4.07.23 – APFA DCA Base Brief – May 2023 Staffing and Allocations
Friday, April 7, 2023
May 2023 Staffing and Allocations
When PBS processing begins, if additional Line holders are needed, those with Reserve status will be changed to Line holder status in the following order:
1. Tentative Flight Attendants whose preference was Lineholder in the LRD process.
2. Reserve Flight Attendants who toggled to Pref LH in the LRD who were unable to hold Line holder status in LRD.
3. Most junior Reserve Flight Attendants involuntarily moved to line holder status after all the above have been utilized.
Important: If you are in one of these 3 categories above, you will want to bid 7 layers of Reserve and 7 layers of Lineholder in PBS.
DCA: 37,883 flying hours (+624 month over month)
IAD: 2,434 (-92)
BWI: 2,661 (+34)
42,978 Total flying hours (DCA, IAD, BWI,) (+566)
- May will not be a flex month, the contractual targeted credit range default.
will be 70-90 - No vacation buyback
- May Holidays and Events: Kentucky Derby first weekend of May, Mother’s Day weekend May 13 – 14, Memorial Day weekend May 27, 28, and 29 (Memorial Day)
- DCA May reserve seniority begins at system seniority. 24,279 OCC date of September 15, 2022.
- We will be receiving 40 new Hires that will be available through the month of May. These new hires are not included in the LRD process for May.
Allocation Notes for May:
- +624 block hours over April 2023
- 809 total sequences for DCA, IAD, BWI combined.
- ODAN flying decreased slightly with RONs in BOS, CHS, LGA, PVD, PWM, RDU
- LAX high time turns operating 31 days.
- PHX Pink Eye operating 30 days
- Charter/Honor flights -15 sequences
- 10 Speaker sequences
- 60 sequences with 3+ hour sit time.
- MAX aircraft 31 sequences
- NAS turns operating 2 days only.
Scheduled Duty Days:
- < 8 hours 46.2%
- 8-10 hours 29%
- 10-12 hours 22.6%
- >12 hours 2.2%
Scheduled Layover Rest:
- < 11 hours 0.1%
- 11-12 hours 3.4%
- 12-14 hours 28.2%
- 16-18 hours 19.3%
- >24 hours 8.8%
May 2023 Bidding Timelines
Initial Reserve Seniority – May 2023
Final Notes for the DCA Base:
April PBS results had minimum constraints of 70 and 78 hours at system seniority 1 and 15,018. April was the first month in many that the 2nd constraint of 78 hours started relatively junior. Though we don’t agree with any constraints, April showed signs of a better PBS solution. Please know your relative seniority and what you can hold when bidding a Target Credit Range (TCR). Here is the PBS Guide for bidding information.
Upcoming APFA Event:
- APFA Contract Action Team DCA Terminal Walk – May 22, 2023
On Tuesday, April 4th, we had another successful APFA Picketing Event. Our DCA Flight Attendants turned out to support our cause for a fair and equitable contract. We had Flight Attendants from Southwest Airlines and other airlines join to show their solidarity and walk our picket line as Union Sisters & Brothers.
International members from AFA-CWA joined us and led some chants to show their support. Ground Staff, Gate Agents, and Pilots also showed up to say hello. We even had a passenger ask to walk the line with us! Thank you all!
We marched for nearly 2 hours in a peaceful picketing event and offered those who participated APFA pins, Red APFA T-shirts, and lanyards. We also had goodie bags with water, kind bars, and Easter chocolates!
Again, thanks to our DCA contract Ambassador Dylan Shaw for organizing another GREAT picketing event!
APFA Contract ACTION Team Sign Up
In Solidarity,
John Pennel
APFA DCA Base President
[email protected]
Dianne Britton
APFA DCA Base Vice President
[email protected]
Lisa Barnes
APFA DCA Base Council Representative – Allocations
[email protected]