9.16.21 – APFA Contract ACTION Team- Turning Frustration Into ACTION
Thursday, September 16, 2021
APFA Contract ACTION Team – Turning Frustration Into ACTION
It’s time to turn our frustration into ACTION. Illegal assignments when we return at the end of our trip or being stuck out of base with no hotel must stop. Enough is enough!
We are in contract negotiations and need your support. Top management at American needs to hear we will not put up with being disrespected. It’s a basic right that each Flight Attendant has a hotel at layover stations without delay or excuses.
We urge you to take a few moments to send the following letter. But more importantly, talk to your flying partners and encourage them to do the same. We are building a movement that will only stop when we get the respect we deserve. Every one of you is critical to this effort. Together we will achieve the contract we deserve.
Dear David,
Providing hotel rooms for Flight Attendants must be a priority for American Airlines management. Too often, we have been rescheduled or cancelled only to find management has completely failed their obligation to provide our hotels.
Waiting on hold for hours and wondering where we will sleep after flying all day is simply unacceptable. We deserve better.
We have long complained about problems with hotels. We have heard the excuses. But the problem has become intolerable.
Due to pressure from APFA and the Pilot Union, discussions have begun on short-term fixes. We welcome that. But it is not enough–we need long-term solutions.
At our last negotiating session, APFA proposed contract language to address this issue. We urge top management at American Airlines to acknowledge that hotels are a priority and agree to contract language providing a permanent fix to this problem.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.