9.03.21 – Returning From EVLOA? October CQ Bidding Now Open
Friday, September 3, 2021
Returning From EVLOA? October CQ Bidding Now Open
The Training Bidding System (TBS) is currently open for bidding for October CQ classes. If you are a December EVLOA recall and are QI and subject to being assigned training in October, you have the opportunity to bid for a CQ class in TBS. If you do not bid, you will be assigned a training class in October.
If you are returning from EVLOA in November or December and your base month is September or October, and you are not currently scheduled to attend training, you may also bid for an October CQ class in TBS. If you do not bid, you will be assigned a training class in October.
If you have a November CQ base month, you may bid to go early. However, if you do not bid, you will not be awarded/assigned a training class until November.
For guidance on how to use the Training Bidding System, refer to the TBS guide found in Crew Change.
The bidding window for TBS closes on Monday, September 6th at 1200 (CDT) for October CQ classes.
In Solidarity,
Jeff Petersen
APFA National Contract Chair
[email protected]