7.14.17 – Rescheduling language, RON Rest charts, Domestic Duty Limitations Chart, When Do I Go Illegal, WINGS Foundation Fundraiser
Friday, July 14, 2017
‘Tis The Season
Summer heat, humidity and wicked thunderstorms are upon us. Rescheduling language is found in JCBA Section 10.J, of the contract which is available on the tablet. The legality charts are also in the tablet as well as the RON Rest charts.
The Domestic Duty Limitations Chart in JCBA Section 11.E is followed during pairing construction so it is based on scheduled time. In actual operations or irregular operations, you can exceed the chart duty day time by 2 hours. The block hours listed on the chart is also for pairing generation. The block hours cannot exceed the chart at the time the pairing is built. If you are rescheduled, you cannot be rescheduled beyond the block hours on the chart. However, you can exceed those block hours in actual operations or irregular operations.
Refer to the Domestic Duty Limitations Chart to determine your max duty day.
- Add the max duty day time from the chart to your report time.
- Add two hours.
- This is now your max duty day (the time you would have to be at the gate and off duty.)
In order to determine what time your flight must depart before going illegal, you can reference the ‘When Do I Go Illegal?’ worksheet on the APFA website.
Philadelphia is very excited to host the WINGS FOUNDATION Lip Sync Fund Raiser on Wednesday, July 19th. Please come out and join us for this fun filled evening. If you are unable to attend, donations are still welcome. This is a wonderful organization that greatly helps our Flight Attendants in need. Visit wingsfoundation.com for more information.
Kim Kaswinkel
APFA PHL Base President
[email protected]