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7.05.22 – APFA PHL Base Brief – August 2022 Staffing and Allocations

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

August 2022 PHL Staffing and Allocations

August is pretty much a carbon copy of July. Many base Presidents expressed frustration over the high line average and the reserve percentages. The company continues to blame absenteeism which includes all absences, not just sick. We pointed out that COVID is on the rise again, and we are seeing many Flight Attendants who have tested positive while on an IPD trip and followed the destination requirements. Most requirements include a minimum of 5 – 10 days quarantine and a negative test.

The July PBS bid run yielded a double minimum constraint of 70 hours, then a 78-hour minimum constraint later in the bid. I believe this is a direct result of the high line average. The line average currently for PHL will be 81.2, however, the company has offered vacation buyback for August, which should reduce the line average. The line average adjustment will be displayed on the PBS dashboard with the opening of PBS. I do have the same concerns about minimum constraints again for August. Please be mindful when bidding. If you use a standing bid, you may want to make some adjustments. If you bid low, you might consider backing up your bid in later layers. For questions or help with PBS bidding, please reach out to BCR John Pratt, our scheduling systems specialist. He can be reached at [email protected] or 302-396-9434.

As far as our allocations, there is not much difference over July. Our sit times appear to be slightly higher. There are no changes in the IPD flying. There is no wide-body domestic flying for August. Our ODAN’s decreased slightly- we have BOS, RDU, BDL, BUF PVD and PWM.

Please continue to refer to the destination requirement in Comply for the most updated information on COVID restrictions and/or requirements.

We do have a slight decrease in block hours for August. We will have 123,369, with PIT having 4,794. Widebody IPD is 47,944, narrowbody NIPD is 10,097, and narrowbody domestic is 65,598.

LRD is now open with a projection of 428 reserves.  This number should reduce slightly based on the speakers that may be pulled up to cover speaker requirements.

The system line average is projected at 82.4 hours, the reserve percentage systemwide is at 22.6%. There will no VLOA’s offered for August.

Below are the preliminary numbers for August:

Contract ACTION Team

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In Solidarity,

Kim Kaswinkel
APFA PHL Base President

[email protected]

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1004 West Euless Boulevard
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M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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Euless, Texas 76040

M-F: 9:00AM - 5:00PM (CT)
Phone: (817) 540-0108


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