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5.29.21 – Illinois Sick Leave (SB 645)

Saturday, May 29, 2021

Illinois Sick Leave (SB 645)

By now, you’ve seen several email blasts or posts about the Illinois Sick Leave bill (SB 645) we are trying to get amended in the Illinois House of Representatives. We are very close to the number we need to help push this over the edge.

Long story short, we need 60 sponsors. Monday morning, there were less than 10. Because of all the work being done to wrangle co-sponsors, we are now at 53!

We are only seven sponsors short of getting this bill up for a vote. We can do this!

Find Your House Representative Here

The Representatives in the chart below have not signed on as co-sponsors. If they represent you, call and email them! Ask them to please support AND co-sponsor SB645. The key right now is to reach 60 co-sponsors to help get this out of committee so they can vote.

Sample call/email script:

“My name is ________, and I am a member of your district. I am asking you to support SB 645. All 100,000 aviation workers in Illinois deserve fair access to the same laws and protections every other Illinois resident has. So please co-sponsor SB645.”

In Solidarity,

Susan Wroble
APFA ORD Base President

[email protected]

Dray Howard
APFA ORD Base Vice President
[email protected]

Becky Lydecker
APFA ORD Base Council Representative
[email protected]

Justin Patterson
APFA ORD Base Council Representative
[email protected]

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