8.16.21 – September Monthly Vacation Buyback
Monday, August 16, 2021
September Monthly Vacation Buyback
Monthly vacation buyback will be offered for the September contractual month. As a one-time exception, APFA and AA have signed a Letter of Agreement that modifies language in JCBA Section 8.F.2. The operation continues to be stressed, and the vacation buyback is one way to bring some much-needed relief to our Reserves and Lineholders who are being rescheduled with alarming frequency.
Flight Attendants with blocks of vacation days originating August 31st through September 30th will be eligible to participate in the buyback. You may only sell back full blocks of vacation days. If you are on Reserve and choose to participate in the buyback, you will be obligated for all Reserve days in that block.
Your vacation days will be paid out at 4.0 hours per day for blocks of seven (7) or more consecutive days, while blocks of six (6) or fewer consecutive days will be paid at 3.5 hours per day, excluding premiums. Selling back your vacation allows you to pick up more time from TTS/UBL, including Red Flag. If you sell back seven (7) days of vacation for 28 hours, the number of hours you may pick up from TTS/UBL will increase by 28. You will be paid for the vacation buyback in your October mid-month paycheck.
To submit your vacation buyback request, click on the Vacation Tab in Crew Portal. Select Monthly Bidding, then click on Vacation Actions. A pencil will appear under the Monthly Buyback column for any eligible block(s) of vacation. The Company has indicated they will not limit the number of vacation buyback awards for the month of September.
The bidding window for the September monthly vacation buyback opened today, August 16th at Noon (CDT) and will close Sunday, August 22nd at Noon (CDT). Awards will be posted by Noon (CDT) on Monday, August 23rd.
Information on Monthly Vacation Buyback is located in the VMS Guide on Crew Change. If you have further questions regarding your vacation or the monthly buyback, email [email protected] or call the Vacation Support Desk: 1-800-VIP-CREW, # 8.
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In Solidarity,
Jeff Petersen
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]
Marti McMillan
APFA National Scheduling Chair
[email protected]
Renée Mayer
APFA JCBA Specialist
[email protected]