6.25.10 – (LAA) – Treasurer Election Results, Negotiations Update
Hello, this is Jeff Pharr, National Communications Coordinator, with the Weekly Hotline Update for Friday, June 25, 2010.
The National Ballot Committee, along with BallotPoint Election Services, certified the results of the APFA Treasurer election on June 24, 2010.
Steven Baumert received 1289 votes, Alexis Boilini received 972 votes, Rodney McGinn received 199 votes, Samuel Morales received 395 votes and Michael Parker received 1142 votes. The Official Results are available here.
Since no candidate received 50% plus 1 of the valid votes counted, there will be a Run-Off election between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. Therefore, Steven Baumert and Michael Parker will be in a Run-Off election.
Ballots will be mailed to all APFA members on Saturday, July 3, 2010 and are due with polls closing by 1000 CT on Monday, August 2, 2010.
While your Negotiating Team awaits a decision by the National Mediation Board over our request for release from talks and the start of a 30-day cooling-off period, it is not expected that further action will be taken until mid-August, at the earliest, when the NMB anticipates progress on the several TWU contracts at AA; either currently Tentatively Agreed upon or being reworked.
APFA fully intends to step up our pressure on the company during this time, especially since AA management has made clear their intent to continue negotiating directly with APFA members with their misleading negotiations updates.
Once again, the company is touting their proposals in the third edition of their F/A Negotiations News flier. This time they are trying a slightly more direct and costly approach by mailing it to your home. This edition may be new, but the message they continually fail to mention remains the same – MORE CONCESSIONS. Something that takes the company four pages of glossy color pages with graphics to try and explain, we sum up in one page. APFA’s flier (available by clicking here) outlines the company’s proposals and the bottom line – in 2015, you will still be left financially well below 2003.
One cannot help but notice that the Flight Attendant pictured on the cover of the company’s flier is, not only wearing a non-regulation, red bandit scarf, but is also absent a union pin on her lapel. Which actually makes sense – only a scab would consider, or end up, working under the company’s current proposals.
Should you receive their information in your mailbox, send it back, or deliver it to your manager, marked “My Negotiating Team Speaks for Me.”
The train-the-trainers program, reported to be taking place over at Flagship University (FU), most are referring to as the “Training Over There” – let’s call it TOT for short. TOT is being conducted not in the Eagle wing of FU where recurrent, leave of absence and international training are held, but in the Flagship and Mercury wings.
P.S. Your EPT, LOA and INTL instructors are NOT participating in TOT
If you haven’t already, please contact your Flight Service Manager (FSM) to ask if they are, or will be, taking part in the training of replacements, or replacing you should a strike be called. All members should go to the Flight Service Website, click on “JetMail my FSM”. Be cordial and ask your FSM if they plan to participate:
“Are you participating or do you plan to participate in training possible replacement flight attendants?”
“Will you fly and replace me if there is a strike?”
Please forward any confirmation you receive to [email protected]
Those managers volunteering or persuaded to train as potential replacement flight attendants will be contacted by APFA to make sure they are aware of all the ramifications of becoming a scab for the company.
In a detailed letter to their members, Allied Pilots Association (APA) President Lloyd Hill has communicated the full support of the pilots union for APFA in our campaign against the training of replacements. “Hopefully, the idea of an American Airlines ëfamilyí still counts for something”, says Hill. “Taking the job of a fellow employee who has made the extremely difficult decision to strike is not family friendly.” Hill goes on to state, “I question whether an entire crew compliment of í17-day wonderí replacement flight attendants would be properly prepared to respond under the pressure of an emergency situation – not a pretty picture.” The letter can be read in its entirety here.
APFA President Laura Glading responded by saying “We greatly appreciate this show of support and solidarity by our brothers and sisters at APA. As all frontline workers continue to fight to recoup what was promised when we bailed out American Airlines, and executives continue to reward themselves with multi-million dollar bonuses – now, more than ever, we must stand together.”
Meantime, all APFA members must continue to show full support of their Union and Team as we build upon the powerful message by our membership in support of a strike authorization.
Beginning Friday, July 9, 2010, MIA Flight Service will be on the sterile side of security.
On the evening of Thursday, July 8, 2010, the entire third floor Flight Attendant and Pilot operations areas will be closed and evacuated from 23:00-04:30 to accomplish a TSA and dog search. This includes crewmember sleep rooms and lounges. Commuters should make alternate arrangements.
All items not allowed beyond security must be removed from operations area prior to 23:00 on Thursday, July 8, 2010.
The search will also include lockers rented through Miami Wings. All lockers must be emptied and your lock taken with you. Any locker not emptied will have the lock cut and contents removed. Lockers should be available again on Friday, July 9, 2010 at 06:00.
Ballots for the MIA Vice Chairperson election will be mailed on Tuesday, June 29, 2010 with, ballots due and polls closing at 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 29, 2010.
Remember there are 1,358 members on furlough and awaiting recall.
—— The Wings Foundation is much more than can recycling, though that is an important source of the funds they distribute to members in need. If you are an active American Airlines Flight Attendant and your primary home has been destroyed, please contact WINGS Disaster Relief. Visit their website for fund raising activities, to find base representatives, forms for donation ($$$, PVDs, etc.), or applications for assistance. See how you can help at your base. Wings is formed and managed by AA Flight Attendants for AA Flight Attendants. Check out Wings and all our APFA supported organizations through these links:
Wings // Airline Ambassadors // UNICEF/Change for Good
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