental pandemic restrictions. For June, IPD flying mainly remained unchanged with a few adjustments. We will continue to work with the Company to ensure we have the latest information regarding country protocols and cancellations.
DFW was allocated 330,885 pay hours for June, an increase of 43,753 hours from May. AUS satellite assigned hours decreased by 73 hours to 1,657 pay hours. STL satellite hours increased 102 hours May 4, 2021, from May to 5,189 hours. The airline is flying 74.2% of its block hours compared to June 2019.
3FA and 4FA Percentage of Sequences
- 1-Day: 32.3%
- 2-Day: 43.7%
- 3-Day: 17.1%
- 4-Day: 6.9%
3FA and 4FA Overnight Rest Distribution
- Overnight rest 10-10:30 hrs: 5.0%
- Overnight Rest 10:30-11 hrs: 10.2%
- Overnight Rest 11-12 hrs: 13.3%
- Overnight Rest 12-14 hrs: 17.8%
- Overnight Rest 14-16 hrs: 16.7%
- Overnight Rest 16-24 hrs: 27.5%
- Overnight Rest 24-34 hrs: 9.2%
- Overnight Rest Greater than 34 hrs: 0.2%
3FA & 4FA Productivity
- Credit Hours per Calendar Day: 5:15 hrs
- Schedule Block Hours per Calendar Day: 5:05 hrs
- Credit Hours per Duty Period: 5:52 hrs
3FA & 4FA Sit-Time
- 2 Hours: 9.6%
- 2.5 Hours: 5.9%
- 3 Hours: 2.0%
3FA & 4FA Leg Distribution
- 1-Leg: 21.1%
- 2-Legs: 44.6%
- 3-Legs: 32.1%
- 4-Legs: 2.2%
3FA & 4FA Duty Distribution
Duty length is calculated including sign-in and release time.
- 3 to 4 hours of duty: 3.6%
- 4 to 5 hours of duty: 13.0%
- 5 to 6 hours of duty: 3.8%
- 6 to 7 hours of duty: 3.6%
- 7 to 8 hours of duty: 11.4%
- 8 to 9 hours of duty: 13.8%
- 9 to 10 hours of duty: 10.4%
- 10 to 11 hours of duty: 13.0%
- 11 to 12 hours of duty: 12.0%
- Greater than 12 hours: 15.3%
3FA & 4FA Block Distribution
- 3 hours or less: 9.5%
- 3 to 4 hours: 14.3%
- 4 to 5 hours: 12.3%
- 5 to 6 hours: 17.5%
- 6 to 7 hours: 18.1%
- 7 to 8 hours: 13.7%
- 8 to 9 hours: 13.7%
- 9 hours or greater: 0.9%
DFW Combined Operation Percentage of Sequences
All equipment all positions.
- 1-Day: 30.0%
- 2-Day: 33.0%
- 3-Day: 28.7%
- 4-Day: 7.9%
- 5-Day: 0.3%
- 6-Day: 0.1%
Designated email for Allocations and Manning questions and concerns:
[email protected]
Be careful and fly safe!
In Solidarity,
Amber De Roxtra
APFA DFW Base President
(682) 422-7179
[email protected]
Amy Knox Green
APFA DFW Base Vice President
(972) 696-9766