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12.20.16 – (LAA/LUS) – BlueCross BlueShield Network Update for 2017

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

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BlueCross BlueShield Network Update for 2017
The current contract between BlueCross BlueShield (BCBS) and Texas Health Resources (THR) will expire on December 31, 2016. If an agreement is not reached by December 31, 2016, your healthcare provider may change in 2017. APFA has secured a list of doctors, facilities and hospitals with a THR affiliation who may be affected by this change. If your health care provider is not listed, we suggest contacting them to verify whether they are part of the network. 

THR Professional Providers

THR Professional Facility Providers

Below are a few key points to remember:

  • Unless the contract is extended or a new contract is reached, THR facilities will be out-of-network as of 1/1/17.
  • The possible BCBS network contract expiration with THR will also include Texas Health Physicians Group.
  • As of the time of publishing this hotline, THR had rejected BCBS’s final offer to extend their contract beyond the expiration date.
  • Communication was mailed on December 7, 2016 to those employees who had received care or had family members who received care from a THR provider over the previous 12 months.
  • Employees who are planning to undergo a surgery or procedure or who would like to know their options for in-network care can either go on the BCBS of TX website to locate in-network providers or can call 877-235-9258 to speak to a Benefits Value Advisor for assistance.
  • Employees who are concerned that their care could be disrupted due to a change in medical provider can call a Benefits Value Advisor to address their questions and get help in filing a continuity of care request form.
  • Only 608 APFA members have seen a THR provider in the last 12 months.

We are hopeful that the contract between BCBS and THR can be resolved by the end of the year. Updates will be provided as we receive them prior to December 31, 2016.

Gabby Harty
APFA National Health Chair
[email protected]


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