5.04.23 – APFA ORD Base Brief – Real Talk
Thursday, May 4, 2023
Firstly, we inadvertently left out that ATH will return in June. Thank you all who reached out to me this morning. Sorry for the stress, but I’m thrilled you are reading the base briefs!
Secondly, I want to explain line averages. APFA asks for more Flight Attendants to be made Lineholders every month. Moving Flight Attendants from Reserve to Lineholder will help to reduce the line average. We all believe that lower line averages and fewer Reserves will improve satisfaction in the PBS bid results and increase flexibility within the trading systems. I never want to see an overabundance of Reserves. Let’s face it, we all know or remember Reserve. But we also don’t want a high line average because trading and maneuvering our schedules is harder.
Thirdly, and this has nothing to do with scheduling. Let’s talk about DUES! Currently, Chicago has over 600 FAs in dues arrears owing over $200,000! I am making a pledge for all of us!! We are going to get out of debt Chicago. How do you know if you are in arrears? Need to pay your bill? Would you like to set up a payment plan? You must log into the APFA.org to see your balance. To log in, select ‘Log In‘ from the right corner:
Log in using your employee number and password (if you don’t remember your password or you have not yet set one, select ‘Forgot Password‘). We must have a valid personal email address on file (AA Email is not allowed) for your account to be active. If you do not have an email address on file or if the email address is incorrect, please email [email protected].
It is important to remain current on your dues. Did you know we can be terminated for failure to pay? JCBA Section 35 provides the language. And most important, if you are in dues arrears, you cannot vote in any elections, strike votes, or on the new contract. This means your voice is silenced. Let your voice be heard! We are in the critical phase of negotiations. Continue to read the Negotiations Updates. Pay your outstanding balance. Educate yourself. Every single vote counts. We must show a unified group to the company! We must stand together. I expect to see you at our O’Hare Terminal Walk on May 19th. More information to come.
In Solidarity,
Dray Howard
APFA ORD Base President
(630) 215-8410
[email protected]
Justin Patterson
APFA ORD Base Vice President
(509) 720-0067
[email protected]