4.05.22 – APFA ORD Base Brief – May 2022 Staffing and Allocations
Tuesday, April 5, 2022
APFA ORD Base Brief
Happy April Chicago. The May Staffing and Allocation calls were this weekend. The Allocation information brought good news in the form of the return of more of our IPD flying.
The Staffing information brought along higher than expected Reserve percentages for ORD. The Company continues to cite the high absenteeism rate as justification for the high numbers. We continue to ask them to take a step back and review how the high Target Credit Range (TCR) and trip construction might create less flexibility for our Flight Attendants.
The systemwide reserve percentage is 19.6%. ORD Reserve is slightly lower: 407 Reserves at 18.8%.
The expected line average at PBS open is 79.00. This is a lower average than previous months, we hope this number might allow some more flexibility than previous months.
We could not find any noticeable improvements with the May allocations. The layover times continue to be built with a minimum of 11 hours, in an effort to prepare for the implementation of the FAA 10-hour minimum rest.
Sit times continue to be excessive, they are a noticeable problem with allocations, we continue to voice concerns over all the wasted time built into sequences.
The number of ODAN starts per day are up slightly over last month; 6.9 starts per day vs 3.7 in March. We hope this number allows more people who enjoy ODANs to bid for them. We continue to monitor this number.
The number of turns are lower than we would like for Chicago, we continue to ask for more turns.
Trip Construction
PBS Preliminary Manning Plan
Please be kind to one another! Stay safe.
In Solidarity,
Susan Wroble
APFA ORD Base President
(630) 802-2268
[email protected]
Dray Howard
APFA ORD Base Vice President
(630) 215-8410
[email protected]
Justin Patterson
APFA ORD Base Council Representative
(509) 720-0067
[email protected]