4.08.24 – APFA BOS Base Brief – MBTA Blue Line Closures/Wonderland Feedback Form
Monday, April 8, 2024
MBTA Blue Line Closures
Boston APFA has been made aware of the following Blue Line closures that could impact your commute to work. During the closures, MBTA will have shuttle buses in place. For Flight Attendants who park at Wonderland, the Academy buses will continue to run on the existing schedule.
April 9-11: Shuttle Buses will replace service between Government Center and Orient Heights from 8 p.m. on April 9th through the end of service on April 11th.
April 17-19: Shuttle Buses will replace service between Maverick and Wonderland
April 20-28: Shuttle Buses will replace service between Airport and Wonderland from April 20-28
Click Here for details on which stops are affected during these closures.
Did you know you can receive text messages with service alerts about the MBTA? You can sign up for them by clicking here.
Wonderland Feedback Form
We have created a Wonderland Parking Report to collect data on any issues or feedback related to Wonderland Parking.
If you have already emailed APFA about a previous issue, there is no need to submit the form, as your emails have been accounted for. However, if you encounter any new issues, please fill out the form with as many details as possible. This will help us collect data about Wonderland Parking in one place and improve the situation.
Please share this link with your colleagues at the base and encourage them to report any issues they may experience. The link is available on the Boston Union News Facebook page and the @bos_apfaunity Instagram page to help spread the word.
Continue to wear your red WAR pin, red lanyard, and bag tags until we secure the contract we’ve earned.
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In Solidarity,
Kelli Powers Pronouns: she/her/hers
APFA BOS Base President
[email protected]
Devyn Gourley Pronouns: he/him/his
APFA BOS Base Vice President
[email protected]
Nicole Tennenbaum Pronouns: she/her/hers
BOS Base Council Representative
[email protected]